At the end of last week, we wrote to parents/ carers about our new Rewards and Recognition system which has been developed in co-ordination with the Student Leadership Team and School Council. We are very excited to launch this in tutor time on Monday and we would urge you to watch the video available here:

Our new behaviour system also started last week and it has been good to hear positive feedback from student voice:

‘My lessons seem a lot calmer and quieter’

‘Students in my class know that if they get a -1 they need to behave because they don’t want a detention. It means I can learn better’

We have also received some emails from parents/ carers:

‘I am happy to see that my son is getting so much recognition from teachers for his efforts this week’

‘My daughter has never received so many positives and her behaviour seems much better because she does not want a detention’.

Miss Cambridge and Mrs Valleley have also met with parents/ carers individually to explain the new system and we look forward to sharing our other plans with you at the next Parent Forum on Tuesday 28 March (10am-11am or 6pm-7pm).


Next week is Week 1.


Events w/b 27 February

w/b 27 February – Year 11 Mock Exams begin.

28 February – Dance Live.

02 March – NEU Industrial Action. School closed to Years 8, 9 and 10.


Year 11 Intervention will not take place during the Mock Exam period.


Future Dates

06 March – Year 10 Review Assessments.

07 March – Year 9 Online Preferences Event.

09 March – Hamble World Book Day. Year 8 Parents’ Evening.

20 March – INSED Day.


Letters/ Emails sent last week

Whole School – NEU Industrial Action, Rewards and Recognition System

Year 8 – Parents’ Evening

Year 9 – Preferences

Year 11 – New Mock Exam timetable.

Our letters are available here:


Theme of the Week: Rewards and Recognition

This week we will be focusing on our new Rewards and Recognition System. Students will listen to a virtual assembly during tutor tomorrow. We will discuss the positive behaviours learners should demonstrate both inside and outside of the classroom. For more information, please read the new webpage here: and listen to the video.

In Personal Development, students will be focusing on the ‘Gender Equality’. Students will discuss the following topics:

  • Year 7 – Why did JK Rowling write under a male pseudonym?
  • Year 8 – What gender stereotypes exist? How have these evolved?
  • Year 9 – What are the damaging effects of sexism?
  • Year 10 – What’s the problem with crash test dummies? (based on males)



Year 11

Year 11 Mock Exams start on Monday 27 February. Students must attend in full school uniform and bring all their equipment in a clear pencil case. Tutors/ teachers will take them to the exam line up area which required. When students are not in exams they will be in normal lessons.

During the next two weeks their will be no after school intervention, however, we do expect them to revise at home using the resources shared by their class teachers.


Year 10 – Duke of Edinburgh Award

For those students who have signed up to the Duke of Edinburgh Award, please see below for a reminder of the training sessions and expeditions:

Date Time Training / Expedition Location
Saturday 11 March 1000 – 1600 Expedition Training Day 1 School – SC16
Saturday 22 April 1000 – 1600 Expedition Training Day 2 School – SC16
Saturday 13 May 0900 – 1600 Training Walk (Bere Forest, Wickham) Start and finish at Bere Forest. Parents to drop off and pick up from Bere Forest.
Friday 07 July and Saturday 08 July Friday 0900 – Saturday 1600 Assessed Expedition 1 (Ferny Crofts, New Forest) Start from School and finish TBC. Parents to pick up from New Forest.
Friday 14 July and Saturday 15 July Friday 09:00 – Saturday 1600 Assessed Expedition 2 ((Ferny Crofts, New Forest) Start from School and finish TBC. Parents to pick up from New Forest.

Ms Hoey is sending students messages regarding Duke of Edinburgh via messenger on Class Charts – Please do check.


Year 9

Further to the letter sent to you on 08 February 2023, please find the link to the preference web site here This includes all of the information you and your child will need to complete the preference process. Please spend a significant amount of time going through this with your son/ daughter. As a reminder, they will receive their preferences form to complete on 01 March 2023.

Along with the explanation video and subject videos, there is also a frequently asked questions sheet. If, however, you feel you still have a question you would like to ask, please sign up here for an online event on 07 March 2023, where Mrs Morgan and Mrs Turner will be available to answer your questions. To sign up to this event please complete the Microsoft form found here:


Proud Friday

Congratulations to the following students who visited ‘Proud Friday’ this week. Their work was fantastic and all were awarded positive points:

Max C – Yr 11

Lucas M – Yr 11

Mason M – Yr 8

India B – Yr 8

Poppy F – Yr 10

Thomas D – Yr 10

Lexie E – Yr 10

Molly S – Yr 10

Isla M – Yr 10

Blake M – Yr 11

Sofia D – Yr 10

Finley S – Yr 11

Alex F – Yr 11

Mia H – Yr 11

Grace R – Yr 11

Teegan W – Yr 11

Cassidy M – Yr 11

Lauren M – Yr 11

Ruby S – Yr 9

Charlie M – Yr 9

Sophie F – Yr 9

Jackson G – Yr 11

Noemie J – Yr 9

If you have any concerns about your child’s wellbeing or would like to report a safeguarding issue, please email

To say ‘thank you’ to a member of staff, please complete our Staff Recognition form here: