It has been an exciting and memorable week. We have started our Academic Transition with the local feeder schools and our teachers have really enjoyed visiting the Year 6 students to deliver lessons. So far, we have been to Netley Abbey Junior School and Hamble Primary School for Maths, Art, Technology, History and RE. We look forward to visiting Bursledon Junior School next week. We also welcomed Year 6 students and their parents/ carers into school on Monday for our ‘non-feeder drop in’ and enjoyed meeting families for a ‘one to one’ Consultation Evening online. The feedback on our Transition Programme has so far been very positive and it is lovely to hear that the new cohort are so excited about their transition to secondary school.

Yesterday we said ‘well done’ and ‘congratulations’ to our Year 11 students in their Leavers Assembly. This was a real celebration of all their hard work over the last five years, but particularly their dedication and commitment during Year 11. We handed out Subject and Tutor Awards, shared photos, relived memories and celebrated with a surprise film from the staff. The students also nominated teachers for awards and we said ‘thank you’ to their tutors and Mrs Barkshire (Progress Leader for Year 11) and Mr Bailey (Assistant Progress Leader for Year 11). This is not ‘good bye’ as we absolutely believe that all our Year 11s are part of the school community and we look forward to hearing about their successes in the future. We also have some fabulous events coming up – Prom, Results Day and Presentation Evening in December.

As you are aware we advertised some opportunities to ‘see the school in action’ this week and we enjoyed welcoming Parents/ Carers into school to visit lessons and get a sense of life during the school day. Thank you for coming in and providing such positive feedback.

Finally, ‘well done’ to Year 10 who continue with their exams. Some of our students visited Barton Peveril yesterday and enjoyed an experience of college. Many students have been to the Open Evenings are are starting to think about further education. More information on careers can be found here: 

Next week is WEEK 2


Events w/b 1 July

Monday 1 July – INSED Day. The school is closed to students.

Tuesday 2 July – Year 6 Induction Day.

Year 10 GCSE English Speaking Exams begin. AM – Year 10 Religious Education Exam, Year 10 History Exam.

Wednesday 3 July – Year 6 Induction Day.

Year 10 GCSE Spanish Speaking Exams.

Thursday 4 July – Whole School General Election.

Year 10 GCSE Spanish Speaking Exams. Year 10 Performing Arts Residential.

Friday 5 July – Year 10 Performing Arts Residential.


Future Dates

Tuesday 23 July – Last day of school for the 2023-24 academic year. The school will close to students at 1pm.



You can find all letters sent home over the week here –

The canteen menus can be found here:

Please check your child’s Attendance regularly on Class Charts


Question of the Week

Please select your answer in the form below, all fields marked * are required and to help prevent SPAM this form is protected by Google reCaptcha v3.

13-Weekly Message Question
Does your child know how to keep themselves safe online?


This Week at the Dinner Table

This week we are focussing on Online Safety – Here are some questions to ask your son/ daughter:

  • What would you do if someone you didn’t know contacted you over social media?
  • How do you choose a good password?
  • What do you need to look for in a message that might make it a scam email/text message?
  • How can you report a phishing scam message?
  • What services have you signed up to that use a username/ password (e.g. social media / Tik Tok / email) and do you use a different password for each?


Further information can be found here:


Theme of the Week – Online Safety

This week the school Cyber Ambassadors, a selection of 20 devoted Year 7-10 students, will be running assemblies for all year groups. The assemblies will cover:

  • Cyber security (how to keep your account safe, password complexity, password managers and 2 factor authentication)
  • Phishing attacks and scams (how to spot fake emails and texts)
  • How to report concerns.

The UK Safer Internet Guide website is a great resource that provides tips, advice, guides and resources to help keep your child safe online. As a Parent/ Carer you play a key role in helping your child to stay safe online. You don’t need to be an expert on the internet to do this there are lots of resources and support out there. One really simple tip is to get your child to turn off their phone and leave it downstairs when they go to bed.

Here is a link to some guides on the most popular social media apps:


The Hamble School – General Election

Next week, alongside the General Election, we are running a parallel election to support students with demonstrating the British Values of democracy and individual liberty. At breaktime and lunchtime on Thursday 4 July, students will have an opportunity to vote for a party that they feel represents their views and values. Last week the students looked at key aspects (such as the economy, education and defence) of the manifestos from each party so they can make an informed decision about their vote. Once the votes are in, they will be counted by some of our student leadership team before the results will be released on Friday 5 July, alongside the country’s result!


Year 6 Induction Days

On Tuesday 2 and Wednesday 3 July our Class of 2029 (current Year 6 students) will be attending The Hamble School for two full days of Transition activities. They will spend time in tutor, building relationships and making friendships. There will be activities to support with the transition up to Secondary School and an opportunity to experience a handful of ‘taster lessons’ to get students excited about starting their 5-year journey with us. We look forward to meeting all the Year 6 students on Tuesday.


