Well done to the Year 10 students who have been completing their end of year exams this week – The invigilators have reported that the students have been working hard and concentrating in their exams.

Thank you to the Parents/ Carers who attended Parent Forum on Thursday. Mrs Valleley (Deputy Headteacher) provided feedback from our recent Hampshire County Council visit focussed on Teaching and Learning, which was very successful. Mr Andrews (Assistant Headteacher) provided an overview of the PSHCRE (Personal, Social, Health, Careers, Religious Education) curriculum and the Personal Development programme. At the end of the session, we emailed Parents/ Carers an evaluation and they rated the sessions 5/5 for ‘usefulness’ – One Parent commented ‘I find all the sessions very interesting. It’s good that they are varied as it keeps you up-to-date with what’s happening at the school’, another Parent stated ‘All of the information sent home by the school is always helpful’. Our final session of the academic year will be on Monday 15 July (at 10am and 6pm in person) – We would urge all Parents/ Carers to come along.

Last week we had a number of events taking place in school – Mrs Willmott organised the Year 9 PSHCRE Day and Miss Mawson hosted a Rainbow Picnic to celebrate Pride Month; it was good to see so many students attending. Our Primary to Secondary School Transition programme has been very busy this week with Headteacher Assemblies in the feeder primary schools, enhanced transition meetings for SEND students, sports sessions and visits to non-feeder schools. Next week there are further sessions for our new students with a non-feeder drop in and Consultation Appointments.

Next week is WEEK 1


Events w/b 24 June

Monday 24 June – Year 7 PSHCRE Session. AM Year 10 Maths Exam, Year 10 Chemistry Exam. PM Year 6 Non-feeder Transition Event.

Tuesday 25 June – AM Year 10 PE and Design Technology Exam. Year 10 History Exam. PM Year 10 RE Exam. AM Parent/ Carer Tours (see below).

Wednesday 26 June – AM Year 10 Food Preparation and Nutrition, Year 10 NCFE Engineering. PM Year 10 History Exam. AM Parent/ Carer Tours (see below).

Thursday 27 June – Year 10 Barton Peveril College Taster Day.

Friday 21 June – AM Year 10 French and Spanish, Year 10 Geography. PM Year 10 Drama. D of E Year 10 Expedition.


Future Dates

Monday 1 July – INSED Day – The school is closed to students.



You can find all letters sent home over the week here – https://www.thehambleschool.co.uk/letters-to-parents/

The canteen menus can be found here: https://www.thehambleschool.co.uk/food-and-drink/

Please check your child’s Attendance regularly on Class Charts


Question of the Week

Please select your answer in the form below, all fields marked * are required and to help prevent SPAM this form is protected by Google reCaptcha v3.

12-Weekly Message Question
Have you attended one of our parent events this year? For example curriculum evenings, Achieving Excellence Evenings, Parent Forum etc.


This Week at the Dinner Table

This week we are continuing to focus on politics, democracy and the election. Here are some questions to help you talk to your child about this topic:

  1. What is a general election and why is it important?
  2. Do you know who can vote and how people vote?
  3. Do you know who is standing for election in the area and what they stand for?
  4. Do you know what Members of Parliament do?
  5. Do you know what happens after a general election?



Theme of the Week – Democracy

In assemblies this week the Progress Leaders will talk about issues relevant to their year groups. In tutor time the discussions will continue to be focused on the General Election. Students will be looking at the manifestos of the Conservatives, Labour, Liberal Democrats, Reform UK and Green Party. They will then get to make their own decisions on who to vote for in our parallel election on Thursday 4 July – Our results will be announced on Friday 5 July.

A useful summary for children can be found here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WuBHczMHyWI



We will be monitoring predicted temperatures this week and will send out additional communications if blazers are not required for later in the week. A reminder that students can wear shorts available from Skoolkit – https://www.skoolkit.co.uk/school-uniform/41/view/8042


Parent/ Carer Tours

It is important to us that Parent/ Carers get the opportunity to share their ideas and feedback. We are commitment to developing a positive partnership between Parents/ Carers and the school. We have two dates for your diary below and we hope to see lots of Parents/ Carers at the tours.

Please sign up here: https://forms.office.com/e/uTmKpkSDYX


Year 7 PSHCRE Session

On Monday 24 June Year 7 will be completing a session with Shannon Reddin entitled “Know Your Bits” – This is part of the PSHCRE curriculum. Further information about Shannon can be found here: https://enrich-rse.co.uk/what-we-do/


Year 10 to 11 Student Leadership Team

A reminder that if you are in Year 10 and would like to apply for any Student Leadership positions such as Head Students or Prefects, application statements must be sent to Mr James (Year 10 Progress Leader) either on paper or electronically on Class Charts/ email by Friday 28 June 2014.


Follow our Art Department on Instagram

Follow our Art Department – they showcase the work of our talented students on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thehambleschoolart/?igsh=bGN1eDJtc2s0bjg1


Sports Day

A reminder that our Sports Day is on Thursday 11 July – Students will need suntan lotion, a plain coloured hat, plenty of water and PE Kit which is listed below:

  • Navy blue or black shorts (thigh length plain with a small logo but no detailing)
  • Navy polo shirt with house colour banding (with school logo available from Skoolkit)
  • Trainers
  • Navy blue or black tracksuit bottoms or leggings (plain with a small logo but no detailing)
  • Navy blue football socks / black or white sports socks (white socks will be required when students are in Dynamo Gymnastics).

Elite Sports Programme


Year 7 Marwell Trip

A reminder that the Year 7 Marwell Trip is taking place on Thursday 18 July – If you would like your child to attend, please complete the Evolve form and make a contribution on Scopay.


Student Wellbeing

A reminder that our Student Wellbeing pages are regularly update with useful resources and free information. There is a free Health and Wellbeing P.A.C.E event on Friday 19 July 2024 advertised on the webpage and below:

Student Wellbeing Resources

Celebrating Achievements

A reminder that we celebrate achievements every Friday with our award recognition system and Proud Friday.

Find out more here: https://www.thehambleschool.co.uk/rewards-recognition/

Last week we sent out letters to our Diamond Award Winners about our trips in July – Please do sign up if you have received an invite.

The students listed below achieved the most reward points this week – Well done to you!

  • Year 7 – Jack T 7-8
  • Year 8 – Daniel W 8-5
  • Year 9 – Kristian G-R 9-3
  • Year 10 – Alfie R 10-8


You can say ‘thank you’ to a member of staff here: https://www.thehambleschool.co.uk/staff-recognition/ they really do enjoy receiving these each week.