It was lovely to see so many prospective Year 5 and 6 children (and their parents/ carers) looking round the school at Open Evening on Thursday. A big ‘thank you’ to all the students who helped in departments and the Prefects who provided such brilliant tours of the school. The feedback was fantastic – Some prospective parents/ carers even emailed or called the school to say how impressed they were with the students. Well done to everyone and we appreciate your support.

Next week is Week 1.


Events w/b 26 September

w/b 26 September – Year 11 Review Assessments begin

Tuesday 27 September – Year 11 Intervention begins afterschool (every Tuesday/ Thursday)

Thursday 29 September – Year 7, 9 and 11 individual photographs

Friday 30 September – Year 10 Splendid Drama Workshop

Friday 30 September – Year 9 School Council Meeting.


Future dates:

Thursday 06 October – Year 7 Meet the Tutor evening.


Letters/ Emails sent this week

Year 7 & 8 – KS3 Healthy Eating Contribution

Years 7-10 – After school tutoring

All years – Hampshire Police conducting firearms training.

Our letters are available here:

The Headteacher’s Blog is available here:


Theme of the Week: Black History Month

This week the ‘Theme of the Week’ is Black History Month. 01 October marks the start of Black History Month and this year the focus is ‘Sharing Journeys‘. This will explore the lives and stories of the people who came to Britain in the 19th and 20th centuries and helped laid the foundations of today’s diverse Black British Community.


Careers Update

Students in Year 11 are currently beginning their Post-16 application process. For many this will be to College and for some an apprenticeship or Traineeship. At The Hamble School, we provide comprehensive support for students ensuring a smooth and successful transition. Some highlights include:

  • We are currently asking every Year 11 student to complete a survey sent to them on Class Charts which provides us with information about their current thoughts about their post-16 choices. We will use this to tailor the correct support.
  • Lots of Year 11 students will have already had an appointment with a Hampshire Careers advisor. If your child would like to be prioritised for an appointment, send an email to
  • Every Tuesday at our Student Hub in the Skills Centre, students can speak to a Careers Advisor about next steps.
  • In the Summer term, we had assemblies for all local Colleges. Some of the Colleges will return in the Autumn term. We will also have ASK apprenticeships deliver an assembly.
  • The Hamble School Careers webpage ( provides comprehensive support – For example, you can find promotional materials from post-16 providers and help and guidance with applications, CV writing and interview techniques.
  • In PSHRE lessons in the Autumn Term 2, students will be focusing on employment rights and laws.
  • Over the coming months, local Colleges will run the open events. Dates of these are below:


College Open Events:

College Website Dates of Open Events Booking/Details link
Barton Peveril 05 & 06 October 2022

City College


11 October 2022


15 October 2022 10am – 12pm


Eastleigh 27 September 2022 4.30pm-7.30pm


12 October 2022 4.30pm-7.30pm


10 November 2022 4.30pm-7.30pm
Fareham 5 October 2022 5pm-7pm


15 November 2022 5pm-7pm


Peter Symonds 19 October 2022



20 October 2022



Richard Taunton 28 September 2022

Sparsholt  08 October 2022 10am-2pm


12 November 10am-2pm


Proud Friday

Well done to the following students, who shared amazing work with us this Friday and gained a certificate/ email home:

Year 8

Mason M

Alisha May A

Ashton H


Review Assessments

Year 11 will complete Review Assessments this week. The results will help us generate a predicted grade for your child. It is important that they are ‘actively’ revising and organising themselves to ensure that their have time to study on top of their normal homework. Most subjects will provide a revision list or content list on Class Charts to help students prepare for these assessments. If you have any questions, please contact the relevant Head of Department.


Football Results

A message from Mr Holland – ‘I just wanted to say congratulations to the girls for their first league game of the season last night. We went to Bitterne Park and won 6-0! The goals coming from Phoebe N x3, Matilda D x2 and Neve T. A great start to life in Division One after being promoted from Division Two last season. Leoni B is the new captain for the team too- a role that I think she should flourish in’.

The girls involved in the game were:

Year 7- Kate K, Remy W-H, Jessica W and Matilda D

Year 8s- Leoni B, Annabelle Le B, Eloise M, Phoebe N, Emma R, Neve T.



The following students achieved the most reward points this week:

Martha M 11-3

Leo T 10-2

Alfie R 9-8

Cassidy B 8-3

Bradley K-H 7-4


If you have any concerns about your child’s wellbeing or would like to report a safeguarding issue, please email