Sports News

A huge ‘well done’ and ‘thank you’ to Rhiannon B, Ethan E, Oliver F, Sophie J, Kris K, Isaac M, CJ O, Esme S, Annabelle S, Liam T and Maddison T who have supported with the Sports Days at local primary schools. You have work really hard to help the younger students and are fantastic role models.

Congratulations to Liam T, Amelia F, Izaak M, Isaac M & Sophie J who represented The Hamble School at District Athletics recently. You are an inspiration to all, well done!

This week the PE Department organised a House Table Tennis competition – This was really popular and there were a large number of students taking part. In the Year 9 final Wembley were the winners and Wimbledon were the runners up. In the Year 7 final Lords won and Wimbledon were the runners up. Congratulations to everyone who took part – The matches were very close and the standard was high.



MFL News

This week in MFL lessons, students have taken a break from their usual learning to learn some key vocabulary for a very important special event in Europe – UEFA Euro 2024! Students have revisited the names of the countries in the groups in French and Spanish, revised their numbers by testing their footballing general knowledge and even designed their own dream football kits! It has been a fun way to practise some key language in French and Spanish.



Whole School Sports Day 2024

The 2024 Whole School Sports Day at The Hamble School will be on 11 July 2024. Students will be signing up, during tutor times next week, to take part in sports events. All students are expected to take part in at least one event during Sports Day and try their best whilst competing for their House.

Students must to come to school in their full PE kit on this day. A reminder that the PE kit is outlined on our website:

As a reminder shorts should be mid-thigh length.

Please ensure that students are prepared with a sun hat, sun tan lotion and plenty of water.

The school day will start and end at normal times with students attending tutor time, as normal. Students in Year 8, 9 and 10 will have individual 1-hour slots competing in team events, across the course of the morning. In the afternoon the whole school will come together competing in athletics style events. Students in Year 7 will have their team events during Period 5 on Wednesday 10 July. On this day, students do not need to come to school in their PE kit, but must bring it with them and change at lunch-time before being dismissed at the normal time.

Unfortunately, we are unable to accommodate spectators during the day.


The arrival of Nellie!

This is ‘Nelson’ or Nellie as she is affectionately called. She is a huge metal fish that is transported around the local area to raise awareness of the sheer volume of disposable plastic bottles we use. She has been kindly loaned to us by the Final Straw Foundation and is a whopping 6 metres long, made entirely from scrap metal – wheel arches, old boat trailers, the frames from old warehouse trolleys and old chicken wire.

Nellie will arrive at The Hamble School on Monday 1 July. The idea is simple – students need to fill Nellie up with their used plastic bottles, illustrating just how many of these disposable items we use and the huge volume of waste we create.

It is important that we look after Nellie. Here are some really simple rules that we all need to follow:

  1. We do not climb on Nellie
  2. We do not climb in Nellie
  3. We only feed Nellie plastic – she is not a bin for all your litter!

In the UK alone it is estimated that we use up to 13 BILLION single-use plastic bottles every year, and only just over half of these are recycled. We see so many plastic bottles discarded on roadsides, in towns and in the countryside. They are everywhere, making their way into our precious ecosystems and endangering wildlife, as well as looking unsightly.

Only around 9% of the plastic ever produced has been recycled and 12% has been incinerated. The vast majority—79%—is accumulating in landfills or sloughing off in the natural environment as litter. Meaning that at some point, much of it ends up in the oceans, the final sink.




Student Leadership Roles and Responsibilities

Next week the interviews for our Students Leadership Team are taking place. Good luck to all those shortlisted.


Train Times

Following the change of train times from Hamble to Bursledon/ Swanwick and the lack of information/ consultation from South Western Railways, we have raised a complaint with their Customer Service Centre. They have assured us that our concerns will be taken into consideration. Can we also ask that Parents/ Carers raise a complaint, if this has an impact on your child, using the following email address:


Year 8 and 9 Preferences

Preferences have been emailed to the Parents/ Carers of students in Year 8 and 9 today. If you have not received this information, please check your ‘junk’ and then email


Year 7 Marwell Trip

A reminder that the Year 7 Marwell Trip is taking place on Thursday 18 July – If you would like your child to attend, please complete the Evolve form and make a contribution on Scopay.


Celebrating Achievements

A reminder that we celebrate achievements every Friday with our award recognition system and Proud Friday.

Find out more here:

Last week we sent out letters to our Diamond Award Winners about our trips in July – Please do sign up if you have received an invite.

The students listed below achieved the most reward points this week – Well done to you!

  • Year 7 – Julia T 7-8
  • Year 8 – Bella McG 8-6
  • Year 9 – Julian K 9-1
  • Year 10 – Eleanor N 10-8

You can say ‘thank you’ to a member of staff here: they really do enjoy receiving these each week.

Where Can I Get Support?