The highlight of this week has to be The 2023 Prom at The Hilton Ageas Bowl. We know that our Year 11s had a wonderful evening and an it was a fantastic celebration after all their hard work for their GCSEs.

There were lots of other events going on last week too – Year 6 Academic Transition lessons, Year 7 PSHCRE Day, Year 10 college trips, Duke of Edinburgh and we welcomed the new staff joining us in September into school for our Induction Day.


As we get closer towards the end of the academic year, the have an ‘action packed’ couple of weeks. The Year 10 Exams are nearly finished, we have Sports Day, Parent/ Carer School Tours, Year 6 Transition Lunches, Whole-School Prize Giving and more Duke of Edinburgh next weekend.

Next week is Week 1.


Events w/b 10 July

w/b 10 July – Year 10 Exams continue. The timetable is available here: Revision support is available here:

12, 13, 14 July – Year 6 Transition Lunches (selected students)

11 July – Sports Day

12 and 13 July – Parent/ Carer School Tours – Click here to book a place:

13 July – HPV Catch-Up Vaccinations (for students signed up by parents/ carers)

13 July – Whole-School Prize Giving at The Hilton Ageas Bowl (by invitation)

14 July – Year 10 Duke of Edinburgh Assessed Expedition

Future dates:

21 July – Last day of term. School will close for students at 1pm.

4 September – The school year 2023-24 starts at 08:30am on 4 September for all students.


Letters/ Emails sent last week

Whole School –Sports Day Letter, Art and Photography Exhibition

Selected Students – Media Studies Trip

Our letters are available here:


Theme of the Week: Mental Health Awareness Fortnight

You may be aware that The Hamble School has welcomed a team from the NHS Mental Health Services, who are now based in the school. This is an exciting development as it means that we have additional expertise on site. Next week staff from the hub will be delivering assemblies on Mental Health.

This week in tutor we will be focussing on how we can all improve our Mental Health and well-being. The Mental Health charity, Mind, suggest six key strategies:

  • Relax and reduce stress
  • Find ways to learn and be creative
  • Spend time in nature
  • Connect with others
  • Look after your physical health
  • Try to get enough sleep.

The team from the NHS Mental Health Services will be delivering the assemblies.

If you have any concerns about your child’s wellbeing or would like to report a safeguarding issue, please email or use the ‘Report a Concern’ button on the school website. There are also many helpful resources on our


Year 10 Update

We received some lovely feedback from Itchen College following the Year 10 taster Days. ‘Our staff were full of praise for your students, with comments of great attitude and engagement throughout the day’.

Next week the Year 10s will get their exam results and Progress Reports will be posted home to parents/ carers. In tutor time students will be setting targets for September 2023.


Alumni News

Ex-student Levi Colwill who plays as a centre-back for Chelsea FC has helped England win the U21 European Championships. Congratulations to England and ‘well done’ Levi.


Community Work with the Neighbourhood Policing Team

Last week the local Hedge End Neighbourhood Team joined the Education Partnership team in delivering a knife crime awareness presentation in school The aim was to reduce knife crime and increase awareness to students.

The presentation also touched on the consequences of carrying a knife by explaining the actions that police can take and also the dangers present when carrying and using knives. Further consequences were explained including how carrying a knife can massively affect the future by getting a criminal record and how this could then affect what jobs students may be able to get. Other consequences were also discussed such as the impact a criminal record could have when travelling abroad to countries such as Australia and the US.

A website was introduced to students which can be a fantastic tool when dealing with knife crime – . This is a website where students can report somebody that they are concerned about carrying a knife or using one. They are able to report their peers while remaining anonymous in an effort to reduce knife crime

The aim of the presentation was to illustrate the dangers and consequences of carrying knives and to ensure that all young children know from a young age that they cannot carry knives out in public unless they have a lawful reason to do so.

PC Collins, PC Richards and PCSO Rachel


Road Safety

Please can we remind all students about the importance keeping themselves safe. Unfortunately this week we have had reports from members of the community that some students are not behaving sensibly on the way to/ from school. Please talk to your children and reinforce road safety messages to keep them safe:

  • stress the need to concentrate and be careful at all times
  • warn of the dangers of distractions – personal stereos, texting, phoning or even chatting to friends while walking are big distractions
  • keep talking about the dangers of traffic
  • point out people who are endangering themselves
  • encourage your teenager to practice judging the speed and distance of approaching vehicles on busy roads and identify safe gaps in the traffic
  • stress that your child should never lose concentration and follow others blindly into dangerous situations.



We will be writing to parents/ carers later in the week to inform you if you son/ daughter has been invited to the end of year Rewards Events.


Staff Recognition

To say ‘thank you’ to a member of staff, please complete our Staff Recognition form here: