We have had another week of exciting events and end of term celebrations. Over 270 students have enjoyed the Reward Trips Paddle boarding, donutting and to the Mayflower Theatre to see Six.

We have continued our Transition Programme, with visits to the feeder primary schools to answer questions and teach lessons as well as hosting some fantastic Year 4 and 5 School Tours.

The Geography Department ran a very successful whole year group visit to Marwell Zoo and a Year 7-9 Art Trip to Southampton. We have hosted external speakers for PSHCRE Days, our Reward Film Events and an amazing Art Exhibition.

Undoubtedly one of the highlights of last week was the Annual Prize-Giving Ceremony at St Mary’s Stadium. It was a true celebration and a fantastic opportunity to congratulate so many students on their achievements in many different areas, including sport, the arts, charity and community work, as well as academic progress and attainment. We were delighted to be joined by Paul Holmes our local MP to present the awards and we would like to thank him for the support he has given the school.

As we approach the summer holidays, we have provided some useful resources in the Weekly Message to help families during the next few weeks. We will also be emailing home the half term newsletter and end of term letter from Miss Cambridge (Headteacher) tomorrow/ Tuesday, so please look out for this in your inboxes.

Next week is WEEK 1


Events w/b 22 July

Monday 22 July

Rewards Trips. If your child is taking part in one of these trips, please refer to your letter for which day they are attending

Year 7 – Film Event (Ruby Award winners)

Year 8 – Film Event (Ruby Award winners)

Year 10 – PSHCRE Session on Healthy Relationships and Consent/ Harassment.

Tuesday 23 July

Year 10 – Work Experience Information session – All students need to attend to be able to register to do Work Experience next year

End of Year Rewards Assemblies for all year groups

School finishes at 1pm for all students.

Future Dates

Tuesday 3 September – First day of 2024-25 for all students. Please ensure your child is in school by 8:30am.

Curriculum Evenings – Please put these in your diary. All evenings will start at 5:30pm in the main hall:

  • Year 7 – Monday 9 September
  • Year 8 – Monday 23 September
  • Year 9 – Monday 16 September
  • Year 10 – Tuesday 17 September
  • Year 11 – Tuesday 10 September



You can find all letters sent home over the week here – https://www.thehambleschool.co.uk/letters-to-parents/

The canteen menus can be found here: https://www.thehambleschool.co.uk/food-and-drink/

Please check your child’s Attendance regularly on Class Charts


Question of the Week

Please select your answer in the form below, all fields marked * are required and to help prevent SPAM this form is protected by Google reCaptcha v3.

16-Weekly Message Question
Has your child been on a school trip this year?


End of Term Arrangements

On Tuesday, students will finish school at 1pm. In period 4 they will attend a virtual end of term assembly in their tutor bases. Any students who receives a free school meal can collect these at break time. Students who catch the Bursledon train will be permitted to leave at 12.40pm if we are aware that this is the student’s usual mode of transport.

As a reminder, should you require support over the Summer holidays, we have a wealth of support resources on our website found here: https://www.thehambleschool.co.uk/student-wellbeing-resources/ and https://www.thehambleschool.co.uk/getting-mental-health-support-parents/


Support for the Summer Holidays

Over the summer holidays staysafe@thehambleschool.co.uk will not be monitored daily, therefore if you require any support we would ask you to contact Hampshire Children’s Services, if you have a Hampshire Post Code:

You can complete the online form here if you wish to report any welfare or safeguarding concerns. If you believe that its is an emergency or a child is in immediate danger, please call 999.

If you need to contact Children’s Services out of hours (their normal hours are Monday to Friday 9am-5pm), please ring 0300 555 1373. Further information regarding Child Protection is available here: https://www.hants.gov.uk/socialcareandhealth/childrenandfamilies/safeguardingchildren/childprotection

If you live in a Southampton City Council Post Code you should complete the Online referral form here: https://scccrmportal.southampton.gov.uk/services/request-childrens-resource-service

Click FAQs about reporting a concern here: https://www.southampton.gov.uk/children-families/childrens-social-care/report-a-concern-about-a-child/faqs/

You can also contact the Child Protection Team at Southampton City Council by calling 023 8083 3004.

You can also call NSPCC Freephone Child Protection Helpline on 080 8800 5000.


Free Holiday Club Places for Children who receive Free School Meals

Hampshire County Council’s Holiday Activities and Food (HAF) Programme still has some places left at schemes across the county

Families that are eligible for benefit-related Free School Meals can access free holiday schemes this summer.

Families simply need to get their unique HAF code by registering a few details online here: https://www.hants.gov.uk/socialcareandhealth/childrenandfamilies/connectforcommunities/holidayactivities/register

You can then go to the listings of the all the schemes on the Family Information and Services Hub and go directly to a provider to book places with them: https://fish.hants.gov.uk/kb5/hampshire/directory/advice.page?id=XRlTDNF8hhM

There is a wide range of fun and interesting crafts, sports and outdoor activities for all ages to choose from, which also include a nutritious meal. Free spaces are available for children who receive benefits-related free school meals and vulnerable children who may benefit from the programme. Many schemes also have paid-for places available.


Free Parent and Carer Cyber Choice Webinars and Internet Safety Resources

A message from The South East Cyber Crime Police Unit:

Following the resounding success and popularity of the Parents & Carers Cyber Choices webinars we ran back in February and March of this year, we have set up four more sessions over the summer.

The Cyber Choices sessions for parents, looking at how we can help to safeguard young people from committing computer misuse offences, and why this needs to happen, can be booked now via this link: Eventbrite

These sessions last around an hour, are totally FREE to attend, and we had such positive responses when we ran these before. They are aimed at parents/carers of a wide range of children/young people, from KS2 pupils (7-8 year olds) right up to college/uni students (18+) Each webinar covers the same material, so you need only sign up for one of them

Cyber Protect are running separate webinars for parents and carers, with a focus on protecting children from online threats. These sessions – also FREE – can be booked here: Eventbrite

Further resources to support Parents/ Carers with online safety is available here:


Uniform for 2024-25

At this time of year Parents/ Carers start to think about purchasing new uniform for September. Please do have a good look at our uniform policy and shoe information here: https://www.thehambleschool.co.uk/uniform/ If your child wears a skirt, please note that this must be knee-length as stated in the policy. Please note that from September 2024 if your child wishes to wear shorts for PE these must be navy blue or black, thigh length, loose fitting and plain (a small logo is permitted but no detailing). Tight fitting shorts will no longer be permitted.

Skoolkit have stated that all orders must be purchased by Friday 9 August to guarantee delivery for September. Free delivery is available for any order purchased online between Saturday 20 July and Saturday 27 July, using the code: SUMMER2024



Sports Day Results

Sports Day was a fantastic success with a whole host of fantastic competition throughout the day. Lords came out victorious this year in a quite a close contest. Well done to the following tutor groups who earned the most points in their respective years:

  • 7-5
  • 8-2
  • 9-1
  • 10-2



This year we have been delighted to recognise the achievements of our students through the school year for their successes inside and outside of school.

Over the last two weeks students have been Paddle boarding, Donutting and attended the Mayflower theatre to see Six. The students have been impeccably behaved and have come back from each trip excited to tell us what they have been doing.

In school we have also have had our Film Events for our Ruby Award winners with two more sessions to follow on Monday 22 July for Year 7 and 8.


Bee Well

In October 2023, students in Year 8 and 10 completed a wellbeing survey of over 120 questions as part of a Hampshire mental health and wellbeing project called BeeWell.

After receiving the results Mrs Morgan (Deputy Headteacher) along with a team of Year 10 students, used the information to write an action plan for the school.

Last week we were delighted to find out that we had been awarded the runner up prize across of Hampshire schools. The BeeWell Team visited school and presented us with a £750 cheque towards implementing our plan.



At the start of July, we had the arrival of ‘Nellie’ our plastic eating fish! She has highlighted to us how much single use plastic we get through in just a couple of weeks. Students have welcomed Nellie and have done a brilliant job of feeding her all their plastic bottles. A special thanks to Eastleigh Borough Council who will be kindly collecting the plastic for recycling at the start of the summer holidays.


Light the South Trail

On Friday our Art Club students and some helpers from Key Stage 4 visited Southampton to see our lighthouse in the Light the South trail. You can see SU479066 (named after the Grid Reference for Hamble), as well as the lighthouses from Netley Abbey Junior School and Hamble Primary over the summer. Please do go and have a look at this fantastic display of art.



The Hamble School PTA’s mission is to foster a strong school community spirit, support the school’s goals, and enrich the students’ learning environment. We are always looking for enthusiastic volunteers to join us in making a positive impact.

Upcoming Events and Meetings

We are excited to invite you to our next PTA meeting on 18 September at 6 pm. This is a great opportunity to meet fellow parents, share your ideas, and learn more about how you can get involved.

We are planning a fun-filled QUIZ NIGHT on 4 October in the School Hall, starting at 6:30 pm. Start putting together your winning teams now! A “Save the Date” notice is coming soon. Your participation and support are crucial to the success of these events.

Meet Our Team

– Lucy Mardell, Chair

– Alan Mardell, Treasurer

– Melinda Odum, Secretary

We look forward to seeing you at our upcoming events and working together to create a vibrant and supportive school community. Your involvement makes all the difference!


Celebrating Achievements

Well done to Alfie D in 7-1 who went to Cheltenham on Saturday to compete in the Cheltenham Junior Triathlon in The Park, coming 7th out of 20 in his age group.

Well done to Rory M, Lyla H, Matilda D and Matthew W for your excellent achievements in the recent Portsmouth Northsea End of Season Swim Meet.

Congratulations to Connor M who has been awarded his Bronze Duke of Edinburgh Award with Sea Cadets and was the Player’s Player of the Season with Hamble Hockey.

Find out more here: https://www.thehambleschool.co.uk/rewards-recognition/

The students listed below achieved the most reward points this week – Well done to you!

  • Year 7 – Alyssa G 7-6
  • Year 8 – Rose H 8-9
  • Year 9 – Peyton H 9-5
  • Year 10 – Wiktoria B 10-8

You can say ‘thank you’ to a member of staff here: https://www.thehambleschool.co.uk/staff-recognition/ they really do enjoy receiving these each week.