On Thursday we hosted our final Open Morning of the year. It has been wonderful to have some many prospective Year 5 and 6 children in the school during the day with their parents/ carers. Feedback has been really positive and many commented how useful it was to see the school ‘in action’. A very big ‘thank you’ to our Year 10 Prefects who have done such a fabulous job showing the visitors around the school. There were so many comments about how kind, informative and helpful they were.

We welcomed two colleges into school last week to run lunchtime ‘drop in’ sessions in The Hub. So many students went along to find out about applying to further education. Thank you to Sparsholt and Barton Peveril for coming into school to talk to students.

As this is the last week before the half term break, we would like to take this opportunity to wish all our students a restful week and thank parents/ carers for their support. Working together as ‘Team Hamble’ means being inclusive and supporting each other – When this happens our students achieve the very best outcomes.

Next week is Week 2.


Events w/b 17 October

w/b 17 October – Year 9 Review Assessments begin

w/b 17 October – Year 7 CAT Testing (week 2)

Tuesday 18 October – Dance Live! Workshops (selected students)

Tuesday 18 October – Friends of The Hamble School meeting, 6pm in the Progress Zone. All parents/ carers are welcome

Wednesday 19 October – Cemast Engineering trip (selected students)

Wednesday 19 October – BFG Half Term meet up (period 5)

Thursday 20 October – Year 11 Raising Achievement Evening/ Study Skills Session, 6pm in the Skills Centre

Friday 21 October – INSED Day (school is closed to students).


Future dates:

Monday 31 October – All students return to school at 08:30am

Thursday 03 November – Year 10 Raising Achievement Evening, 6pm (a letter will be sent this week)

Saturday 05 November – Friends of The Hamble School fireworks at RVCP

Monday 07 November – Year 11 Mock Exams begin.


Letters/ Emails sent this week

Year 11 – BTEC Engineering Exams

Year 10 – D of E Launch (follow up letter), GCSE Geography Fieldtrip

Year 7 – Maths sets

Selected students – Catch up CAT Testing

Our letters are available here: https://www.thehambleschool.co.uk/letters-to-parents/

The Headteacher’s Blog is available here: https://hambleheadteacher.wordpress.com/


Student Hub – Skills Centre

At lunchtime this week we will be joined by representatives from local colleges. Please come along at lunchtime for find out more. This is open to all year groups:

Monday 17 October – Tamara Tengrove from Richard Taunton

Tuesday 18 October – Liane Shaw from Peter Symonds


Theme of the Week: Rewards

This week we will be hosting end of half term Celebration Assemblies. At The Hamble School we believe that it is important to reward and celebrate success in all aspects of school life, including academic, sporting and artistic pursuits. Our assemblies provide the opportunity to recognise achievements and celebrate as a school community.

The keywords for this fortnight are:

  • Tenacious – to never give up and never stop trying. To be persistent and determined
  • Exemplary – to set a good example or be a role model.



Friends of The Hamble School – Fireworks

The Friends of The Hamble School are hosting the Fireworks Spectacular at the Royal Victoria Country Park on Saturday 5th November 2022 to raise money for our school.

Please support our school by purchasing tickets and joining us at the best fireworks display in the South!

Tickets are currently on sale at…


Pickwell Farm

Netley Abbey Junior School

Hamble Primary School

Everyone Active, Hamble

The Cottage Pub, Butlocks

Bursledon Cafe, Lowford

Just For Men (Netley Barbers, New Rd)


Adults £7, Child £5, Parking £1 CASH ONLY

No tickets will be sold on the gate so please buy your tickets now!


Year 11 Raising Achievement Evening

A reminder that Year 11 Raising Achievement Evening is on Thursday 20 October at 6pm. The session is for Year 11 students and their parents/ carers. There will be a presentation about the important aspects of Year 11 and workshops to support with revision and study skills. Key members of staff will also be present to answer any questions.

To book a please, please complete the booking form here: https://www.ticketsource.co.uk/the-hamble-school/t-zzoyyod


Train Safety

A number of students get the train to/ from school every day. The majority are well-behaved at the station and on the train, act in a safe manner and are respectful to members of the public. Unfortunately, we are aware that a small number of students are not behaving appropriately. Train stations and railways lines can be extremely dangerous if they are not used properly and we would urge you to watch the following clip with your child: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z5eAtsaNo8U

We have been in contact with Network Rail and British Transport Police and are working with them to ensure students are acting sensibly. We would also appreciate it if you could remind your son/ daughter about the importance of being well-manned, polite and respectful in the community.



The following students achieved the most reward points this week:

Liliana F 11-3

William H 10-1

Brent J 9-8

Mawgan L 8-7

Louie R 7-5

If you have any concerns about your child’s wellbeing or would like to report a safeguarding issue, please email staysafe@thehambleschool.co.uk