The highlight of the week has undoubtedly been the decision by Hampshire County Council to reject the proposed quarry next to the school. We are delighted with this news and would like thank the whole community for all their support and positive messages.

Year 11 have continued to work so hard on their exams this fortnight – We are very proud of them all. A reminder that there is English revision tomorrow (Sunday 19 May between 9:30am and 12:00pm) and intervention sessions over half term.

Thank you to the Parents/ Carers who attended Parent Forum this week – This is a great opportunity to meet a member of the Senior Leadership Team, talk about what has been happening in the school over the last month and most importantly share your ideas on school improvement. Those of you who attended last year will note that our recent letter regarding the Rewards Trips was a direct result of your suggestions – Thank you for your feedback. The next meeting will be on Thursday 20 June 2024 – Please do save the date in your diary.

Next week is the last week of summer term 1 – We break up for half term at 2:55pm on Friday 24 May and return to school at 8:30am on Monday 3 June 2024. This week we will be celebrating all the achievements of our students in our half termly Celebration Assemblies. We would also like to thank our staff for all their continued hard work and dedication over the last six weeks. If you would like to nominate a member of staff for Special Recognition, please click here:

Next week is WEEK 1



Events w/b 20 May

w/b 20 May – Year 11 GCSE/ BTEC Exams continue

Monday 20 May – AM GCSE English Literature, PM GCSE Media Studies

Tuesday 21 May – PM GCSE Computer Science

Wednesday 22 May – AM GCSE Science (Physics), PM GCSE Physical Education and Chinese – Written.

Thursday 23 May – AM GCSE English Language. Bereavement Friendship Group meeting.

Friday 24 May – AM GCSE French.


Future Dates

Friday 24 May – End of half term. School finishes at normal time.

w/b 27 May – Year 11 Intervention/ Revision sessions will take place in school all week.



You can find all letters sent home over the week here –

The canteen menus can be found here:

Please check your child’s Attendance regularly on Class Charts


Question of the Week

Please select your answer in the form below, all fields marked * are required and to help prevent SPAM this form is protected by Google reCaptcha v3.

9-Weekly Message Question
Do you celebrate your child's school successes as a family at home?


This Week at the Dinner Table

This week we are focussing on Celebrating Success. We ask that Parents/ Carers check Class Charts once a day to keep up-to-date on what your child has been doing at school. We record reward points on Class Charts and this can be a great conversation starter at the dinner table. Suggested questions, include:

  1. What was your favourite things that happened at school today?
  2. I noticed you did well in [add subject] today?
  3. What went well today?
  4. What was the best thing your teacher told you today?
  5. What was the best thing your friends told you today?


Theme of the Week – Celebrating Success

This week students will be celebrating achievements as a tutor group. We will be recognising achievement and effort in all aspects of school life.

Since February 2023 when we launched our new Reward and Recognition System we have had lots of positive feedback from Parents/ Carers and students. Further information about the system can be found here:

Yesterday we sent home a letter about the Diamond Prize for achieving 1,500 points, which is a reward trip. You will see that we have to ask for a small contribution to this, but hopefully the notice period will ensure that families with students who have achieved Diamond (or who are likely to over the next 2 weeks) will be able to save up. Unfortunately our funds do not stretch to being able to pay for every child who reaches Diamond however, we want all award holders at this level to be able to attend – If there are any financial concerns, please do contact your child’s Progress Leader via

You will also see from Rewards and Recognition System that there are many other prizes available for students who do not get to Diamond this year. Students who achieve 1,250 will get a badge and voucher. Students who achieve 1,000 points will take part in a film afternoon.

In tutor time this week Year 10 students will be completing Target Setting using their last Progress Reports to help them prepare for the next half term. Please do read the Year 10 update below as this is a very important time for them as they prepare for their GCSE year.


Year 11 Update

A reminder that students in Year 11 must be in school at 8:20am if they have morning exams so that they can attend the Warm Up session. There is a Year 11 Revision Breakfast Room available every day from 8am and SC16 is available at lunchtime for quiet revision.

Please do ensure that your son/ daughter attends the intervention/ revision sessions they have been allocated over half term. These will make a real difference to their outcomes. There are some sessions on Bank Holiday Monday – We know this is not ideal for some families but our staff were keen to give up the time to maximise revision opportunities for students.

If you or your son/daughter have any further questions about the GCSE exams/ revision, please email If you feel your child needs more wellbeing/ mental health support, please get in touch with their tutor or Mrs Barkshire


Year 10 Update

Year 10 exams will take place during the week beginning 17 June and 24 June. There will be exams in all subjects and these will take place in the Sports Hall/ Progress Zone. We follow the same guidance/ procedures as the real GCSEs. We will be issuing an exam timetable in due course and a revision book will be emailed home.

As you maybe aware we run a programme of Achieving Excellence Evenings at GCSE – The first session for Year 10 will be on Tuesday 4 June at 6pm-7:30pm. This will be an opportunity for Parents/ Carers and students to find out about the exams, engage in revision workshops and also talk to representatives from colleges/ apprenticeship providers. To register for this event, please click here:


Year 10 Work Experience

It was good to see so many students and Parents/ Carers at our Year 10 Work Experience launch on Wednesday. We are excited that we are going to be able to introduce their next year as we believe that it is very important for Careers Education.

For those of you who could not attend we have included some information guides to help you understand the process. All students participating in Work Experience will be given a log in to the system so they can select their placements after half term and they will have a session during tutor time to go through this. In the meantime, if you have any questions, please email


Congratulations! – Alumni News

Congratulations to Freddie L who represented Hampshire Disability Cricket Club in his first ever match on Sunday 12 May. Hampshire won by 6 wickets.

Freddie took his first ever Hampshire Disability Cricket Club Wicket with bowling figures of 4 Overs, 1 Maiden, 12 Runs, 1 Wicket – eco: 3.00.

Congratulations, Freddie and we are so proud of you. It is great to hear the achievements of our former students.

If you are a former student, please do share your achievements with us – Email


Celebrating Achievements

A reminder that we celebrate achievements every Friday with our award recognition system and Proud Friday.

Find out more here:

The students listed below achieved the most reward points this week – Well done to you!

  • Year 7 – Alfie B 7-7
  • Year 8 – Monty McC 8-8
  • Year 9 – Sophie B 9-1
  • Year 10 – May H 10-3
  • Year 11 – Julia K 11-8


You can say ‘thank you’ to a member of staff here: they really do enjoy receiving these each week.



If you or you child would like support with wellbeing, please check out the links of our website:

We have recently added information about a number of free parent/ carer courses or events to this section of our website.