We are four weeks into the school year and we have spent time reviewing how our Year 7s and new staff have settled into life at The Hamble School. We welcomed teachers from Bursledon Junior School and Hamble Primary on Wednesday and Thursday – They toured lessons and had lunch with their ex-students. It was wonderful to see lots of smiley faces and hear children talking to their old teachers about how well they have settled into school life. Unfortunately, Netley Abbey Junior School had to cancel due to staff shortages at Netley – We will arrange another date soon. On Wednesday 18 October we have also invited teachers from the non-feeder primary schools, so we will let Year 7s know which ones are available to attend nearer the time.

On Friday Miss Cambridge hosted Hot Chocolate with the Headteacher – The students were selected by Mrs Clarkson (Progress Leader) due to their hard work in lessons. Miss Cambridge and Mrs Valleley talked to students about what they enjoy at the school and how we could make the transition even better. It was wonderful to hear how these students are already involved in lots of clubs and enjoying lessons. We also took away some suggestions to implement for September 2024 transition.

On Wednesday morning our new staff met for breakfast with Governors and the Senior Leadership Team. It was great to hear that they are enjoying life at The Hamble School. Many of the support and teaching staff have worked in other schools before joining us. We were particularly pleased to hear their comments on how they feel students are well-behaved and engaged in learning at The Hamble School.

On Friday we had a visit from Hampshire County Council Advisory and Improvement Service – They were very happy with the work we are doing to move the school forward and the changes implemented since the last Ofsted.

What a busy and productive week!

Next week we welcome prospective Year 7 students who are looking to join us in September 2024. A reminder that you can sign up to these here: https://forms.office.com/e/Px1zqDmteb

Nationally recruitment in schools remains difficult and we heard from our training providers that the number of people applying to join the profession in September 2023 was on average 55% lower than in September 2022. We are very keen to get the best staff for our students. On Friday 6 October we are hosting a recruitment event – Anyone interested in working at the school (support staff or teaching) is welcome to come along to meet the Senior Leadership Team and tour the school. We would also appreciate it if you could share this opportunity with friends/ family: https://forms.office.com/e/mjxf7saD7z

If anyone is unable to attend, Miss Cambridge is happy to run separate tours at any time – Please email headteacher@thehambleschool.co.uk to arrange this.

Next week is WEEK 2.


Events w/b 2 October

All week – Year 10 Review Assessment Week. Students are expected to revise using the resources provided by teachers on Class Charts.

Tuesday 3 October – Open Morning for prospective Year 7 students, Parent Forum (see below), 8A1 LifeLab Trip (see previous letter).

Wednesday 4 October – Year 11 Itchen College Assembly, Year 11 Blood Brothers Trip (see previous letter), 8A2 LifeLab Trip (see previous letter).

Thursday 5 October – Year 11 PSHCRE Day (see below), Open Morning for prospective Year 7 students, Year 7 Meet the Tutor evening (see previous letter), 8A3 LifeLab Trip (see previous letter).

Friday 6 October – Staff Recruitment Event, Year 11 English Literature Assessment, 8B1 LifeLab Trip (see previous letter).


Future dates

w/b 9 October – Year 7 CAT Testing

Tuesday 17 October – Year 11 Raising Achievement Evening for students and parents/ carers

Friday 20 October – INSED Day (the school will be closed to students)


Letters sent this week

All letters can be found here: https://www.thehambleschool.co.uk/letters-to-parents/

All – ArtsMark

Year 7 – CAT Testing

Year 8 – LifeLab

Other – Feel Me The Paperbirds, Blood brothers


Theme of the Week – Black History Month

This week students in Years 7-10 will engage in a Reading Week focussed on Black History Month. They will find out what Black History Month is all about and watch this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qammk6oaUZU

Students will then read as a tutor group and focus on a book called ‘Black and British – A short essential history’ by David Olusoga

You can watch this short video here where David talks about the book and what he wants people to learn through reading it. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=68zpVlABu-g


Year 11 PSHCRE Day

On Thursday 5 October, all of Year 11 will be off timetable for a PSHCRE day focusing on Exam Preparation and Wellbeing.  Students will begin the day with an inspiring talk from Adventurer Charlie Walker (for a preview take a look at his amazing story here: Charlie Walker – Home (cwexplore.com)).  Students will then take part in four more group sessions including a lesson on revision techniques with Solent University Network; a relationships and sexual health session with our RSE Consultants from Enrich RSE; a money management session with HSBC and finally a fitness session – either yoga, football or a gym session.  Students should come to school in their Hamble School PE kit – please note that students in incorrect kit will not be able to take part in the day.  For more information on the day please contact Ms Bridges, PSHCRE Co-ordinator: general@thehambleschool.co.uk


Safety Focus

This week in the tutor personal development programme, all year groups will be looking at Bike and Road safety. This will look at the importance of safety equipment, following good road safety rules and the potential consequences that might happen if these are not followed. Please do talk to your children about this at home too.


