Well done to our students for getting straight back into learning this week. The Summer Term is always full of activities and this week has started with lots going on – Year 8 PSHCRE Day, Year 10 Parents’ Evening, Year 11 Football and Duke of Edinburgh training at the weekend.

Year 11 worked really hard over Easter coming in for extra intervention and they have come back focused for the last fortnight before written exams begin on 15 May. Some students completed MFL speaking exams last week and really tried their best. We will be writing to parents/ carers next week with final information about the exams and all the exciting plans we have for the Class of 2023.

We love hearing about individual achievements outside of school and this week we are excited to share some brilliant news with you. Congratulations to Poppy F, Isla M and Lexi E in Year 10 who were scouted from Netley Royals FC and went to Brentford to have a trial for the England Women’s Talent Programme.

Congratulations to Ryley C in Year 8 invited by the England Ice Hockey Association to partake in a 3-day event where they showcase their talent to the England Coaching Team.

Year 7 start their formal exams this week. Please can we ask that you check they have all their normal equipment with them every day, as it is really important they bring this for the exams. It is also important to reassure students that it is nothing to worry about – They just need to try their best.

Next week is Week 1.

Events w/b 24 April

w/b 24 April – Year 7 Formal Exams

w/b 24 April – Year 11 MFL Speaking Exams (continue)

26 April – UKMT Junior Maths Challenge

27 April – NEU Industrial Action – School only open to Year 11, Year 9 and students with EHCPs/ vulnerable who has requested a place (see letter emailed).

Year 11 Intervention in on Tuesday only this week. There will be not intervention on Thursday due to Industrial Action by the NEU.


Future Dates

01 May – Bank Holiday – School closed

w/b 02 May – Year 8 Exams

02 May – Industrial Action by the NEU – School is open to Year 11, Year 8 and students with EHCPS/ vulnerable who have requested a place (see letter emailed)

02 May – Year 11 Power to Perform online workshop 6pm – A final chance to get hints and tips on surviving the exams period and how students can prepare themselves just before the exams. Sign up here to get an online link: https://forms.office.com/e/izPSPtLmSd

03 May – Parent Forum 10am-11am or 6pm-7pm. Sign up here: https://forms.office.com/e/322UqpH2Ph

23 May – Year 10 Raising Achievement Evening 6pm – Join the T&L Team to learn about effective revision. Sign up here: https://forms.office.com/e/PZpshq1Fq9


Letters/ Emails sent last week

Whole School – NEU Strike Action

Year 10 – Parents’/ Carers’ Evening

Year 9 – Data Collection, Exams

Year 8 – Data Collection, Exams

Year 7 – Data Collection, Exams

Our letters are available here: https://www.thehambleschool.co.uk/letters-to-parents/


Theme of the Week: British Values

Mr Andrews (Assistant Headteacher) will be delivering an assembly specifically focused on British Values. We will also be launching the Student Leadership position of Transition Prefect for current Year 9 students.

During tutor time we have a Reading Week, so all year groups (except Year 11) will reading a short story from a book called ‘If Papa Hadn’t Danced’ by Patricia McCormick. The story explores the ideas of democracy and individual liberty.


Extra Curricular – Summer Term

Our new Extra Curricular timetable is available for the Summer Term here: https://www.thehambleschool.co.uk/extra-curricular-activities/ We would encourage all our students to try something new and get involved.


RE Department

On Monday the RE Department has a visit from a Street Pastor. He will be in the department all day but will specifically talk to Year 10 and 11 classes about what he does, why he does it and how his religion influences him. Thank you for Mr Spencer for arranging this external speaker.


Proud Friday

Congratulations to the following students who visited ‘Proud Friday’ this week. Their work was fantastic and all were awarded positive points:

Isla C – Yr 7

Lillie McE – Yr 7

Mason M – Yr 8

Maxwell J – Yr 9

Max C – Yr 11

Buster S – Yr 7

Ruby S – Yr 9

Jack H – Yr 11

Keeley L – Yr 11

Courtney Diaper – Yr 11

Teegan W – Yr 11

Emilie C – Yr 7

Megan H – Yr 10

Alana P – Yr 7

Freya W – Yr 7

Kayden P – Yr 11

Oliver R – Yr 11

Finley S – Yr 11

Tommy H – Yr 11

Jackson G – Yr 11

TJ Duff – Yr 11

If you have any concerns about your child’s wellbeing or would like to report a safeguarding issue, please email staysafe@thehambleschool.co.uk

To say ‘thank you’ to a member of staff, please complete our Staff Recognition form here: https://www.thehambleschool.co.uk/staff-recognition/