This week has been full of events. On Monday we had an INSED Day where staff joined together to focus on Reading and Curriculum Development – We have been planning for next academic year and making sure that all our schemes of learning are really challenging and engaging.

On Tuesday and Wednesday we were delighted to be joined by our new Year 7 cohort – They spent two days in school meeting key staff, making new friends and trying different lessons. We are continuing with our transition programme this week with further Academic Transition visits where our teachers will be teaching in the feeder primary schools, enhanced SEND lunches and Miss Cambridge and Mr Andrews will be in the playground to meet Parents/ Carers in the morning at Bursledon Junior School on Tuesday and Netley Abbey Junior School on Wednesday.

On Thursday we hosted a Coffee Morning for Year 6 Parents/ Carers to support with primary to secondary transition anxiety. We were very grateful to our onsite NHS Mental Health Hub Team who provided resources and talked to the Parents/ Carers who came along.

On Thursday when the Polling Stations opened around the country for the General Election, we opened our own Polling Station onsite for students to engage in Parallel Elections. Democracy is a very important part of British Values and we spent time educating students on the voting process. They also read the manifestos of the political parties and we used resources from the Association of Citizenship Teaching.

One of the highlights of the week was undoubtedly the Year 11 Prom. We had a wonderful evening at the Hilton Utilita celebrating the Class of 2024. The theme was ‘glitz, glamour and the Oscars’ and the evening did not disappoint. The students and staff celebrated, danced and made memories. Thanks to Mrs Barkshire (Progress Leader) and the Prom Squad Team for arranging such a brilliant event. Well done to the Class of 2024 – You have been amazing. We will see you on Thursday 22 August for Results Day.

Next week is WEEK 1


Events w/b 8 July

Monday 8 July

Rewards Trips start. If your child is taking part in one of these trips, please refer to your letter for which day they are attending

Year 10 English Language GCSE Speaking – Throughout the week

Year 10 Geography Rivers Fieldtrip (Group 1)

Year 10 French and Spanish Exams – Listening and Reading. Year 10 Geography and Drama Catch-Up Exams

Year 6 SEND Lunches – Selected students.

Tuesday 9 July

Year 10 Geography Rivers Fieldtrip (Group 2)

Senior Leadership Team visit to Bursledon Junior School

Year 10 – Geography and Drama Catch-Up Exams

Year 4 and 5 School Tours.

Wednesday 10 July

Year 10 Itchen College Trip

Headteacher visit to Netley Abbey Junior School

Year 4 and 5 Tours.

Thursday 11 July

Sports Day

Year 6 SEND Lunches – Selected students.

Friday 12 July

Engage Students Trip.


Future Dates

Tuesday 16 July – Parent Forum.

Tuesday 23 July – Last day of this academic year. The students will finish for the summer holidays at 1pm.

Tuesday 3 September – First day of 2024-25 for all students. Please ensure your child is in school by 8:30am.

Curriculum Evenings – Please put these in your diary. All evenings will start at 5:30pm in the main hall:

  • Year 7 – Monday 9 September
  • Year 8 – Monday 23 September
  • Year 9 – Monday 16 September
  • Year 10 – Tuesday 17 September
  • Year 11 – Tuesday 10 September



You can find all letters sent home over the week here –

The canteen menus can be found here:

Please check your child’s Attendance regularly on Class Charts


Question of the Week

Please select your answer in the form below, all fields marked * are required and to help prevent SPAM this form is protected by Google reCaptcha v3.

14-Weekly Message Question
Does your child know how to stay safe around water?


This Week at the Dinner Table

This week we are focussing on Water Safety. Here are some questions to ask your son/ daughter:

  1. Does your child know what the dangers of water are?
  2. Does your child know what signs are likely to be seen near the water?
  3. Does your child know that they shouldn’t swim without an adult?
  4. Does your child know what to do if they did fall in the water?
  5. Does your child know what numbers to call in an emergency?


Theme of the Week – Water Safety

This week we will be delivering assemblies on safety. In personal Development time students will specifically look at Water Safety.

With the school summer holidays now nearly upon us, many families will be making the most of the hot weather and spending time in the garden with a paddling pool or heading off to the beach, river or park to cool off.

Whilst it’s important to enjoy the warm weather, water safety should be a priority, particularly in the summer months. Drowning is the third most common cause of accidental death in children (NWSF, WAID 2018). The National Water Safety Forum recently published its 2022 National Drowning Fatality Report, which showed that almost half of the 226 accidental fatalities in the UK last year occurred during the summer months of June, July and August.

Drowning is preventable and children from an early age should be taught the Water Safety Code and be aware of the dangers they may encounter around water – not just at home from paddling pools and ponds but also when outside the home in swimming pools, rivers and the sea.

The Water Safety Code

  • Stop & Think – Look for the dangers. Always read the signs and understand what they mean.
  • Stay Together – Never go near water on your own. Always have an adult with you.
  • Float – If you fall in, float or swim on your back and stay calm. Throw something that floats to someone who has fallen in.
  • Call 999 or 112 (in an emergency always call 999 or 112 – Coastguards).



