It has been wonderful to see students back in school this week and we are really excited about the events and activities we have planned over the next month or so. Well done to the Year 11s for getting through another week of GCSEs – from Friday 16 June onwards they only need to attend school for top ups, warm ups and exams.

This week we gave out our first Platinum award to Eva P in Year 7 – well done to you. Also, well done to all the students who have achieved reward points – we have handed out 941 bronze prizes, 642 silver, 170 gold and 10 ruby. This means that 94% of students have achieved a prize and are behaving appropriately and working hard every day.

Thank you to those parents/ carers who came along to the Parent Forum last week – Your support, feedback and ideas/ solutions are absolutely invaluable. We want to work effectively with parents/ carers and be honest and open with the community.

One aspect of the school we discussed was behaviour. Since COVID all schools nationally have experienced challenges with behaviour and the social interactions of students. The educational researcher Tom Bennett states that whatever you believe the aim of education to be ‘better behaviour benefits everyone’, he goes onto state that it is important that ‘good behaviour is the norm, and antisocial, selfish, or self-destructive behaviour is minimised. Staff well-being, retention and working conditions are also optimised by the propagation of good behaviour. Time and material resources are saved. Highly socialised communities where good conduct is common provide a more stable and transparent environment where mental health issues can be observed, anticipated or supported effectively’.

In school we have been working really hard to support students and set clear rules, structures and routines. Our recent staff survey provided evidence that our new behaviour system has generated a massive improvement in behaviour (please see below for staff comments). What we have observed since February is that behaviour has significantly improved during lessons and unstructured time (break/ lunch), however, issues are still escalating before/ after school, which started on social media or in the community. We would urge you to report any concerns (however small) using the button on our main webpage. This allows us to intervene early and stop any potential problems.

Next week is Week 1.

Events w/b 12 May

Year 11 Exams

12 June – Year 11 GCSE English Language (AM), Business Studies (PM), Statistics (PM)

13 June – Year 11 GCSE Science – Chemistry (AM), Spanish (PM)

14 June – Year 11 GCSE Maths (AM), Music (PM), Portuguese (PM), Polish (PM)

15 June – Year 11 GCSE History (AM)

16 May – Year 11 GCSE Science – Physics (AM), Geography (PM)

All other dates:

13 June, 14 June, 15 June – Year 10 Geography Swanage Fieldtrip

13 June – Year 7-9 Student Voice Conference (selected students)

14 June – Year 10 afterschool intervention begins

15 June – ADHD Workshop (selected parents/ carers)


Future dates:

w/b 19 June – Arts Week

w/b 19 June – Year 10 Exams begin

30 June – INSED Day (the school is closed to students)


Letters/ Emails sent last week

Whole School – Parent/ carer voice

Our letters are available here:


Theme of the Week: Respect and Tolerance

This week assemblies will be delivered by our Heads of Year and will focus on the important themes of ‘Respect and Tolerance’. These are two British Values which we promote in school. We expect students to be:

  • Respectful to themselves and others (this is outlined in our school rules)
  • Embrace difference
  • Learn about and consider the cultures of others
  • Accept the beliefs and faiths of others.

We do not expect students to make discriminatory comments or use language/ actions which might be considered offensive or unkind. Please watch this short film with your son/ daughter

In the Personal Development sessions during tutor time, students will be completing an online Student Voice Survey to provide feedback on what they think of the school and how they believe we can continue to improve.


Year 11

On Friday 16 June Year 11 have their last core exam. If your son/ daughter does not take Geography or DT they can leave site at the end of this exams. Students must then attend top ups/ warm ups and exams the following week but are not required to be in school for lessons.

Students studying Geography must stay in school on Friday for the top up/ warm up and then the exam in the afternoon. If they also take DT, there is a top up for this after school. A smaller number of students take DT but not Geography; a study room will be available so they can stay in school for the DT session rather than go home and then come back. Any questions, please email Mrs Bone (Head of Year 11)

A letter will be sent out next week regarding the Leavers Assembly on Thursday 22 June.


