What a fabulous school production! We were all delighted to watch ‘We Will Rock You’ on Wednesday and Thursday. The show was amazing and involved so many talented actors and musicians. The backstage crew were very professional and it was wonderful to see ex-students running the lighting and sound. ‘Thank you’ to all the staff for your hard work putting this together and the parents/ carers for your support. It was a true ‘Team Hamble’ experience.

On Friday, Year 11 parents/ carers received Progress Reports via email – These detailed Mock Exam grades for each subject and the Estimated Grade for final GCSEs. If you cannot find this report in your emails, please check your ‘junk’ and then email Mrs Rogerson (Data Manager) brogerson@thehambleschool.co.uk if you still need help. She will check the contact email we have on file for you and help with any other issues or concerns.

Thank you to the parents/ carers who have completed our Communication Survey. Your views and opinions really do matter to us. After the survey closes, the information will be reported to Governors and used to form our updated ‘Communications Strategy’ in the new year. If you haven’t had time to complete it so far, the survey will close at midnight on Monday 12 December. It only takes 5 minutes, please do share your views by clicking here: https://www.surveymonkey.co.uk/r/CommunicationSurveyDec2022

This week is our final week before the Christmas holidays. We have the School Christmas Lunches and Christmas Jumper Day to look forward to. We will be in touch again before the end of term, but we do hope that all our students, staff and their families have an opportunity to rest and relax over the festive break.

Next week is Week 1.

Designed by Mia E


Events w/b 12 December

Tuesday 13 December – Year 8 Learn with Us Trip (selected students).

Tuesday 13 December & Wednesday 14 December – School Christmas Lunches (tickets have now been distributed).

Wednesday 14 December – Bereavement Friendship Group (Christmas Meet Up), period 5.

Thursday 15 December – Duke of Edinburgh virtual information session for parents/ carers. This is organised by D of E not the school and will explain how you can support your child with the award. No need to sign up – Click here to join the meeting

Friday 16 December – Rewards Assemblies.

Friday 16 December – Last day of school (students finish at 1pm). This is also Christmas Jumper Day. Students can attend school in a Christmas jumper with smart-casual clothes.  We do not want parents to go to the expense of buying a Christmas jumper just for this occasion, so if your son/ daughter does not have a Christmas jumper, they are still welcome to wear other smart-casual clothes (non-school uniform).  Please be aware that normal expectations with regards to jewellery and make up still apply.


Future Dates

Tuesday 03 January – All students return to school at 08:30am.

Thursday 05 January – Year 11 Parents’ Evening (a letter has already been sent).

Thursday 12 January – Year 7 Parents’ Evening (a letter will be sent home this week).

Letters/ Emails sent last week

All Years – Hampshire Guidance – Strep A.

Year 11 – Individual Progress Reports, Parents’ Evening.

Our letters are available here: https://www.thehambleschool.co.uk/letters-to-parents/

The Headteacher’s Blog is available here: https://hambleheadteacher.wordpress.com/


Student Hub – Skills Centre

Thank you to Michelle from SETA for meeting with students last week to discuss Engineering Apprenticeships. This was a really successful careers session and the students found it very useful.

A reminder that The Hub is open every lunchtime for all students.


Cold Weather

With very low temperatures forecast next week we are encouraging students to dress appropriately and wear a coat, hat, gloves and scarf to/from school and when outside at break/lunch. A reminder that coats need to be plain colour – Denim jackets, bright outdoor coats, sweatshirts, hooded tops, cardigans or gilets are not allowed in school.

Students are very welcome to wear the school jumper under their blazer and/ or a plain white vest top under their school shirt. They can also wear ‘skins’ or baser layers under their PE kit to help them keep warm.


Theme of the Week: Celebration and Rewards

This week we will be focusing on achievement. Our rewards assemblies take place in the last week of every half term and we celebrate success in all aspects of school life. This includes academic, sporting and artistic pursuits. We can’t wait to celebrate in tutor groups!


Recommended Reads

Each week we share a book that a member of staff is currently reading. Christmas is a great time to use reading as a way to relax. You may also be looking for an extra stocking filler for your son/ daughter! Please have a look at our Recommended Reads on our website: https://www.thehambleschool.co.uk/library/recommended-reads/

Nightshade – Anthony Horowitz You are a Champion – Marcus Rashford


Duke of Edinburgh Update

After adding extra dates and the addition of more teachers willing to do further training, we can now excitingly offer D of E to everyone who has shown interest. Keep a look out for a letter being sent next week with details on how to complete your sign up. In the meantime, parents/ carers can join the virtual information event on Thursday 15 December 5.30pm-6.30pm (no need to book).

Click here to join the meeting


Pastoral Changes

In January there will be a small number of Pastoral changes. Mrs Baldwin (Head of Year 7) is due to go on maternity leave – We wish her well. Mrs Kinahan will take over as Acting Head of Year 7. Mrs Kinahan is currently the Assistant Head of Year 7 and a very experienced pastoral leader. She knows the year group well and is looking forward to working with you over the next few months.

Our Year 11 Intervention Programme means that tutor groups and after school sessions change at Christmas. Mrs Bone (Head of Year 11) will write to your separately this week to explain these changes.

The tutor group list for January 2023 is detailed below. A reminder that the tutor is always your first point of contact for any questions/ concerns.


A message from South Western Railways – December Strike Action

Please view the link below for information on service levels we will be able to run during the upcoming industrial action affecting our network across four days next week (13, 14, 16 and 17 December). This will take the form of two 48-hour strikes, rather than the single day strikes seen so far this year.


As with other strike dates this year our clear message to customers is to make alternative travel arrangements if possible, and if they must travel by train to expect severe disruption. We expect there to be a knock-on impact to the start-up of our services on the 15 and 18 December

In addition, the RMT has announced that its members at SWR and other Train Operating Companies have been instructed not to book on for any overtime from Sunday 18 December to Monday 2 January. Strike action has also been called for 03, 04, 06 and 07 January 2023 (with the same late start-up impact on services on the 05 and 08 January).

SWR will update customers once it has confirmed what service levels it can provide during this period from Sunday 18 December to Monday 2 January, and for the strike dates in January.


Staff Wellbeing

Well done to our advent winners this week – Mrs Baldwin, Mr Spencer, Ms McColm, Mrs Pumfrey, Mrs Turner and Mrs Green.



Mind have produced some resources to support people at Christmas: https://www.mind.org.uk/information-support/tips-for-everyday-living/christmas-and-mental-health/christmas-coping-tips/


Proud Friday

Well done to the following students who showed us some fabulous work at ‘Proud Friday’ this week:

Year 7 – Elliot B, Ruben J, Harley P, James J, Lewis S, Charlie E

Year 8 – Mason M, Maisy I

Year 11 – Eloise P, Alex A, Liliana F, Emily O

All of these students received a certificate and email home.



The following students achieved the most reward points last week

Ryan B 7-9

Amelie D 8-4

Lyla G 9-1

Amelia S 10-4

Mitchell P 11-3

If you have any concerns about your child’s wellbeing or would like to report a safeguarding issue, please email staysafe@thehambleschool.co.uk