Traffic and Parking

We are keen to work with the local community and always ensure that we are respectful to our neighbours. May we ask that when you are picking up your children you ensure that residents living on Broadway are able to enter and leave their properties at all times.


Parent Forum

Mrs Valleley will be hosting the first Parent Forum meeting of the academic year. We will discuss the priorities for the year and set the topics for Parent Forums each month. We do not discuss individual students/ staff at meetings, however, we would ask that if you have any concerns or suggestions you come along and work with the school. There will be two opportunities to sign up – Tuesday 3 October at 12:30pm in the Conference Room or 6:30pm in the Skills Centre.

Please complete the form here https://forms.office.com/e/370iauEgR1 if you wish to attend.


A message from Computing and Business Studies

In Computing and Business Studies, we are starting to use Microsoft Teams to set, mark and feedback on homework.

The process which should happen is that students can click on a link on Class Charts which will take them directly to their homework “assignment” on Teams. They will then be able to complete this on Teams, submit it electronically and will receive a notification when their work has been checked and returned by their teacher. Where students are asked to sign in, they should do this using their school email address, which is in the format of schoolusername@thehambleschool.co.uk and their school password, which is the same password they use to access computers when on the school site. There are lots of benefits to the system, primarily that students are able to access the various Microsoft Office applications (Word, PowerPoint, Excel etc) without needing to own the software as it uses the school licencing to activate this for them at home. It also keeps all work together as a long-term revision aid, and prevents the lost pieces of paper and other similar issues!However, like any systems there are likely to be some teething issues whilst we all get used to it. Some students have been asked to download the free Teams app, and whilst this does make the process a little smoother, it shouldn’t be necessary, as there should be an option to “Use Web App” or similar, which will open in a browser such as Google Chrome or Microsoft Edge.

Please do use the messenger function to contact teachers if you do have issues and we will do our best to help. Screenshots can be useful to us working out what has gone wrong where issues do occur.


Extra-Curricular Focus – Debating Club

This year Mr Spencer is running debate club in D6 on Monday lunch times for Years 9, 10 and 11. We have looked at lots of different topics including:

– Should we have homework in school?

– Should teachers be able to use physical punishment?

– Should students be allowed to vote?

– Should students be forced to exercise?

The feedback so far has been really positive: Student – ‘Debate club has helped me build my confidence in front of people and help understand how to argue and win!’ Student – ‘We talk about all sorts of things and helps me realise what is going on and more aware of the real world. I see so many different views now!’

Please come along and get involved.


Swimming Update

A massive well done to Matilda D, Bella H, Joe T, Rory M (Year 8) and Patrick H and Matthew W (Year 7), who participated in the September Sizzler Swim Meet on Sunday the 24 September. Between them they won a staggering 23 Medals, almost half of these were gold. They consistently prove that dedication, practice, determination and team spirit really does pay off.

Great results, well done to all of you!


Year 7 news from the Maths Department

Please find below the first weekly Pixl Times Table App Feedback report.

This is the Class League (Number of questions answered this week):

7CMM1 – 8370

7AMM1 – 4322

7BMM1 – 3249

7AMM2 – 2594

7CMM2 – 2503

7BMM2 – 2049

7CMM3 – 1946

7BMM3 – 797

7AMM3 – 635

Top 3 students this week:

1st Place – NILOHOVD, 7CMM1

2nd Place – LEONARDB, 7AMM2

3rd Place – GLASSPOOLJ, 7CMM3

School placing Nationally:

3rd place with an average 191.7 Questions per user.

Overall Headline:

Schoolwide 26465 Times Tables questions answered.

Congratulations to all those who have taken part!



The following students have achieved the most reward points this week:

Year 7 – Emmanuella O 7-5

Year 8 – Kate K 8-7

Year 9 – Rhiannon B 9-9

Year 10 – May H 10-3

Year 11 – Maisie W-S 11-5


Celebration Friday!

The following students were awarded certificates and points for showing us their fantastic work at Proud Friday:

Year 7

Patrick H

Isaac C

Henri R

Freddie W

Luke E

Joshua McG

Duncan E

Bohdan B


Year 8           

James J

Maisy M


Year 9           

Rhiannon B

Eliza G

Ella B

Ashton H

Breda-Mai G

Evie M

Ruby N

Annabelle LeB

Mason M


Year 10         

Erin G

Sophie F

Luca V

Bobbie D

Charlotte E

Elizabeth B

Owen J

Maxwell J

Marty McC

Aiden H


Year 11         

Sam W

Ewan A

Georgia B

Coady H

Marnie G

Liam F

If you would like to nominate a member of staff for a ‘thank you’, please click here: https://www.thehambleschool.co.uk/staff-recognition/



If you or you child would like support with wellbeing, please check out the links of our website: https://www.thehambleschool.co.uk/student-wellbeing-support/ You can report a safeguarding concern here: https://www.thehambleschool.co.uk/report-concerns/