Year 10

Year 10 begin after school intervention on Tuesday. Staff are providing after school sessions for a selection of students and have invited students who they believe would benefit from additional support from now until the end of the year.

Mrs Barkshire (Head of Year 10) and Mrs Valleley (SLT Line Manager for Year 11) are currently working on the Year 10 into 11 strategy and will be hosting a special assembly for Year 10 on Friday. A recorded copy of this will be sent to parents/ carers. The Year 10 exam timetable will also be distributed this Monday. Revision materials are provided by individual teachers on Class Charts and students should now be setting aside time each evening to complete independent revision.


Arts Week

The w/b 19 June is Arts Week. There are a number of activities, workshops, trips and events happening all week. The lists for trips and workshops will be displayed from Tuesday morning on the Creative Arts board in the Athens Music corridor. We are so excited for this amazing week!


NSPCC Childhood Day

Thank you to Ms Wigginton for arranging a fundraising event for the NSPCC Childhood Day. Thank you to all students and staff who donated a £1. Our staff completed their Mile after school – If you still feel able to donate, please give £1 to your tutor.


Parent/ Carer Voice

Last week we sent out a Parent/ Carer Survey to gain feedback on what you think is working well in school and what could be improved. The deadline for responses is Tuesday 20 June and we would like to hear from all families. Please do take a few minutes to complete the questionnaire here:

Thank you once again to all the parents/ carers who came to the Parent Forum this week – Your feedback is vital and helps us make changes. The next meeting is Wednesday 19 July. We will run one session at 10am and then again at 6pm. Please come along.

We are hosting parent/ carer tours of the school for current parents/ carers on Wednesday 12 July and Thursday 13 July. Please sign up here: if you would like to see the school in action.


Parent/ Carer Social Media

As many of you are aware some year groups and parents/ carers have Facebook pages which are connected to the school. Due to the popularity of social media and our busy lives, we understand that these are very helpful to share information and dates etc. We are aware, however, that increasingly these pages are becoming filled with negativity and defamatory posts. We would ask that parents/ carers set a good example to students in the use of social media and follow the guidelines below:

  • Please demonstrate courtesy and respect for staff, other parents/ carers and students when comments are placed on social networking sites
  • Use appropriate language when discussing school and consider comments carefully
  • Address any issues of concern regarding school directly with either the member of staff or Headteacher so that we can support and investigate.

We would ask that you do not:

  • Use social media sites to make derogatory comments about students, parents/ carers, staff members, governors or the local community
  • Post photographs of other people’s children on social media sites without their permission
  • Discuss individuals or groups of students on social media.

We want to work together with families and support our children. We would therefore ask that rather than putting issues on Facebook you come direct to the school. We have several ways that you can get in touch with us:

  • Use the ‘Report a Concern’ button on the website (this goes directly to Mrs Pennington Chick – Senior Assistant Headteacher and Designated Safeguarding Lead and Mrs Valleley – Assistant Headteacher) if you have a general question or concern.
  • Email if your issue is specific to your child and we will forward your question/ concern to your child’s tutor or another relevant member of staff.
  • Email if you wish to contact Miss Cambridge directly.

Please help us to continue to work together to improve the school and make the use of social media a positive experience for all.


Proud Friday

Congratulations to the following students who came to Proud Friday this week:

Mason M – Yr 8

Kiera C – Yr 7

Niamh V – Yr 8

Noemie J – Yr 9

Milli S – Yr 9

Maxwell J – Yr 9

Megan H – Yr 10

Lily B – Yr 10

If you have any concerns about your child’s wellbeing or would like to report a safeguarding issue, please email or use the ‘Report a Concern’ button on the school website.

To say ‘thank you’ to a member of staff, please complete our Staff Recognition form here: