Happy Half Term to all our students and staff. We would like to congratulate students on an excellent half term – Thank you for demonstrating our values of ‘We Care, We Aim High, We Learn and Achieve Together’. A big ‘thank you’ to all our staff for their hard work, dedication and commitment. We hope you have a lovely restful break.

This week has been ‘action packed’. On Tuesday Barton Peveril visited us to talk to Year 11 about college. When then welcomed parents/ carers and students for Raising Achievement Evening – It was great to see so many students focussing on revision for their mocks and exam success.

We have continued our Open Mornings for Year 6s – Thank you to all the Year 10 Prefects who have done an amazing job showing visitors the around the school. We received some wonderful feedback about how informative the students were and how calm and purposeful learning was in lessons. We invited all our non-feeder schools to visits Year 7 students and were delighted to welcome staff from St Patrick’s this week.

The Creative Arts Team have continued to inspire this week. The Drama Club took part in a workshop organised by The Point, Eastleigh and the Art Department welcomed visiting artist Georgina Lock. Both workshops were a great success. Year 9 and 10 students produced some amazing work and Georgina stated ‘Thank you for having me as your visiting Artist yesterday, I’m not just saying this when I say the class were totally brilliant – both in the work they produced as well as their attitude, response and engagement. You’ve some talented students there!’

We celebrated student achievements in the Reward Assemblies this week. The following students have gained the most reward points this half term:

  • Year 7 – Emmanuella O 7-5, Aimee P 7-1, Edward A 7-5
  • Year 8 – Bella J 8-4, Matilda D 8-7, Eva P 8-9
  • Year 9 – Jon B 9-2, Oliver F 9-2, Perran G 9-2
  • Year 10 – May H 10-3, Eloise S 10-5, Phoebe D 10-4
  • Year 11 – Georgina B 11-5, Sam W 11-2, Tamara D 11-3

This week Patrick (Year 7) and Natasha (Year 11 were awarded Headteacher Commendations.

Well done to you all!

On Thursday Progress 8 data was released by the Department for Education. We are delighted that our data shows improved outcomes compared to last year and we have outperformed many other schools in the area.

Students return after half term on Monday 30 October and it will be WEEK 1.


Events w/b 30 October

Tuesday 31 October – Year 10 Geography Fieldtrip (see letter)

Wednesday 1 November – Year 11 Mock Exams begin with MFL speaking exams. Itchen College ‘drop in’ at The Student Hub – All students welcome. Year 10 Geography Fieldtrip (see letter)

Thursday 2 November – Year 10 Geography Fieldtrip (see letter). Year 11 ‘Cause for Concern’ Parents Evening (selected students).

Friday 3 November – Year 11 Mock Exams – Written exams begin with Maths. Year 9-11 BBC GCSE Bitesize Roadshow.


Future dates

Tuesday 7 November – Parent Coffee Morning. No Year 11 Intervention due to Mock Exams.

Thursday 9 November – Collaborative Music Concert. No Year 11 intervention due to Mock Exams.


Letters sent this week

All letters can be found here: https://www.thehambleschool.co.uk/letters-to-parents/

All – Headteacher Update

Year 11 – Science, PPE Letter and Timetable, Prom, Art Enrichment

Year 12 – Presentation Evening

The canteen menus can be found here: https://www.thehambleschool.co.uk/food-and-drink/

Please check your child’s Attendance regularly on Class Charts


Theme of the Week – Diversity

During the week after half term students will be focussing on the topic of ‘diversity’. In the Personal Development session of tutor time, they will be exploring the following questions:

  • Year 7 – Who am I and why am I different?
  • Year 8 – Embracing differences – How are we all different?
  • Year 9 – What are the benefits of diversity?
  • Year 10 – How do we develop tolerance and respect in a diverse society?

The Progress Leaders will be presenting on topics which are relevant to the year groups in assemblies.


Parent/ Carer Support – Parent Coffee Morning

This year we will be launching our parent/carers Coffee Morning. These will occur once a half term.

There will be a different focus for each Coffee Morning. Some example sessions will be:

  • Supporting your child with learning
  • Supporting your child with anxiety
  • Healthy Eating
  • Managing Sleep
  • Managing Behaviour

Coffee mornings are a great way for Parent/Carers to connect with each other, share experiences, learn new skills/tools and relax. We will provide free tea, coffee and biscuits. On some mornings free resources, leaflets or activities will be distributed. These sessions will be run by our Child and Family Support worker, Mrs Toner. We will often invite visiting guest speakers to support such as The Saints Foundation and Solent Mind. We will also have a parent library where you can loan support books on a range of subjects.

