Over the last few weeks some of our Year 10 students have enjoyed going out of school on trips – The Geography fieldtrip was very successful and great preparation for paper 3 in the GCSE. The Engineering students had an awesome experience at Winchester College on Wednesday evening, where they listened to a lecture from Ross Brawn.

On Friday the whole school came together for our act of Remembrance. Students all listened to an assembly delivered by Mrs Griffiths (History Teacher) and our Art department organised a fantastic installation outside the Progress Zone.

This week is the second of week of Year 11 Mock Exams – We are so proud of how the Year 11s have conducted themselves during this period. Good luck for next week and we look forward to sharing feedback with you in due course.

Next week is Week 1.


Events w/b 14 November

Monday 14 November – Year 11 Mock Exams (week 2)

Wednesday 16 November – Year 9 Eastleigh Youth Conference (selected students)

Thursday 17 November – Year 9 PR1 due to be emailed home

Thursday 17 November – Year 10: Shannon Reddin (Consent and contraception)

Friday 18 November – Children in Need


Future dates:

Monday 21 November – Year 10 Review Assessment Week

Monday 28 November – INSED Day (the school is closed to students).

Wednesday 07 December & Thursday 08 December – We Will Rock You: School Production. Tickets are now available on Scopay.


Letters/ Emails sent last week

All year groups – Ofsted update from Mr Govan

Years 7-9 – Flu Vaccination

Year 9 – Eastleigh Youth Conference (selected students)

Our letters are available here: https://www.thehambleschool.co.uk/letters-to-parents/

The Headteacher’s Blog is available here: https://hambleheadteacher.wordpress.com/


Student Hub – Skills Centre

The Hub was really busy last week for the college session. It is so good to see lots of students visiting every lunchtime – Remember it is open to all year groups.

We have Corinna Knox from City College visiting for a “drop in” session Tuesday lunchtime this week.


Theme of the Week: Anti-Bullying

The student Anti-Bullying Ambassadors have designed an assembly for next week and will also be running a poster competition for Anti-Bullying Week. The Anti-Bullying Alliance defines bullying as: “the repetitive, intentional hurting of one person or group by another person or group, where the relationship involves an imbalance of power.” Put simply this means any situation where your child is being deliberately and repeatedly hurt by other people and they find it hard to defend themselves. This could be face to face or online, in school or in the community. It may be physical, or it could be verbal or emotional.

As a school we do not tolerate bullying and expect our students to:

  • Be kind and respectful to others;
  • Recognise and stand up to injustice;
  • Develop true friendships based on kindness, respect, boundaries, laughter and forgiveness;
  • Support each other and work positively together;
  • Establish physical boundaries;
  • Report any concerns to staysafe@thehambleschool.co.uk

Further guidance and information for parents/ carers has been emailed home with the Weekly Message this week.


Year 11 – Careers Update

Sparsholt: Open Event 12 November 2022. Sign up here: Experience Sparsholt – Sparsholt College Hampshire.

Barton Peveril: Applications close on 20 January 2023. The following video is a helpful guide with application to Barton Peveril: https://youtu.be/0Mcfy-0QGKg

Peter Symonds: Application deadline 12 December 2022.

Fareham College: Open Event 15 November 2022. Sign up here: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/fareham-college-open-event-tickets-414543971177

Itchen: Interviews currently taking place. Top tips can be found here: https://twitter.com/i/web/status/1587839597110857729

Eastleigh: Open Event 10 November 2022. Sign up here: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/discover-eastleigh-college-open-event-thursday-10th-november-registration-311125764537?aff=ebdssbdestsearch&_eboga=645215502.1667488081&_ga=2.260476173.1246618067.1667488081-645215502.1667488081

City College: Application process ongoing. For information on how to apply, click here: https://www.southampton-city.ac.uk/school-leaver/how-to-apply/

Engineering Apprenticeships: Southampton Engineering Training Association are running an Open Evening for students interested in an apprenticeship in the Engineering field on 22 November 2022 between 5pm and 7pm at their centre (First Avenue, Millbrook, SO15 0LJ). Sign up here: online form

Our Careers webpage provides comprehensive support for Post-16 choices, including advice on making post 16 choices and support with writing applications and interview technique. https://www.thehambleschool.co.uk/careers/

If you would like further support with Post-16 choices email: careers@thehambleschool.co.uk




Year 10 – PSHCRE Session

On Thursday 17 November Year 10 will be taking part in a session on Contraception. This session will be led by Shannon Reddin, the Relationships and Sexual Health advisor who spoke to the year group last year. The session will cover understanding what contraception is, how it works, when it is used and where to get it from.


Children in Need

On Friday 18 November it is Children in Need. This is a chance to fundraise for the national Children in Need appeal. Throughout the week, students will be encouraged to bring in small change to hand into their tutor for collection. At the end of the week, this change will be added to the total for each House with a competition to see how much can be raised.

On Friday lunchtime we have a host of different charity fundraising stalls – for example, the chance to win sweets, fast passes for the canteen and many more prizes. We are really looking forward to having some fun and raising money for a good cause.

Please note – Students are expected to wear full school uniform on Friday.


Learning this week

Year 10 Food Preparation and Nutrition students have been making their own Crème Patisserie with a variety of toppings this week – It is a very hard skill to master.

Year 10 Art students were taught a monoprinting technique this week and applied their new skills to their ‘Urban Jungle’ coursework theme.


Proud Friday

Well done to the following students who showed us some fabulous work at ‘Proud Friday’ this week:

Year 9 – Ruby S, Eleanor N

Year 10 – Molly S

Year 11 – Olivia H, Charley-Anne R, Eloise P, Kalea-Joe V, George H and Shine G.

All of these students received a certificate and email home.



The following students achieved the most reward points during the last week of term:

Luca Ritchie 7-4

William S 8-7

Phoebe D 9-4

Wilson S 10-6

Lucy E 11-1 11-2

If you have any concerns about your child’s wellbeing or would like to report a safeguarding issue, please email staysafe@thehambleschool.co.uk