This week Mrs Valleley (Deputy Headteacher) and Mr L Wood (Assistant Headteacher) have hosted Curriculum Evenings for Year 8-11. These sessions have provided parents/ carers with more information about parents/ carers can support their children and key milestones through the year.

We have introduced students to VESPA (Vision, Effort, Systems, Practice and Attitude) Mindset. This is a model based around 5 key components of student success. We believe that it is your behaviour not your intelligence which can determine how well you do at school. Students who have a VESPA Mindset:

  • Know what they want to achieve (VISION)
  • Complete many hours of independent study (EFFORT)
  • Organise their learning resources and time (SYSTEMS)
  • Practice and develop their skills (PRACTICE)
  • Responding constructively to challenge and acting on advice (ATTITUDE).

We will be looking at this further during tutor sessions over the course of the year.

It you were unable to attend the evenings, we would urge you to read through the Curriculum Booklet for your child’s year group and use these to support studying at home. The booklets were emailed home and are also on the website here:


We are really looking forward to Open Evening next week on Thursday 21 September and our Open Mornings which run on a Tuesday/ Thursday morning through October.

If you have a child in Years 4-6 or have family/ friends who would like to look around the school, please share the details. There is no need to sign up for the Open Evening; families can just come along. If you (or anyone you know) would like to come to the Open Mornings, you can sign up here:


Next week is WEEK 2.


Events w/b 18 September

Monday 18 September – Individual photos for students in Years 7, 9 and 11.

Thursday 21 SeptemberOpen Evening. School closes at 1pm for all students. Please note departments will be asking students to help between 5:30pm-8pm. All Transition Prefects and Year 11 Prefects are required to attend to support with tours. Please see Mr James, Mrs Barkshire, Mr Andrews or Mrs Valleley for more details.


Letters sent this week

Year 7 – Meet the Tutor Evening, Food Preparation and Nutrition Contribution

Letters to Parents


Theme of the Week – Keeping Safe

This week the Progress Leaders will host assemblies based around the theme of ‘Keeping Safe’. This will include information about safety in school, at home and in the community.

Our school rules are ‘Ready, Respectful, Safe’. This means:

  • Following instructions from staff, first time to avoid escalation.
  • Not leaving lessons without permission.
  • Not causing harm (physically or emotionally) through actions.

We have received some telephone calls from members of the public, asking us to remind students about Road Safety this week. Please could you talk to your child about walking to/from school sensibility and using the crossings where available.

In the Personal Development sessions of tutor, students will be focusing on the following questions:

  • Year 7 – Be Awesome Programme
  • Year 8 – How to stay safe – Rail safety
  • Year 9 – How to stay safe – Knife crime
  • Year 10 – How to stay safe – Knife crime
  • Year 11 – Subject intervention


Year 11

Well done, Year 11! Mrs Barkshire and Mr Bailey are so proud of the amazing start you have made to Year 11. Attendance at intervention was 95% this week and it was so good to see you staying behind after school for extra support. There will be intervention on Tuesday next week, but Thursday is cancelled due to Open Evening.


Managing Your Child’s Anxiety

An online webinar for parents and carers of secondary-aged children, offering information around what anxiety is and tips for how to support your child is available through the NHS. Please see below for details:

Monday 25th September 7.00—8.00pm

Meeting ID: 988 4265 7387 Passcode: 942775

Zoom link:

Wednesday 27th September 9.30—10.30am

Meeting ID: 940 7801 3907 Passcode: 625895

Zoom link:


Parent/Carer Workshops – Lorraine Lee Training

Lorraine Lee is a professional Parenting Practitioner who has been delivering practical and inspirational parenting workshops for over 20 years.

Please select the links below which will take you directly to the booking for her parent/ carer sessions:

New To Year 7 (Only parents / carers) — Wed 20th Sept 8-9:30pm

What’s Going On In My Brain? – Sat 30th Sept 10-11am Attend online WITH your child to talk about the key changes in adolescence.

Friendship & Peer Groups – Sat 14th Oct 10-11am Attend online WITH your child to talk about changing adolescent friendships.

 Building Confidence & Self-Esteem – Sat 28th Oct 10-11am Attend online WITH your child to talk about ways to increase confidence.

Helping Children Stay Motivated – Sat 11th Nov 10-11am Attend online WITH your child to talk about the ups and downs in motivation.


A message from Barton Peveril

Our applications open on Monday the 11th September 2023 and entry closes on the 19th January 2024.

More information with regards to our 2024 applications can be found here. Please note all information and entry requirements are subject to change, therefore we advise all to check our website regularly for updates.

Below is the link to our Title video, ‘This is Barton Peveril’. Please do share any of the following links with your students and parents. This is a great taster video to interest students, parents and guardians, who are researching to study at Barton Peveril.

Additionally, below is the link for insight videos on each of the subjects. These videos were made to provide a variety of information, (made in 2022, however extremely intuitive and still up to date).

Furthermore students can find information on our further enrichment opportunities below, known as Q-XTRA.

Our subject courses can also be found in the link below.

4 and 5 October

Below is our October Open Evening event which we are hosting on the 4 and 5 October for Year 10s and Year 11s. It is a great opportunity for your students and their parents to explore the campus, learn more about the subjects we offer and meet with current students and teachers ahead of applying. It allows for students as well as their parents to learn about their options after GCSEs, from our wide range of A Level and vocational Level 3 courses to our extensive Q-XTRA enrichment programme. During the event they can; tour the facilities, learn more about the subjects and Q-XTRAs, experience the College’s bright and energetic atmosphere as well as meet with current students and staff members.

To buy tickets for this event you can go to the ‘Open Event Tickets’ tab at the top of our website page, or follow the link below.

To find out more information about the event, please find it through the link below.



Well done to the following students who gained the most positive points in their year group this week:

Year 7 – Edward A 7-5

Year 8 – Eva P 8-9

Year 9 – Ruby C 9-2

Year 10 – Marley-Lee M-M 10-8

Year 11 – Georgia B 11-5


Celebration Friday!

Congratulations to the following students who attended Proud Friday:

Year 7 – Charlie McG, Bobby M, Josh McG, Henri R, Tyler Dade.

Year 8 – Bethan W, Leighton R, James J, Eva P, Ralph H, Kiera C.

Year 9 – Keelan F, Max S, Mason M, Isaac W, Emily W, Annabelle LeB.

Year 10 – Aurelia O, Eleanor M, Ruby S, Charlie M, Reuben G, Noah M.

Year 11 – Georgia B, Ewan A, Sam W, Thomas Davies, Tom B, Coady H.

We also sent out 141 postcards this week for students who have achieved 100+ reward points in a week.

If you would like to nominate a member of staff for a ‘thank you’, please click here:



If you or you child would like support with wellbeing, please check out the links of our website: You can report a safeguarding concern here: