It has been a wonderful week of celebrations for both students and staff. Students enjoyed a fabulous Christmas Lunch prepared by HC3S on Tuesday/ Wednesday, staff took part in a fun wellbeing Christmas decoration workshop on Wednesday after school and today we celebrated in the end of term Rewards Assemblies. Well done to everyone for your hard work this term.

After school today staff enjoyed a fantastic Christmas musical performance from Lyla H in Year 9. We also said ‘good bye’ to Mr Govan (Headteacher), Mr Burton-Doe (Senior Bursar) and Mr Osbourne (Site Assistant) today – We wish them the very best for the future.


We know that for many the school holidays are an exciting time of year, however, for some it can be difficult. We have included resources in this Weekly Message if you need support or are concerned about a friend while the school is closed.

We start back for the Spring Term on Tuesday 03 January at 08:30am. It will be Week 2.


Letters/ Emails sent last week

Whole School – January 2023, Timetable Changes

Year 9 – Teenage vaccinations

Year 10 – PR2 Progress Reports

Year 11 – Interventions

Our letters are available here:

The Headteacher’s Blog is available here and Mr Govan has updated it with his final blog:


Support for vulnerable households

Hampshire County Council is using its Household Support Funding from the Government to provide a range of support to help vulnerable households with the costs of food, energy and other essentials. As well as discretionary grant funding that has been awarded to schools, colleges and early years settings to help families facing hardship, we are also working with community groups, local councils and other organisations to provide the following support:

  • Help with energy costs – local Citizens Advice services are supporting eligible households with the costs of gas, water and / or electricity bills. Households who qualify for support can contact their local Citizens Advice directly.
  • Help with food costs – there are 19 Community Pantries across Hampshire which provide food at a lower cost than supermarkets, in exchange for a small membership fee.
  • Food vouchers – food vouchers will be available to households who receive council tax support, and households who receive housing benefit. These will be distributed by local district and borough councils in the coming months. Those who are eligible don’t need to do anything – they will be contacted by their local council.
  • Housing costs – local district and borough councils can provide support for housing costs in exceptional circumstances. Residents are asked to contact their local council if they think they may be eligible for emergency support.

This is in addition to the Holiday Activities and Food programme, which will be providing more than 120 free schemes this Christmas for children who receive income-based free school meals during term time. Parents and carers wishing to find out what is on offer in their area should search the Family Information and Services Hub and contact their local providers directly to sign up to schemes.



If you need support over the holidays, our wellbeing pages will help with resources:

You can also contact:

Please note that we encourage our staff to take a break from work emails over the holidays, therefore the Stay Safe email address will not be regularly checked.


The following students achieved the most reward points last week

Sofia P 7-2

Emma R 8-8

Poppy A 9-3

Kayra K-F 10-1

Mitchell P 11-3