We hope you are enjoying the long weekend and have managed to get outside for some air in between the rain showers. A reminder that that on Tuesday 02 May the school will only be open to Year 11, Year 10 BTEC PE students, Year 8 and students who have an EHCP or who are ‘vulnerable’ that home booked a place in school. Students in Year 7, 9 and 10 will have work set online and we look forward to seeing them back in their classrooms on Wednesday 03 May at 08:30am.

We enjoyed another brilliant ‘Celebration Friday’ this week – 53 Bronze Awards, 135 Silver Awards and 18 Gold Awards. This is the most Silver and Gold that we have awarded in one week. Well done to all the recipients. We also had a number of staff nominated for Staff Recognition Postcards – Please do complete a nomination form, if you can https://www.thehambleschool.co.uk/staff-recognition/ Our teaching and support staff always go ‘above and beyond’ and work long hours. Your positive comments mean so much to them.

Well done to Year 7 who completed their first set of formal exams last week – These are really important so that they get experience of what it is like to sit in the hall and follow exam conditions. Our Year 8 students will complete their exams from Tuesday 02 May – Please do go through the equipment and behaviour expectations at home (see below).

Year 11 are now 7 working days away from the start of their first written GCSEs. Many students have already completed MFL speaking exams and practical Art/ Photography exams are coming up. We know Year 11 are working really hard to prepare and in just over 7 weeks they can have a well-deserved, long summer break! Mrs Valleley has sent out the final revision plan – If you are a Year 11 parent/ carer, please do go through this with your son/ daughter.

Next week is Week 2.


Events w/b 02 May

w/b 02 May – Year 8 Formal Exams

w/b 02 May – Year 11 MFL Speaking Exams (continue)

02 May – NEU Industrial Action – School only open to Year 11, Year 10 BTEC PE students, Year 8 and students with EHCPs/ vulnerable who have requested a place (see letter emailed)

02 May – Year 11 Power to Perform online workshop 6pm – A final chance to get hints and tips on surviving the exams period and how students can prepare themselves just before the exams. Sign up here to get an online link: https://forms.office.com/e/izPSPtLmSd

03 May – Parent Forum (10am and 6pm). Please sign up here, if you are able to attend: https://forms.office.com/e/322UqpH2Ph

04 & 05 May – Final GCSE Art Exam

Year 11 Intervention in on Thursday only this week. There will be not intervention on Tuesday due to Industrial Action by the NEU.

Future Dates

08 May – Bank Holiday – School closed

w/b 09 May – Year 9 Exams

23 May – Year 10 Raising Achievement Evening 6pm – Join the T&L Team to learn about effective revision. Sign up here: https://forms.office.com/e/PZpshq1Fq9


Letters/ Emails sent last week

Year 11 – Class of 2023 Hoodie, Top Up and Warm Up Revision Programme

Year 10 – BTEC Sport, Drama Trip (selected students).

Our letters are available here: https://www.thehambleschool.co.uk/letters-to-parents/


Theme of the Week: Appropriate use of language and actions

This week the Heads of Year will take the assemblies. Students will focus on the following questions:

-Year 7: How do the word I use have meaning?

-Year 8: When is ‘banter’ not banter?

-Year 9: How can I be an ‘upstander’, not a bystander?

-Year 10: How can I be an ‘upstander’, not a bystander?

-Year 11: Will continue with their revision programme.


Year 8 Exams

For next week’s exam Year 8 students will need:

  • Black Biros
  • B pencil
  • Rubber
  • Ruler
  • Pencil Sharpener
  • Scientific Calculator (lid removed)
  • Maths equipment: Protractor, Compass,
  • Highlighter
  • All equipment should be stored in a clear, transparent pencil case.

They must follow the rules outlined below:

  • Bagdrop is the container – enter via one end (gate end), place bag on shelves (alphabetical by surname) and exit other end of container.
  • Line up in the Quadrant in seating plan order (tutors already have this and should be discussing this).
  • Equipment check – basic equipment for every exam.
  • Silence to be observed at all times –in exam conditions from the moment they leave the exam line up and enter the exam room until they leave the exam room again.
  • Water bottles should be transparent and free of any writing / symbols – we need to be able to see straight through it. Orange juice for example is not allowed as we cannot see through the liquid.
  • Pencil cases should be a clear pencil case
  • Uniform to be correct.


Impact of social media on our children and family life

This video was published by the Financial Times and highlights the impact of social media on children and families. It is well worth watching:


Please do have conversations with your child about their social media. If you would like any support, you can email staysafe@thehambleschool.co.uk


Kooth – Online mental wellbeing community

We know that exam periods can be particularly stressful for students. If your child would like further support at school, please do email staysafe@thehambleschool.co.uk or use our online form https://www.thehambleschool.co.uk/report-concerns/

There are many external support agencies available too. Kooth https://www.kooth.com is a free online counselling and emotional wellbeing platform providing young people aged 11-25 years (up to 26th birthday) in Hampshire, Southampton and Isle of Wight with a safe and secure means of accessing anonymous support, with no referral.  Kooth provides online chat sessions with qualified counsellors, articles and tips. Young people can sign up online at kooth.com, independently or with the support of their teacher, tutor or parent/ carer.

Students can access 24/7 mental health support by text from SHOUT by texting HANTS to 85258


Year 9 Student Leadership Opportunity – Transition Prefects

In Year 9 assembly this week Mr Andrews (Assistant Headteacher) will be launching a Student Leadership opportunity. Prefects are role models for the school and the Transition Prefects will work with current Year 6 students, to ensure they make a smooth transition from primary to secondary school.

If you are interested in this role you should like working with and talking to younger students, and be able to build good working relationships with staff. You should want to make a lasting impact at school and be involved in decision making. If you are a student with an excellent record of behaviour, attendance, punctuality and uniform then you are a suitable candidate. However, please do not be put off from applying, if you are someone who has had problems previously in school but have worked through these.


  • Be expected to be a role model to younger students
  • To model our expectations on uniform, behaviour, attendance and punctuality
  • To be attached to a designated tutor group for transition day and to remain attached to this group during their first term at the school.
  • To assist in the organisation of transition day
  • To be prepared to give up some of your own free time to attend training and meetings
  • Transition prefects are expected to take an active role at break and lunch times to ensure pupils are feel safe and happy at break and lunch times.

Mr Andrews will explain more next week, but if you wish to complete an application form and be considered for this role, please complete the form here: https://tinyurl.com/THSTransitionPrefect2023  by Friday 12 May.

For more information, please speak to Mr Andrews or Mrs Valleley.


Job Vacancies

We are currently looking to expand some of our support staff teams and are recruiting for the following positions:

-Exams Invigilators (flexible working)

-Cover Supervisors

-Student Support and Guidance Officer

-Science Technicians

We also have some teaching roles available for September, including some leadership positions:




We currently advertise our jobs on the school website, Hantsweb, Twitter and Facebook, however, we would really appreciate your help if you could share these with any family/ friend who might be interested, or if you could post on any platforms/ community pages you use. The vacancies page is available here: https://www.thehambleschool.co.uk/current-vacancies/


Proud Friday

Congratulations to the following students who visited ‘Proud Friday’ this week. Their work was fantastic and all were awarded positive points:

Teegan W – Yr 11

Grace Reilly – Yr 11

Charlie M – Yr 9

Mason M – Yr 8

Bradley F – Yr 11

Isabelle C – Yr 9

Maxwell Johnson – Yr 9

Poppy F – Yr 10

Liliana F – Yr 11

Jackson G – Yr 11

Finley S – Yr 11

Lena L-E – Yr 11

William F-L – Yr 8

If you have any concerns about your child’s wellbeing or would like to report a safeguarding issue, please email staysafe@thehambleschool.co.uk

To say ‘thank you’ to a member of staff, please complete our Staff Recognition form here: https://www.thehambleschool.co.uk/staff-recognition/