Happy New Year! We hope that you managed to have a good break and enjoy the Christmas festivities. Students have been back in this week looking smart and engaging effectively in their learning. You will remember at the end of last term Miss Cambridge and Mrs Pennington-Chick (Headteachers – Acting) wrote to everyone about expectations and the importance of our school vision ‘We Care, We Aim High, We Learn and Achieve Together’. This week we were delighted to hear from a member of public who called in to tell us how impressed she was with a male student (she was unsure of the year group) who is always polite on the number 6 bus and consistently demonstrates respect and care for the community. Well done, for your fabulous behaviour to and from school.

Next week is Week 1.


Events w/b 09 January

Student uniform and equipment checks continue.

Year 7 Progress Reports will be emailed home.

12 January – Year 7 Parents’ Evening.

13 January – Year 11 School Council Meeting (lunchtime).


Future Dates

w/b 16 January – Year 9 Review Assessment Week.

17 January – Year 9 PSHCRE Day.

18 January – Year 7 and 11 Year Group photos.

26 January – Year 11 Raising Achievement (Aiming High) Evening for students and parents/ carers (a letter will be sent home this week).

20 March – INSED Day.

Letters/ Emails sent last week

All Years – Parent Governor Election, Planners and Exit Cards

Our letters are available here: https://www.thehambleschool.co.uk/letters-to-parents/

The Headteacher’s Blog is available here: https://hambleheadteacher.wordpress.com/

Theme of the Week: Expectations

This week in assembly Miss Cambridge and Mrs Pennington-Chick will be talking to students about expectations. Our school vision ‘We Care, We Aim High, We Learn and Achieve Together’ in practise means:

  • High standards of behaviour
  • Excellent attendance and punctuality
  • Students being ready to learn by attending school in full uniform and having the correct equipment
  • Students having a positive attitude to learning, working hard and always trying their best
  • Opportunities outside of academic study
  • High quality teaching in every classroom
  • Support from parents and carers

They will be sharing these expectations with students and outlining the Student Voice opportunities available.

In tutor time the theme will be ‘healthy lifestyles’; each year group will focus on a different aspect of this:

  • Year 7: How can we have a healthy diet?
  • Year 8: How can we get active?
  • Year 9: How can we make good choices?
  • Year 10: How can we make good choices?
  • Year 11: Subject based intervention

A reminder that all parents/ carers and students are asked to sign the Home-School Agreement in the planner by Friday 13 January. Tutors will sign the staff section on behalf of the school too. If you have any questions about this document, please email general@thehambleschool.co.uk

Cost of Living Support

Each week we are going to start sharing information we receive about support available to help you and your family get through the current cost of living crisis. The school is not associated with the organisations but please let us know if you are in financial difficulty. We know that many families are going through tough time this winter and we do everything we can to help you and your child.

Contact your local Citizens Advice Bureau (CAB)

You don’t have to be a UK Citizen to get support from your local CAB, you just need to be a resident of the local area. The CAB can help you with:

  • Getting benefits or organising other financial support
  • Accessing support for essential costs (food, bills, rent)

Visit the Citizens Advice website or contact your local branch to make an appointment:


Year 11

Intervention starts again on Tuesday 10 January – Students received their new timetable before Christmas but if you have any questions, please email Mrs Bone (Head of Year 11) sbone@thehambleschool.co.uk Please note the Thursday sessions on 12 January will not take place this week due to staff attending Parents’ Evening. Thursday intervention will begin on Thursday 19 January.


Proud Friday

Well done to the following students who showed us some fabulous work at ‘Proud Friday’ this week:

Year 8 – Mason M, Emmy P, Francesca A, Eshaal

Year 10 – Lexie E

Year 11 – Emmie L

All of these students received a certificate and email home.



The following students achieved the most reward points last week

Matilda D 7-7

William S 8-7

Reese C 9-3

Frederick F 10-1

Mitchell P 11-3


If you have any concerns about your child’s wellbeing or would like to report a safeguarding issue, please email staysafe@thehambleschool.co.uk