We hope that all our students and staff managed to have a good break over half term. ‘Well done’ to the Year 11 students who came in during the week to engage with intervention – Your hard work really will pay off in the GCSE exams. Also ‘thank you’ to our dedicated staff who gave up their time to support the students.

There are lots of events planned for Spring Term 2 – Dance Live, Hamble World Book Day, our annual music concert, Technology trips, more ‘Learn with Us’ events and outside speakers invited into school. It will also be a busy term for Year 11 as they complete their final set of Mock Exams and continue with preparation for their GCSEs.

A reminder that students return to school on Monday (20 February) at 08:30am. We look forward to seeing them.

Next week is Week 2.


Events w/b 20 January

w/b 20 February – Year 8 Progress Reports will be distributed.

w/b 20 February – Year 11 MFL Speaking Mocks.

21 February – Year 10 Winchester College Technology Trip.

23 February – Year 9 Parents’ Evening.

Year 11 Intervention will be taking place on Tuesday only this week due to Parents’ Evening – It is important students attend their allocated sessions. The Mock Exam timetable for next week is available here.

Future Dates

20 March – INSED Day.


If you would like to book a meeting with our Headteachers and/or Mrs Valleley (SLT member i/c of communication and parent liaison) please email general@thehambleschool.co.uk 

If you would like to contact any other member of staff email general@thehambleschool.co.uk please note that the school operates a 48 working hour response time.

Letters/ Emails sent last week

Whole School – New Behaviour and Sanction System, Newsletter

Year 9 – Preference Process

Our letters are available here: https://www.thehambleschool.co.uk/letters-to-parents/


Possible NEU Industrial Action

As you may be aware the NEU is proposing further strike action on the following dates:

  • Thursday 02 March 2023
  • Wednesday 15 March 2023
  • Thursday 16 March 2023

There may be partial or full school closures on the strike days listed above, therefore we would advise you to make childcare arrangements. We will let you know a final decision as soon as we can.


Theme of the Week: House Assemblies

This week the school will come together in Houses to celebrate the points awarded through House Competitions last term and look ahead to the House activities taking place this term. Mr Taylor is in charge of our House System and will be sharing all the House news!

During the Personal Development sessions in tutor this week, students will be discussing Random Acts of Kindness. They will be using the following key terms – Benevolent, compassionate.


The Hub

Emily Vadis from Fareham College will be visiting The Student Hub on Wednesday 22 February. Emily will be seeing any students who have applied but have not yet had their interview and will also be available to assist students who would like to apply to Fareham but have not yet done so.


Community Reminders

Please remember that when you are dropping of students in the leisure centre car park, this is operated by Everyone Active and not part of the school. Please park considerately and be mindful of members of the public using the gym.

We have received another email this week that students in Hamble uniform have dropped litter in the community – Please encourage your children to use bins or take the rubbish home with them.



Rising sports stars urged to apply for sponsorship scheme fronted by Olympians

Up-and-coming athletes in Hamble are being given the chance to become ‘Sporting Champions’ and gain much-needed support as part of a sports talent development scheme. Everyone Active’s Sporting Champions programme, now heading into its seventh year, has helped thousands of athletes to achieve their sporting potential by providing free access to Everyone Active’s 200+ leisure facilities across the country, including Hamble Sports Complex.

Aspiring athletes will be able to apply from Monday, February 13 to Monday, March 13 by visiting the Everyone Active Sporting Champions website. The scheme’s impressive line-up of decorated Olympians and Paralympians includes Lutalo Muhammad, Jennifer and Jessica Gadirova, Richard Kilty, Lauren Steadman, Kadeena Cox and Maisie Summers-Newton, who will continue to provide their expertise, mentoring and support to athletes accepted on the scheme this year.

Sporting Champions will also receive free unlimited access to the Everyone on Demand app, providing them with more than 500,000 at-home workouts from leading fitness brands, including WithU, Flex and Les Mills on Demand.

Olympic silver medalist Colin Jackson will remain in his role as Sporting Champions Ambassador, working alongside the scheme’s Elite athletes to make sport more accessible within local communities. Alongside some of Team GB’s top talent, he will play an integral part in providing both one-to-one and group mentoring sessions throughout the year. Colin said: “I’m proud to be involved in a scheme that is so dedicated to supporting athletic talent from grass roots up. “I have watched the Sporting Champions scheme grow over the years and I’m so excited to continue working alongside a panel of truly talented Elite athletes to help mentor and support the next generation. “The Sporting Champions scheme has helped thousands of up-and-coming athletes to achieve their sporting dreams and I can’t wait to see what this year’s intake go on to achieve.”

Over the past seven years, Sporting Champions has invested more than £1million into athletes on the scheme. Chris West, Everyone Active’s contract manager, said: “We are delighted to be able to support rising sports stars from Hamble on their journey to success”. “As a leisure provider working in partnership with The Hamble School, Hampshire County Council and Eastleigh Borough Council, we feel it is important to cater for all sections of the community. “The Sporting Champions scheme has already supported a huge number of athletes and I’m proud that we are continuing this again in 2023”. “We hope to continue making a real difference to our athletes’ success and are excited to see what this year will bring.”

Applicants should visit www.easportingchampions.com to fill out the online application form, which will be available from Monday, February 13 – Monday, March 13.

To find out more about Everyone Active’s Sporting Champions programme, visit www.easportingchampions.com.

We hope some of our Hamble students will get involved in this amazing opportunity.


New Behaviour and Sanction System

As you are aware we wrote to you earlier in the week about a new behaviour system and ‘next day’ after school detentions, which is being introduced on the 20 February 2023. Thank you for the feedback and questions we have received via email. We are also aware that some people have made comments on social media – We are always very happy to share our rationale and work with parents/ carers; please email general@thehambleschool.co.uk

We want to ensure that all students are Ready to Learn, Respectful towards each other and the wider community and act in a Safe and responsible manner. When everyone follows these three simple rules the learning community functions effectively. We thought it would be helpful to answer some of the questions which have been raised here, so that all parents/ carers can read the information.

  • What is the school doing about rewards?

The Student School Council met before half term to put together a new Rewards and Recognition System which is motivational for all. Mrs Turner (Associate Assistant Headteacher) is providing feedback to the Senior Leadership Team on Tuesday and this will be launched in the next week.

  • What will happen to detentions already set for after half term?

We have written to parents/ carers over half term so that all students can have a fresh start on Monday. This means that any detentions set for after half term have been wiped so that everyone has the opportunity to start the new system with no sanctions.

  • Have the points been changed?

Yes, the negative points have been reevaluated. We want to maintain our high expectations, whilst also giving students the opportunity to correct their behaviour before it escalates to a ‘next day’ detention. We have spent time training staff in the new system and working on restorative conversations.

  • How will we know exactly what the points have been issued for?

As we mentioned in the letter, all comments are now being opened up on Class Charts for parents/ carers to view. This means that you will be able to see exactly what has happened during an incident.

  • Are children with SEND expected to follow the behaviour system?

Every child with a SEND has a Student Information Plan (SIP). Staff are trained to use these and ensure that they are meeting the child’s needs through ‘quality first teaching’ (and in some cases additional interventions). In terms of behaviour we do expect all children to follow our three simple rules of ‘Ready, Respectful, Safe’, however, we recognise that for some children they may need support to help them achieve this.

  • What happens on a Tuesday and Thursday for Year 11?

Year 11 are still expected to attend their normal interventions on a Tuesday and Thursday, therefore, their after school detentions will only run on a Monday, Wednesday and Friday. This means that if a student was giving -2 (or more) on a Monday they would sit the after school detention on Wednesday.

  • What happens if a child is involved in a ‘serious incident’?

Unfortunately on occasions students are involved in incidents which require more than an after school detention in terms of a sanction. If there is a one off ‘Serious Incident’ a member of the Pastoral Team (usually the Head of Year) will contact you in the first instance. We will still use sanctions such as SLT DT (90 minutes on a Friday after school), Internal Suspension or Suspension. If a student has a number of negatives in a day for different issues, the Head of Year will also monitor this and decide if a more significant sanction is required.

Please do email if you have any further questions using general@thehambleschool.co.uk and Mrs Valleley (Assistant Headteacher) will get back to you next week. We will be honest and transparent with you, so that we can all work together to ensure the best outcomes for our students.


Year 9 Parents’ Evening

It is Year 9 Face-to-face Parents’ Evening this week on Thursday. If you have not already done so, please use the links in the letter to book appointments. The school site will also be open for parking.


Proud Friday

All students are encouraged to come to ‘Proud Friday’ this week – Friday lunchtime under the canopy outside London. Bring a piece of work you are proud of to show SLT. You will get a certificate, mention in the Weekly Message and an email home.


If you have any concerns about your child’s wellbeing or would like to report a safeguarding issue, please email staysafe@thehambleschool.co.uk