The first coffee morning is Tuesday 7 November, 9.30am – 10.30am. The first session will be themed ‘Supporting your child’s emotional wellbeing’

Click here to sign up: https://forms.office.com/e/Jqjb7ZD3ta


Year 11 Update

Year 11 Progress Reports were sent to parents/ carers via email on Friday. Please can we ask that all parents/ carers complete the following feedback form by Friday 3 November, so that we can support students further. https://forms.office.com/e/CgvMW5umsJ

On Wednesday we launched the Prom. This has already been booked at The Hilton Ageas on Thursday 4 July 2024. We expect students to be well behaved, work hard in lessons and have good attendance in order to receive an invite. This is the rewards event for Year 11 and therefore they will need to achieve the Diamond Award (1,500 points). In Year 11 we have ‘double reward’ weeks to support students achieve this total. As a reminder you can achieve positive points both inside and outside of the classroom for the following categorises:

  • Positive contribution in tutor
  • Positive attitude to learning
  • Excellent classwork
  • Excellent homework
  • Go Further activities
  • Positive contributions in lessons
  • Excellent exam performance
  • Attending intervention
  • Attending clubs and rehearsals
  • Contributions to the school community
  • House participation
  • Progress Leader recognition
  • Leadership Team recognition
  • Proud Friday
  • Social responsibility


Mock exams begin after half term and a timetable has been distributed. An electronic copy if available here – https://www.thehambleschool.co.uk/examination-information/


Community Partnership – Embracing Age



Collaborative Concert – Thursday 7 November




This week we have sent letters to parents/ carers where their child’s attendance is below 95%. At The Hamble School, we believe that every child gets one chance to get the best education. If they are not in school, they are not learning.

At the end of the academic year, an attendance of 95%, equates to 10 missed school days.  Every day counts. Excellent and regular attendance is essential in order for a child’s education to be successful. It is the responsibility of parents/carers to ensure that their child attends school. We thank those parents that ensure that attendance is above 95%. Absence from school should only occur extreme circumstances and holidays taken in term time will not be authorised. For support with managing your child’s attendance, please refer to our school’s attendance webpage found here: https://www.thehambleschool.co.uk/attendance/ There is also a useful NHS link on this page to help you decide if you child is too ill for school: https://www.nhs.uk/live-well/is-my-child-too-ill-for-school/


Extra-Curricular Focus – Drama Club

Drama Club students have been working hard to devise their performance for the ‘In Your Shoes’, multi-school project at The Point Eastleigh.

Tickets for the performance on 14th November can be purchased here: https://www.thepointeastleigh.co.uk/education/in-your-shoes/


BBC Bitesize

On Friday 3 November we are excited to welcome the team from BBC Bitesize to speak to Years 9,10 and 11 about careers.  Each year group will spend a session in the hall with the team, focusing on how and why we make our career choices.


Careers – Student Hub

Over the next few weeks we will have a range of education and apprenticeship providers in our Student Hub to answer questions and talk to students. Please come along at lunchtime. The Student Hub is located in the Progress Zone. All year groups are welcome.

College/Apprenticeship Provider Representative Student Hub Date
Itchen College Mike Jones Wednesday 1st November 2023
Peter Symonds College Liane Shaw Wednesday 8th November 2023
PETA Apprenticeships Emma Quance Wednesday 15th November 2023
Sparsholt College Phil Allen Tuesday 21st November 2023
Fareham College Danielle Logan Wednesday 29th November 2023


English Schools Diving Competition

Sophia G (Year 7), Ella S (Year 7) and Jess W (Year 8) travelled to Guildford on Saturday 7 October to compete in the qualifier for English Schools National Diving Championships. All 3 girls completed some brilliant diving. Congratulations to Ella who won the event and secured a spot at the finals which will be held at Manchester Aquatics Centre on 10 December 2023.


Shoebox Appeal

This year, we are supporting the Rotary Shoebox Appeal. This involves putting together a shoebox filled with toys, educational supplies and hygiene items that are then sent to eastern Europe (including Ukraine and Moldova) for children who are extremely disadvantaged.

Any shoebox can be filled and decorated by students with a £3 donation attached to the box (to support the shipping and distribution cost). Once complete the box should be brought to the Senior Leadership office by the morning of Monday 30 October. If you would like more information about the scheme as well as the list of permitted/not permitted items, please visit: https://www.rotaryshoebox.org/

We hope that you son/ daughter will have the chance to work on this over half term. Students will also be awarded positive points for participation.


Thank You

If you would like to nominate a member of staff for a ‘thank you’, please click here: https://www.thehambleschool.co.uk/staff-recognition/



If you or you child would like support with wellbeing especially over half term, please check out the links of our website: https://www.thehambleschool.co.uk/student-wellbeing-support/

If your concern is urgent, please use the Hampshire County Council guidance

https://www.hants.gov.uk/socialcareandhealth/childrenandfamilies/ or phone 999 in an emergency.