We have really enjoyed sending out so many reward postcards this week and celebrating successes with students both inside and outside of the classroom. On Friday Miss Cambridge also delivered a number of Special Recognition awards to staff who were nominated by students and parents/ carers for their hard work and dedication. If you would like to say ‘thank you’ to a teacher or support member of staff next week, please complete the recognition form here:  https://www.thehambleschool.co.uk/staff-recognition/

Well done to Year 11 for completing week one of the Mock Exams. Students have been going into the exams and trying really hard. We know that ‘hard work pays off’ so keep revising at home and it will all be worth it when you open your envelopes in August.

Congratulations to everyone who took part in Dance Live! this week. The performance was a real #TeamHamble event. Well done to all the students for your energy and enthusiasm. Thank you to the staff who gave up their time for lots of rehearsals.

Next week is Week 2.


Events w/b 06 March

w/b 06 March – Year 11 Mock Exams continue.

w/b 06 March – Year 10 Review Assessment Week.

07 March – Year 9 Online Preferences Event.

08 March – Rotary Technology Competition (selected students).

09 March – World Book Day – Students in all year groups can dress up as their favourite book character. Students not dressed up should attend in normal uniform.

09 March – Year 8 face-to-face parents’/ carers’ evening. Please refer to the letter sent previously to sign up.

Year 11 Intervention will not take place during the Mock Exam period.


Future Dates

15 & 16 March – Possible NEU Industrial Action. Please ensure you have childcare in place, as we may need to operate a partial closure. We will notify you of arrangements as soon as possible.

20 March – INSED Day.


Letters/ Emails sent last week

Year 8 & 9 – HPV Vaccinations

Year 9 – Preferences Forms

Year 10 – University of Southampton residential

Selected Students – Fit4Life, Fit4Life Holiday Training. Rotary Competition.

Our letters are available here: https://www.thehambleschool.co.uk/letters-to-parents/


Theme of the Week: World Book Day

Due to the Strike Action last week, we will be celebrating World Book Day on Thursday 09 March. Students are welcome to dress up as their favourite book characters and there will be lots of events happening around the school organised by the English Department and Mrs Kirby (LRC Manager).

Next week in the Personal Development sessions of tutor time, students will be focusing on reading. The National Literacy Trust states that ‘there can be few things as powerful as regularly reading… It has astonishing benefits for children: comfort and reassurance, confidence and security, relaxation, happiness and fun.  Reading for pleasure… builds self-esteem, vocabulary, feeds imagination and even improves their sleeping patterns’.



06-11 March is National Careers Week

National Careers Week (NCW) is a celebration of careers guidance. We have attached a free guide to the Weekly Message, which will help parents/ carers support their children with career choices.

Sparsholt – Catch up with our live Apprenticeship Q&A!

As part of National Apprenticeship Week, our Apprenticeship Manager Helen Mitchell and Senior Apprenticeship Liaison Officer, James Clements hosted an excellent Q&A session where they discussed all things apprenticeships including what we offer at Sparsholt College Group, how to gain an employer and much more!

If you missed our live session for parents and students, you can watch this online again here.

If you have any further questions, feel free to contact: apprenticeships@sparsholt.ac.uk


Consultation on proposed change to Post-16 Transport Policy

Hampshire County Council is seeking residents’ and stakeholders’ views on its proposed Post-16 Transport Policy for 2023/24.

The policy outlines the provision of the transport service for young people over the age of 16 who are accessing education or training. While there is no statutory obligation for the County Council to provide transport after the age of 16, a service is offered to students with special needs or disabilities who require additional support to access settings that are suitable for their needs. As with most Local Authorities, this is a discretionary service that requires a partial contribution from parents.

The County Council is required each year to prepare a Post-16 Transport Policy statement and to carry out a consultation. As part of this year’s consultation, the County Council is proposing to increase the parental contribution by 27.1%, in line with the increased costs of running the service.

The County Council is keen to hear from as many residents and stakeholders as possible. The consultation will run for a period of six weeks from Monday 20 February until 11:59pm on Sunday 2 April.

For full details of the proposed change to the policy, and how to submit your feedback, please visit the Hampshire County Council website.


Proud Friday

Congratulations to the following students who visited ‘Proud Friday’ this week. Their work was fantastic and all were awarded positive points:

Brooke E – Yr 10

Courtney P – Yr 10

Jaime-Leigh F – Yr 10

Olivia S – Yr 10

Tilly G – Yr 11

Mason M – Yr 8

Sophie F – Yr 9

Kadijah M-K Yr 11

Mia H – Yr 11

Libbie G – Yr 11

Teegan W – Yr 11

Millie S – Yr 9

Grace R – Yr 11

Harry H – Yr 9

Luca V – Yr 9

Jackson G – Yr 11

Bradley F – Yr 11

Reggie B – Yr 10

Lexie E – Yr 10

Lana E – Yr 8

Ruby S – Yr 9

Charlie M – Yr 9

Ashton M – Yr 10


If you have any concerns about your child’s wellbeing or would like to report a safeguarding issue, please email staysafe@thehambleschool.co.uk

To say ‘thank you’ to a member of staff, please complete our Staff Recognition form here: https://www.thehambleschool.co.uk/staff-recognition/