Welcome back to summer term 2! The sun is shining and we had a great week in school last week. There were trips and visits, production rehearsals and intervention sessions to support students with their exams.

It was good to see so many parents/ carers attending the Achieving Excellence Evening for Year 10 on Tuesday. Our evaluations suggested that you found it useful with a rating of 4.6/5 for the overall event. We will forward the documents to parents/ carers who could not make it in due course.

We were delighted and honoured to be part of the community D-Day celebrations on Thursday. In school, the History department led an assembly for Years 7-10 about D-Day. Some of our Year 7 students visited the Southern Royal Yacht Club to view the exhibition and other students took part in the procession and service in Hamble in the evening. We know that students found this really interesting and we were so pleased to hear such wonderful feedback about all our students – The organisers told us how ‘well mannered, polite and engaged’ our students were throughout the day.

Well done to the Sports Leaders and Mr Taylor for supporting Hamble Primary’s Sports Day this week – We have lots of transition events and work with the local primary schools coming up over the next 6 weeks.

Well done to Year 11 who continue to work very hard on their exam preparation and have been fantastic in the exams. The Invigilators have reported back that students are ‘hard working, focussed and behaviour has been impeccable’. We are also very impressed by attendance at the Maths Revision session today – Your hard work will pay off and you deserve to do really well.

The highlight of next week will undoubtedly be the performances of Grease and we hope to see you all there!

Next week is WEEK 1


Events w/b 10 June

w/b 10 June – Year 11 GSCE/ BTEC Exams Continue

Monday 10 June – AM GCSE Maths, PM GCSE Spanish (Written)

Tuesday 11 June – AM GCSE Science (Chemistry), PM GCSE History. Year 6 Induction Evening

Wednesday 12 June – Year 10 Exams begin. PM GCSE Polish. Grease Production Performance at 7pm.

Thursday 13 June – Grease Production Performance at 7pm.

Friday 14 June – AM GCSE Geography, PM GCSE Science (Physics).


Future Dates

Tuesday 18 June – Year 9 PSHCRE Day.

Thursday 20 June – Parent Forum at 6pm. Sign up will be emailed soon, but please ‘save the date’.

Monday 1 July – INSED Day. The school is closed to students.



You can find all letters sent home over the week here – https://www.thehambleschool.co.uk/letters-to-parents/

The canteen menus can be found here: https://www.thehambleschool.co.uk/food-and-drink/

Please check your child’s Attendance regularly on Class Charts


Question of the Week

Please select your answer in the form below, all fields marked * are required and to help prevent SPAM this form is protected by Google reCaptcha v3.

10-Weekly Message Question
Do you feel the school has high aspirations?

This Week at the Dinner Table

Supporting learning at home is vitally important to your child’s view of education and achievement. Here are some questions you can discuss with your child:

  1. When do they feel it is the best time to complete their homework? Which place in the house do they feel they can concentrate most effectively?
  2. What are they learning about (in different subjects)?
  3. Have they spoken to their teacher about…? (If you child raises that they are not grasping a certain concept)
  4. I see on Class Charts you have… (go through the homework) – Do you need any help with it? Can I have a look at what you have done?
  5. I see on Class Charts you had an excellent lesson in… – Tell me more about this.

A reminder that all our curriculum information can be found here: https://www.thehambleschool.co.uk/curriculum-overview/


Theme of the Week – Anti Bullying Ambassadors

This week our assemblies will be delivered by our newly appointed Anti-Bullying Ambassadors. They will provide feedback from our recent Student Survey and the difference between bullying and conflict.

In our recent Student Survey 95% of students said that the school encourages them to respect other people’s backgrounds and treat others equally.

It is important that everyone understands the difference between bullying and conflict:

Bullying is negative behaviour directed by someone exerting power or control over another person for a period of time.

Conflict is a disagreement or argument in which both sides express their views.

The Anti-Bullying Ambassadors will remind students who they can talk to if they need support and how to develop positive relationships with their peers.

Where Can I Get Support?

Parents/ carers can find useful information available here: https://www.nspcc.org.uk/keeping-children-safe/support-for-parents/dealing-with-bullying/

Empathy Day took place on 6 June and we will also be focussing this week on why empathy is important.

Empathy is a power which allows us to connect with others and understand how they are feeling. It helps us to motivate us to help others. Most importantly empathy is important for children’s wellbeing. Children with good empathy skills will feel more settled at school and have healthier relationships. We will be talking to students about the importance of empathy and encourage you to do the same at home. This year there is a focus on reading to increase emotional vocabulary, improve listening skills, take on board the perspective of others and be inspired to put empathy into action.


