This week our Charities Team have worked really hard to deliver a fantastic event for Children in Need. The team planned the fundraiser with other students and our Prefects – They hosted a number of different activities on Friday. We will let you know how much was raised next week, but well done for organising everything and ‘thank you’ to everyone for the donations.

Our Year 9 students represented the school effectively on Wednesday at the Eastleigh Youth Council Conference – They participated in a range of workshops and worked with other schools. We look forward to hearing your feedback to the main School Council.

Year 11 have now completed most of their Mock Exams – Results will be sent home during the week beginning 05 December. This will be followed by a Parents’ Evening on Thursday 05 January 2023 – Details about booking appointments will be emailed home in due course. Well done, Year 11.

Next week is Week 2.


Events w/b 21 November

Monday 21 November – Year 10 Review Assessment Week

Tuesday 22 November – Year 11 intervention starts again on a Tuesday and Thursday after school

Tuesday 22 November – Friends of The Hamble School meeting (6pm in the Progress Zone). All parents/ carers are welcome

World Cup: We are excited about the men’s football World Cup starting this Sunday. We are aware of an England match that is during the school day on Monday, however like most secondary schools we would emphasise that normal lessons will take place for staff and students.


Future dates:

Monday 28 November – INSED Day (the school is closed to students).

Wednesday 07 December & Thursday 08 December – We Will Rock You: School Production. Tickets are now available on Scopay

Tuesday 13 December & Wednesday 14 December – School Christmas Lunches (detailed of how to sign up to these will be in the next Weekly Message)

Friday 16 December – Last day of school (students finish at 1pm).


Letters/ Emails sent last week

Year 11 – Maths Supergroups (selected students)

Our letters are available here:

The Headteacher’s Blog is available here:


Student Hub – Skills Centre

We have had 7 different colleges visit The Hub over the last few weeks – ‘thank you’ for coming along to talk to the students. We are now focusing on apprenticeships. On Tuesday 22 November we welcome Samantha Whitehead from PETA Training and Apprenticeships. For further information, please visit Remember The Hub is open to all year groups.


We Will Rock You - School Production 2022


Theme of the Week: Raising Aspirations

This week students will be focussing on ‘Raising Aspirations’ in assembly and the Personal Development sessions of tutor. Our school vision is ‘We Care, We Aim High, We Learn and Achieve Together’ – We will be discussing how we can ‘aim high’ and achieve our goals. This includes valuing education and always striving for the best in terms of work ethic and behaviour.

In the assemblies we will be joined by former students Grace Collins and Sissy Ellis. We are very lucky that they are able to share their experiences of life beyond The Hamble School with our current year groups.

In Personal Development sessions students will be reading extracts from Marcus Rashford’s book ‘You Are a Champion’…


Learning this week

For Home Learning students made poppies to display on Remembrance Day – We have also created a permanent art installation and are very proud of their fantastic work.


Free Parenting Webinar

The Institute of Child Psychology provide a number of useful resources to support parents/ carers. They are currently offering a free webinar entitled ‘Parenting with the Brain in Mind’. The session focusses on:

  • Understanding the stages of brain development
  • Recognising what impedes neurological growth in children
  • Identifiy the parent/ carers role in fostering resiliency in terms of brain development
  • Exploring ways in which parents/ carers can help with the production of neurotransmitters
  • Identifying concrete strategies that nature neurological growth in children.

You can sign up here:


Proud Friday

Well done to the following students who showed us some fabulous work at ‘Proud Friday’ this week:

Year 10 – Poppy F, Kadijah K

Year 11 –Amelia D

All of these students received a certificate and email home.



The following students achieved the most reward points during the last week of term:

Oskar K 7-9

Ruby C 8-2

Alfie L 9-6

Isabelle A 10-2

Sophia N 11-5

If you have any concerns about your child’s wellbeing or would like to report a safeguarding issue, please email