What a busy first week back after the half term break! We welcomed Shannon Reddin to the school on Thursday to deliver a session on contraception as part of the Year 9 PSHCRE curriculum. Our Year 10 Raising Achievement Evening was very popular with students and their parents/ carers. Feedback was really positive and 100% said they found the workshops useful to find out more about the GCSE journey.

The main highlight of the week was The Friends of The Hamble School firework spectacular at Royal Victoria Country Park. We cannot thank the Friends (and other volunteers) enough for their efforts organising such a fantastic event. All the money raised will go to supporting projects at The Hamble School, so we truly grateful to everyone who purchased tickets and came along in such rainy conditions.

Next week is Week 2.

Events w/b 07 November

Monday 07 November – Year 11 Mock Exams begin

Tuesday 08 November – Year 10 Geography Fieldtrip 3 (Miss Soares 10X and Mr James 10Z2)

Wednesday 09 November – Year 10 STEM Trip to Winchester College (selected students)

Thursday 10 November – Year 8 PR1 due to be emailed home

Friday 11 November – Remembrance Day.


Future dates:

Monday 14 November – Year 11 Mock Exams continue

Monday 28 November – INSED Day (the school is closed to students).


Letters/ Emails sent last week

All year groups – Train Incident

Our letters are available here: https://www.thehambleschool.co.uk/letters-to-parents/

The Headteacher’s Blog is available here: https://hambleheadteacher.wordpress.com/


Student Hub – Skills Centre

At lunchtime this week we will be joined by representatives from local colleges/ education providers. Please come along to find out more. This is open to all year groups:

  • Monday 07 November we welcome Danielle Logan from Fareham College to The Hub

For more careers information, please visit our webpage https://www.thehambleschool.co.uk/careers/


Homework Club

Homework Club runs Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday after school (2:55-3:55pm) in Learning Support to help students with homework. On the following Mondays it will be cancelled due to staff training: 07 November, 14 November, 21 November and 12 December. All other days will be running.



Theme of the Week: Remembrance Day

On Friday 11 November we will commemorate all those who have served their country and lost their lives during conflict. Our students and staff have been making poppies over the last few weeks and these will be displayed as an art installation. The History Department will deliver an assembly and the community will come together to pay our respects at 11am with a two-minute silence.

On Friday 11 November students who are members of scouting, guiding or military cadet organisations are invited to wear their uniforms. If you have any questions about this, please email general@thehambleschool.co.uk

The keywords for this week are:

  • Reminiscent – to remind you of something.
  • Commemorate – to show respect to someone. To remember/celebrate an event or person.

We will be using these during Personal Development in the tutor programme.


Year 11 Mock Exams

As you are aware, the Year 11 Mock Exams begin on Monday. We have distributed the timetable already, but there is a copy below as a reminder. Please ensure that your son/ daughter has the correct equipment (black pens, pencil, ruler, rubber, clear pencil case, water bottle with label removed, scientific calculators if allowed for the exam paper) and attends all exams in full school uniform.

We would like to wish our Year 11s ‘Good Luck’ in these exams and look forward to providing you with feedback for your GCSEs.




Some of our staff are currently taking part in Movember. This is a charity which is working to change the face of men’s health; they currently support three projects – mental health and suicide prevention, prostrate cancer and testicular cancer. If you would like to find out more, please click here: https://uk.movember.com/about/foundation To support Team Hamble, you can donate here: https://movember.com/t/team-hamble?mc=1




The following students achieved the most reward points during the last week of term:

Joseph T 7-6

Oliver F 8-2

Max B 9-1

Tamara D 10-2

Elysia W 11-2

If you have any concerns about your child’s wellbeing or would like to report a safeguarding issue, please email staysafe@thehambleschool.co.uk