Year 11 Update

Friday 14 June is the last day that students are required to attend school all day. After Friday they only have to attend for exams, Top Ups/ Warm Ups. Attendance at these revision sessions has been excellent since the exams started and students have reported that they have found the Top Ups/ Warm Ups very useful – Please do ensure that your child comes in for them next week.

On Wednesday students will complete an Exit Survey during tutor time and be given their Leavers Forms. They will only be granted Study Leave from Friday onwards, if the Leavers Forms are completed, therefore it is vital that they are in school to receive these on Wednesday.

If you or your son/daughter have any further questions about the GCSE exams/ revision, please email  svalleley@thehambleschool.co.uk

If you feel your child needs more wellbeing/ mental health support, please get in touch with their tutor or Mrs Barkshire lbarkshire@thehambleschool.co.uk


Year 10 Update

Year 10 exams start on Wednesday. At the Achieving Excellence Evening we went through revision techniques and strategies to support with preparation for the exams. In addition, there is a revision list and Metacognition Booklet here: https://www.thehambleschool.co.uk/revision/

An electronic copy of the exam timetable was emailed home, but it can be found here: https://www.thehambleschool.co.uk/examination-information/

A reminder that revision guides are available to purchase in many subjects directly from school and these can be viewed on Scopay. For Maths the following are recommended:

Higher Revision Guide (£3.99): Suitable for 10a/Mm1, 10b/Mm1 and 10a/Mm2

Ready?Set?Go! (£5.50): Suitable for 10a/Mm3, 10a/Mm4, 10b/Mm2, 10b/Mm3 and 10b/Mm4

A number of students and parents/ carers have been asking about college open events. We have updated our careers page here https://www.thehambleschool.co.uk/careers/ with further information on these events.


Parent/ Carer Voice

We are very keen to invite parents/ carers into school so that you can see what happens on a normal school day and view some lessons. We are therefore opening the school to current parents/ carers on the dates below. Please do sign up. There will also be an opportunity to ask questions and meet key staff.


Barton Peveril

Barton Peveril have asked us to distribute the following information to current Year 9 students as well as Year 10:

We are excited to announce our upcoming Open Events for Year 10 and Year 11 students, taking place on Wednesday 25 September 2024, and Thursday 26 September 2024. This is a fantastic opportunity for students and parents/guardians to:

Tour our campus: Experience the environment where they might spend their post-16 years.
Explore various subjects: Get insights into the subjects offered and their potential pathways.
Interact with current students and teachers: Ask questions, gain first-hand insights, and receive guidance.

To stay updated and be the first to book tickets once they are available, please register your interest via this form.
Important Note: Registering your interest through this form does not secure a place at the Autumn event. You will still need to book a place once the events become bookable.


English Update – Year 8

Your son/ daughter will be starting to study some set texts in September.  These texts are: ‘Romeo and Juliet’ by William Shakespeare, ‘A Christmas Carol’ by Charles Dickens and ‘An Inspector Calls’ by J.B Priestley.  I would like to strongly encourage you to purchase these texts in order to support your child with their studies.

Students have found it hugely beneficial to have access to their own copies of the novel and plays, which they have been able to annotate with appropriate notes to aid revision and understanding.

We have selected editions of the texts that are appropriate and are able to supply them for a reduced cost compared to online prices and those in bookshops.

Please could you pay for these via SCOPAY by midday, Monday 24 June, midday.  Once payment has been received the books will be ordered.  No orders will be accepted after the deadline.  If you require a link code to your child’s SCOPAY account please email, finance@thehambleschool.co.uk

If you have any questions, or are not able to purchase these books because of financial difficulty please contact me directly on general@thehambleschool.co.uk

Thank you for your continued support.


Celebrating Achievements

A reminder that we celebrate achievements every Friday with our award recognition system and Proud Friday.

Find out more here: https://www.thehambleschool.co.uk/rewards-recognition/

The students listed below achieved the most reward points this week – Well done to you!

  • Year 7 – Isaac C 7-8
  • Year 8 – William W 8-8
  • Year 9 – Ruby N 9-6
  • Year 10 – Max B 10-1
  • Year 11 – Alex R 11-3


You can say ‘thank you’ to a member of staff here: https://www.thehambleschool.co.uk/staff-recognition/ they really do enjoy receiving these each week.



If you or you child would like support with wellbeing, please check out the links of our website: https://www.thehambleschool.co.uk/student-wellbeing-support/

We have recently added information about a number of free parent/ carer courses or events to this section of our website.