Last week was really exciting as we celebrated World Book Day. Thanks to Mrs Kirby (LRC Manager) for organising a very special day which involved many activities/ competitions and really inspired a love of reading.

Well done to the 270 students who gained their Bronze Award last week – We look forward to handing out more certificates and prizes on Friday. We are very proud of Year 11 who have now finished their two weeks of Mock Exams – A few students will be catching up on any missed papers this week, but most students can now get back to revision in lessons in preparation for their real exams. It is only 32 school days to go now until the first written paper of the GCSE season!

Next week is Week 1.

Whole School Recognition Levels


Events w/b 13 March

w/b 13 March – Year 11 Mock Exam Catch-Ups – For any students who have missed exam papers.

w/b 13 March – Science Week.

15 March – School open to Year 7 and 11 only. If your child has an EHCP or is a ‘vulnerable child’ you need to sign up to access the onsite provision – see letter emailed home.

16 March – School open to Year 10 and 11 only. If your child has an EHCP or is a ‘vulnerable child’ you need to sign up to access the onsite provision – see letter emailed home.

17 March – Red Nose Day (see below).

Year 11 Intervention starts again on Tuesday, however, there will be NO intervention on Thursday due to Industrial Action.


Future Dates

20 March – INSED Day.

21 March – Year 8 Online Preferences Q&A.

22 March – Whole School Music Concert (tickets available on Scopay).

31 March – Last day for students before the Easter holiday (school will closet at 1pm).


Letters/ Emails sent last week

Year 8 – Preferences

Whole School – Teen Project, Scholars Educational Season Ticket, NEU Industrial Action

Selected Students – Fit4Life, Fit4Life Holiday Training. Rotary Competition.

Our letters are available here:


Theme of the Week: Science

British Science Week is a ten-day celebration of science, technology, engineering and maths taking place between 10-19 March 2023. This week we will be celebrating by engaging in several exciting activities around the key theme “Connections” whilst also encompassing our Big Ideas – Cells, Forces, Energy, Particles and Interdependence. Students will have the opportunity to delve into the life of an aircraft designer, understanding the forces of flight, or perhaps they will explore pathways and networks formed by nanoscale molecules using self-avoiding walks through hand embroidery.

Students will also have the opportunity to engage in a national poster competition, focusing on the key theme “Connections”. Whether it be the connection between human actions and climate change or how atoms connect to form chemical bonds, students will all have the opportunity to submit their poster by the 24 March and if short-listed will have the chance to win some prizes from the British Science Association. Assemblies will be focussed on Women in STEM.

The fun doesn’t stop at school, there are plenty of engaging and fun activities to complete at home. Please visit for more information.


Red Nose Day: Friday 17 March

As a school we aim to teach the importance of thinking of others less fortunate than ourselves.  This term the School Council voted to raise funds for Red Nose Day.

On Friday 17 March we will be hosting the Comic Relief Big Bake Off where students can bring in cakes to sell to raise money for the cause. The Cake Bake will be run as a house competition with every student who bakes cakes earning house points and competing for certificates. The categories are:

  • Most impressive structural design
  • Most impressive artistic
  • Most colourful cake
  • Biggest cake
  • Funniest cake

There will also be a student selected as the ‘Star Baker’ within each House.

The cakes will be on sale in the main hall for students to buy during break time and lunch time of the 17 March. Any student wishing to bring in cakes should bring them to the main hall before school on that day. Please ensure any reusable cake boxes are named. Students should collect their cake boxes, after the sale, at the end of the day.

Pieces of cake will be sold for 50p or £1 depending on the size – this will need to be brought in as cash on the day as these cakes cannot be sold through our cashless catering system.

We do hope that you will encourage your child to take part but there is no obligation to do so. On the day, the dress code for students will be their normal uniform. We look forward to an enjoyable and successful fund-raising event.


Year 11 – You Said, We Did!

The Student Leadership Team said they would like a space for Year 11 Only to study for their exams at lunchtime and one night after school. From Monday 20 March the Progress Zone will be open every lunchtime for Year 11 to do some quiet revision. It will also be open from 2:35pm-3:35pm after school on a Monday.


Proud Friday

Congratulations to the following students who visited ‘Proud Friday’ this week. Their work was fantastic and all were awarded positive points:

Mason M – Yr 8

Sophie B – Yr 8

Megan H – Yr 9

Curtis C – Yr 7

Max C – Yr 11

Zak S – Yr 11

Ben W – Yr 10

Eva L – Yr 10

Aimee N – Yr 10

Ruby S – Yr 9

Charlie M – Yr 9

Vin A – Yr 9

William C – Yr 9

Stephanie D – Yr 10

Ella-Louise T – Yr 11

Jessica F – Yr 10

Noemie J – Yr 9

Mia H – Yr 11

Ruby W – Yr 7

Mia-Louise H – Yr 7

Molly H – Yr 7

Scarlett F – Yr 7

Luca V – Yr 9


This fortnight we are focussing on ‘positive contributions’ during lessons. You will get additional awards for this behaviour.

To say ‘thank you’ to a member of staff, please complete our Staff Recognition form here:


If you have any concerns about your child’s wellbeing or would like to report a safeguarding issue, please email