Transition to The Hamble School

Year 6 into Year 7 Induction

At The Hamble School we are committed to ensuring that new students get the best possible start. We want our students to quickly feel happy and settled in their new environment in order for them to make a flying start academically and to support their social development.

The transition process begins with a visit from a member of our transition team who will visit each primary/junior school. During these visits we discuss life at The Hamble School and answer any questions the students may have. Furthermore, we discuss individual students with the Year 6 teachers so that we obtain comprehensive academic information and understand each child’s needs, interests and abilities.

There is also the opportunity during this summer term for parents to book individual meetings with members of our transition team, including our SENDco, if there are very specific needs to discuss.

In addition to this the following events take place over the course of the summer term in order to support a smooth transition:

Induction Days

The induction days in July are of paramount importance as they provide our prospective students with a taste of life at The Hamble School. The students will have sample lessons and receive information about the school’s systems and expectations so they can be fully prepared for their start in September.

Parents’ and Students’ Induction Evening

This event is designed for parents/carers and students to familiarise themselves with procedures and expectations at The Hamble School. During the evening there is:

  • A speech from the Headteacher
  • An opportunity to meet your child’s tutor
  • Information about school systems such as – uniform, the house system, school meals, parent pay, homework, the behaviour code and rewards, the extra-curricular programme and travel to school.

Parents’ and Students’ Consultation Appointment with a member of the Senior Leadership and Pastoral Team

An important part of the induction process is the Consultation Appointment where parent/carers meet with a member of the Senior Leadership and the Pastoral Team. This is something that very few secondary schools do but we feel that this is a very good way of getting to know each child well and forging a close working relationship with parents. During the meeting we go through key information about the school, including the Home School Agreement, and answer any questions you may have. We also like to find out more detail about each child’s academic progress and their talents and interests.

Additional Transition Support

The Hamble School offers more personalised transition support programmes for those children who may find the move from primary/junior school more challenging. This can be arranged in consultation with the child’s current primary/junior school.

We look forward to welcoming all our new Year 7 students. If you have any questions about the transition process, please do not hesitate to contact us at

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