Last week we enjoyed the amazing Whole School Production. It was a fantastic Team Hamble effort. Well done to all the students who performed, supported backstage and worked as part of the technical crew. We are very proud of you all. Thank you to Mrs Bowman, Miss Clucas, Mrs Holden and Mrs Stratford as well as all the other staff who supported and assisted on the night. We were also delighted that our newly formed PTA were able to offer refreshments during the interval – They raised £248 for the school, which will be used to enhance experiences for students.

On Tuesday we hosted the Year 6 to 7 Induction Evening and the new cohort came into school with their Parents/ Carers to meet their tutors and find out more about life at The Hamble School. Thank you to our Transition Prefects for assisting during the evening. If you have a child coming to the school in September 2024 and did attend, we would very much appreciate it if you could complete the evaluation here:

On Friday many of our Year 11 students completed their last exam. Some students will still be in next week for Statistics, Maths, Further Maths, DT and Food Technology but we are nearly at the end of the 2024 GCSE Exam season. On Friday the Invigilators and Mrs Fry (Exams Officer) thanked them for their impeccable behaviour and hard work – They really have been a brilliant year group to work with and deserve to get exceptional results. We now look forward to seeing students at the Leavers Assembly and Prom later on this half term.

Next week we have a Parent Forum meeting on Thursday – This will be online at 6pm and you can sign up here:

Year 10 exams continue this week. If your son/ daughter needs any further help with revision, please tell them to speak to their tutor and ensure they have accessed the revision pages on the website:

Next week is WEEK 2


Events w/b 17 June

Monday 17 June – AM Year 10 Maths Exam, Year 10 Interactive Media and Health & Sport Exam. PM Year 11 GCSE Statistics Exam.

Tuesday 18 June – Year 9 PSHCRE Day. AM Year 11 GCSE Design Technology Exam. Year 10 Science (Biology) Exam. PM Year 11 FSMQ Additional Maths Exam, Year 11 GCSE Polish Exam.

Wednesday 19 June – AM Year 11 GCSE Food Preparation & Nutrition Exam. Year 10 Maths Exam. PM Year 10 Media Studies Exam. After school – Rainbow Picnic.

Thursday 20 June – AM Year 10 English Language Exam, Year 10 Geography Exam. PM Year 10 French and Spanish. Year 6 Meet the SENDCo – Transition Meeting. 6pm – Parent Forum Online – Sign up here:

Friday 21 June – AM Year 10 English Language Exam, Year 10 Science (Physics) Exam. Year 6 Meet the SENDCo – Transition Meeting.


Future Dates

Monday 1 July – INSED Day – The school is closed to students.



You can find all letters sent home over the week here –

The canteen menus can be found here:

Please check your child’s Attendance regularly on Class Charts


Question of the Week

Please select your answer in the form below, all fields marked * are required and to help prevent SPAM this form is protected by Google reCaptcha v3.

11-Weekly Message Question
Do you feel your child is doing well at school?


This Week at the Dinner Table

This week we are focussing on politics, democracy and the general election. Here are some questions to help you talk to your child about this topic:

  1. What is a general election and why is it important?
  2. Do you know who can vote and how people vote?
  3. Do you know who is standing for election in the area and what they stand for?
  4. Do you know what Members of Parliament do?
  5. Do you know what happens after a general election?


Theme of the Week – Democracy

In assemblies Mr Andrews (Assistant Headteacher) will be focussing on democracy and the general election. Next week in tutor time, students will be looking at the manifestos for each political party and we will be holding our own elections in school on Thursday 4 July – Every student will have a chance to vote.

This week is also Refugee Week – In the Personal Development sessions of tutor time, students will be focussing on this topic, as well as British Values:


Parent/ Carer Voice

It is important to us that Parent/ Carers get the opportunity to share their ideas and feedback. We are commitment to developing a positive partnership between Parents/ Carers and the school. We have two dates for your diary below and we hope to see lots of Parents/ Carers at these meetings.

  • Parent Forum – Thursday 20 June at 6pm online. The Parent Forum is an opportunity for Parents to find out about what has been going on in the school and suggest recommendations for improvements. Sign up here:
  • Parent Tours – We are offering some opportunities for Parents/ Carers of current students to come and look round the school and meet key staff. Please do sign up here:

If you have a question or would like to address something with the school, your child’s tutor is always your first point of communication. Please email and your email will be forwarded on.

Thank you for all your feedback from the Parent Survey in May. We have produced an overview which outlines the improvements since the last Ofsted and this is available here:


Year 9 PSHCRE Day

Year 9 PSHCRE Day on Tuesday 18 June is focussed on Healthy Relationships. Students will be off timetable all day and will be required to wear full school PE kit.


House Update

Congratulations for the following winners of the House Photography Competition:

  • KS3 – Ben W and Oliver B
  • KS4 – Ethan H
  • Runner Up – Edith McC
  • Staff Winner – Mrs Emmett Callaghan

Results will be coming soon for the Bookmark Competition – Well done to everyone who entered.


Community News

As you are aware on 6 June students and staff took part in the D-Day Celebrations. You can read a report on the event here:


Celebrating Achievements

A reminder that we celebrate achievements every Friday with our award recognition system and Proud Friday.

Find out more here:

Last week we sent out letters to our Diamond Award Winners about our trips in July – Please do sign up if you have received an invite.

The students listed below achieved the most reward points this week – Well done to you!

  • Year 7 – Isaac C 7-8
  • Year 8 – Adrian R 8-7
  • Year 9 – Tillie P 9-8
  • Year 10 – Wiktoria B 10-8
  • Year 11 – Julia K 11-8


You can say ‘thank you’ to a member of staff here: they really do enjoy receiving these each week.



If you or your child would like support with wellbeing, please check out the links of our website:

We have recently added information about a number of free parent/ carer courses or events to this section of our website.

Where Can I Get Support?