This week the Year 9 students took part in a PSHCRE Day and we welcomed a number of visitors to the school to talk to them about Healthy Relationships. The feedback from students was really positive and they particularly enjoyed the sessions with Stacey Miller and ‘Explore Relationships’. The guests were also very complimentary about the behaviour of our students and Gemma at Explore Relationships commented: ‘You should be really proud of your Year 9 students who overall responded maturely and in a highly engaging way.’ Well done, Year 9!

Well done to Andras S in Year 11. Andras has completed his Silver D of E by volunteering for a year with Cubs in Hamble Sea Scouts, attending Jujitsu Training and committing to improving his Art skills. Andras also completed a 3-day 2-night hike in appalling bad weather. He has already started his Gold award. We are very proud of you, Andras.

Well done to Matty S in Year 9. Matty has been presented with the Chief Scout Gold award at Hamble Sea Scouts. The Chief Scout Gold is the highest award Scouts can achieve and takes 3 years of regular attendance. Matty completed camping and hiking, community projects to demonstrate team work and develop leadership skills. Matty also tried new activities such as sailing, power boating and kayaking. We are very proud of you, Matty.

Both Caleb W in Year 10 and Nathanial W in Year 7 have been taking part in taekwondo with Waterside Taekwondo club for 5/6 years. Over the last year or so they changed from sports sparring to traditional discipline – a harder route with patterns and sparring needed to be learnt to pass each belt. In December, Nathanial was awarded with a trophy for the most improved student. Caleb was awarded a 2nd place trophy for best martial artist in their club. They were both surprised and honoured by these awards. Well done, Caleb and Nathanial – We are very proud of you.

It has been so lovely to receive lots of news this week about individual student achievements. Remember that you can send these to

Next week is Week 1.


Events w/b 23 January

Year 11 Food Preparation and Nutrition practical exams – Details has been emailed home.

Year 11 Revision Strategy Week.

24 January – Year 9 Teenage Booster Vaccinations.

24 January – Year 11 PSHCRE Session.

26 January – Year 11 Motivational Speaker. Raising Achievement Evening for parents/ carers and Year 11 students (6pm-7:30pm).

27 January – Holocaust Memorial Day Assemblies.

Year 11 Intervention will be taking place on both Tuesday and Thursday this week – It is important students attend their allocated sessions.


Future Dates

w/b 13 February – Half Term.

20 February – Year 11 Mock Exams begin.

20 March – INSED Day.

Letters/ Emails sent last week

Year 10 – English Revision Guides

Year 11 – Update and Raising Achievement Evening.

Our letters are available here:

The Headteacher’s Blog is available here:


Home-School Partnership

We are committed to working with parents/ carers and believe that this partnership is the key to improving all aspects of the school and ensuring that students reach their full potential.

We know that there are a few parent/ carer social media groups on Facebook connected to the school and have been made aware that some parents/ carers have raised questions using this platform. Whilst we understand that everyone is entitled to share their views on social media, we would really encourage you to report everything to the school so that we can deal with issues straight away. Please email

We also have a Parent Forum on Thursday 02 February 2023 6-7pm which will provide an opportunity for parents/ carers to meet with a member of the Senior Leadership Team to discuss general issues. A letter will be sent home next week.


Theme of the Week: Reading Week – The Holocaust

Next week Mr Wickenden (Head of Humanities) will be delivering assemblies on Friday 27 January for Holocaust Memorial Day. During Personal Development in tutor time students in Years 7-10 will be taking part in a ‘Reading Week’. The ‘theme for this year is ‘Ordinary People’ and further information can be found here:


Congratulations – Photography Competition

In December 2022, Miss Petty hosted the ‘Rotary Young Photographer Competition’ at The Hamble School. The Young Photographer Competition is a well-established and successful competition organised and promoted by Rotary International in Great Britain and Ireland. The remit was to produce one photograph based upon the theme, ‘The Beauty of Architecture’. Well done to all students who entered the competition:

Archie B

Skye T

Amelia M

William L

Harry P

Annabelle B

Charlotte W

Kiera C

Oliver F

Connor M

Elizabeth W

Daisy A

Elsa C

Emily B

Jacob B

Jamie S

Oliver B

Romany M

Ruby N

Suzie G

Alex P

Here are a few of the entries…


Year 11 Update

A reminder that next week is Revision Week – We will be focussing on how to write a revision timetable in tutor and students will be given a revision booklet. In lessons, each subject will ‘showcase’ a revision technique which they think is effective in their subject. Students have already been given resources and equipment to support their revision. The Mock Exam timetable is available here:

On Thursday during the school day, we welcome James Chameleon – A motivational speaker who will talk to the year group as part of our Raising Achievement Programme.

Year 11 PSHCRE

Shannon Reddin, the school’s Relationships and Sexual Health Practitioner, will be delivering talks to Year 11 on Tuesday 24 Januar.  She will be giving students age appropriate information about contraception and discussing how to look after yourself in relationships both mentally and physically.  These topics are part of the Relationships and Sexual Health Curriculum.  For further information please contact Mrs Wilmott or Ms Bridges


Are you interested in being part of Team Hamble?

We have a small number of teaching and support staff vacancies available. We are happy to consider part-time and flexible hours for any of the positions too. If you are interested, please visit or email


Cost of Living Support

Free School Meals – If your child is eligible for Free School Meals you need to get them registered. This will allow them to get a free meal at school and we will get extra funding (known as the pupil premium) to support your child’s learning. Go to this website to check if you are eligible.


Mental Health Workshops

Solent University are teaming up with Hampshire’s leading mental health charity, Solent Mind, to offer a series of free online mental health workshops during Children’s Mental health Week.

On 08 February 2023 4.30pm -6pm, there is a student workshop which will focus on positive thinking habits, developing resilience, coping with exam stress and where to find help. Sign up here:

There is a parent workshop is on 07 February 2023 5.30pm – 7pm. Sign up here:


Careers – T Level Parents’ Evening – Message from Fareham College

We are pleased to be delivering a T Level Parents Evening on Thursday 09 February, 5.30pm – 7pm at our Bishopsfield Road Campus. This is for parents, school staff and students in Years 10/11 to learn about T Levels.

Faculty Directors, Lecturers and current students from Fareham College will present details of T Level courses in different subject areas with details on work experience, structure, highlights and possible progression routes. There will be an opportunity to ask questions and speak to current T Level students. Please register your interest here


Planning Application for Proposed Gravel Extraction on Hamble Airfield

Last week we wrote to you about the planning application for a proposed gravel extraction site on Hamble Airfield. If you wish to raise concerns or make a comment, please note that online response submission has now closed. You must email or write to: Hampshire County Council – Strategic Planning, Economy, Transport & Environment Department, Elizabeth II Court West, The Castle, Winchester, SO23 8UD Quote Ref: HCC/2021/0787. The consultation ends on 31 January.



Proud Friday

Well done to the following students who showed us some fabulous work at ‘Proud Friday’ this week:

Year 8 – Mason M

Year 9 – Isabelle C, Noemie J, Ella W-E

Year 11 – Finley S, Grace R, Lewis O, Bradley F, Karl P, Charley R, Ollie R, Teegan W, Jaymie N.

All of these students received a certificate and email home.



The following students achieved the most reward points last week

Bradley K-H 7-4

Ryan S 8-8

Marty McC 9-8

Alfie F 10-2

Orla P 11-6

If you have any concerns about your child’s wellbeing or would like to report a safeguarding issue, please email