Parallel Election

Last week, students from The Hamble School had an opportunity to vote in our school parallel election, on the same day as the General Election. Students lined up outside the polling station (the Drama studio!), had their ‘ID’ checked (gave their tutor group and name to check it matched our records), filled in their ballot paper (in secret) at one of the voting booths and then deposited their ballot into the ballot box. The votes were then counted by our dedicated team, with the results as below:

In total, 385 students ‘turned out’ for the election. There were 723 students in school on Thursday (no Year 11, students out on trips etc). This gave a ‘turnout’ percentage of 53.25%. There were 48 spoiled ballots. This was 12.4% of the ballots cast. There 240 male students who voted compared to 145 female students equating to 62% of the voters being male.

The process supported the students demonstrating their British Values of Democracy and Individual Liberty. On Friday morning, when the General election results were revealed, the students also got the results of our parallel election in tutor time and were given stimulus questions and time to discuss with other members of the tutor group. This was a very important part of the education process.

Thank you to the following students for all their support in running our own parallel election polling station:

Emily B

Sophie J

Annabelle L B

Douglas M

Evie M

Ruby N

Esme S

Ben W


Year 6 Primary to Secondary School Transition

Last week we had two very successful Transition Induction Days for the Year 6 students coming up to us in September. The students arrived on Tuesday 2 July feeling nervous but excited. They spent the two days getting to know The Hamble School, building relationships with the pastoral team and teachers and making lasting friendships. The Year 6s left us with more confidence and excitement about starting with us in September. Over the next 2 weeks as part of our enhanced transition, selected students will be coming to The Hamble School to get to know our Inclusion Team, take part in fun activities and also have lunch with us. A member of the Senior Leadership Team will also be visiting the feeder primary schools to answer any final questions from parents/ students as they make their way into school in the morning. We will also continue our Academic Transition with our teachers teaching in the primary schools until the end of term.


Uniform for 2024-25

At this time of year Parents/ Carers start to think about purchasing new uniform for September. Please do have a good look at our uniform policy and shoe information here: If your child wears a skirt, please note that this must be knee-length as stated in the policy. Please note that from September 2024 if your child wishes to wear shorts for PE these must be navy blue or black, thigh length, loose fitting and plain (a small logo is permitted but no detailing). Tight fitting shorts will no longer be permitted.

Skoolkit have stated that all orders must be purchased by Friday 9 August to guarantee delivery for September. Free delivery is available for any order purchased online between Saturday 20 July and Saturday 27 July, using the code: SUMMER2024


Whole School Sports Day 2024

The 2024 Whole School Sports Day at The Hamble School will be on 11 July 2024. Students will be signing up, during tutor times next week, to take part in sports events. All students are expected to take part in at least one event during Sports Day and try their best whilst competing for their House.

Students must to come to school in their full PE kit on this day. A reminder that the PE kit is outlined on our website:

As a reminder shorts should be mid-thigh length.

Please ensure that students are prepared with a sun hat, sun tan lotion and plenty of water.

The school day will start and end at normal times with students attending tutor time, as normal. Students in Year 8, 9 and 10 will have individual 1-hour slots competing in team events, across the course of the morning. In the afternoon the whole school will come together competing in athletics style events. Students in Year 7 will have their team events during Period 5 on Wednesday 10 July. On this day, students do not need to come to school in their PE kit, but must bring it with them and change at lunch-time before being dismissed at the normal time.

Unfortunately, we are unable to accommodate spectators during the day.



Geography Year 10 Rivers Trip

If your son/ daughter is on the Year 10 GCSE Geography Rivers Fieldtrip in the next two days, please ensure they are prepared. They will need a packed lunch, drink and snacks. Students will be wading in rivers so they need old clothes (and a spare change of clothes), wet weather jacket (and trousers if they have them), welly boots or old trainer/ walking boots and a hat/ suntan lotion if it is warm. If you have a clipboard this would also be good to bring along and they definitely need pencils/ pens.


Year 8 and 9 Preferences

Preferences have been emailed to the Parents/ Carers of students in Year 8 and 9 today. If you have not received this information, please check your ‘junk’ and then email if you have any questions.


Careers and Work Experience

On Wednesday 10 July some students in Year 10 will be attending a taster day at Itchen College. Further information on college open events can be found here:

On Tuesday 16 July all students in Year 10 will be given their log ins for the work experience system. Staff from EBP will be present to help offer students advice and support. Students who wish to find their own placements will also be given the forms they need to complete in this session.






Over the next two weeks we have a number of different events and activities happening to celebrate the success of our students from this academic year. Over 400 students will be taking part in trips offsite and 550 students will be taking part in our Film events. We also have our end of term celebration assemblies and Whole School Prize Giving at St Mary’s Stadium. We are really looking forward to celebrating your successes with you all.


Design Competition

As a school we have been given the opportunity to take part in a competition by ePropusion who are based in Hamble. They are looking for people to design a custom vinyl wrap for their new elite electric outboard motor. All the details of the competition can be found on their website and there are a range of prizes to be won! Please bring your design to Mrs Turner in B3 on Monday 22 July at lunchtime.


Celebrating Achievements

A reminder that we celebrate achievements every Friday with our award recognition system and Proud Friday.

Find out more here:

Last week we sent out letters to our Diamond Award Winners about our trips in July – Please do sign up if you have received an invite.

The students listed below achieved the most reward points this week – Well done to you!

  • Year 7 – Freddie W 7-6
  • Year 8 – William W 8-8
  • Year 9 – William F-L 9-2
  • Year 10 – Leon L 10-5


You can say ‘thank you’ to a member of staff here: they really do enjoy receiving these each week.


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