Assessment & Reporting

Inclusion (SEND)

Special Educational Needs and Disability

“You have reviewed the provision for pupils with SEND. You are committed to ensuring there is an inclusive culture through the school and this is being embedded effectively. The provision for pupils with SEND is improving rapidly following the implementation of a concise action plan”OFSTED Feb 2024

Student Progress Profile (SPP)

Inclusion - The Hamble SchoolThe Hamble School recognises the right of every student to be offered an appropriate education and seeks to ensure that, through the implementation of a whole school approach to special needs, each student can reach their full potential and grow in independence.

The Inclusion Department works in partnership with the child, parents, staff and outside agencies to support and guide the personal progress of the individual.

The Inclusion Department is line managed by Mr S Dudgeon, the Senior SENDCo (Special Educational Needs and Disability Coordinator) and Assistant Headteacher and Mrs J Capers, SENDCo. The Inclusion Team support high quality inclusive teaching within the classroom using ‘Student Progress Profiles’ which provide individual and personalised details regarding need and classroom support strategies advised for each student on the SEND register; support from a Learning Support Assistant is available based on the level of need and with a focus on group and class-based learning. The Inclusion Team also deliver interventions tailored to support specific learning needs.

The Inclusion Department is located within T2 (Tokyo Building) and LS (London Building). The department is equipped with two sensory rooms and an ELSA room which support The Inclusion Department in providing a safe and nurturing environment where students can thrive with short-term bespoke support and intervention focused on accessing learning within the classroom.

The staff of the Inclusion Department are highly trained and committed individuals who establish excellent relationships with the students they support. Staff inspire confidence and encourage a feeling of security which enables students to accept feedback and improve their learning.

Students who require additional support are identified through liaison work with feeder schools, rigorous screening, the school’s referral system and parental concerns. Our aim is to support students to enable them to have full access to the National Curriculum. The school’s policy is that students with special educational needs and disability will be educated in mainstream classrooms with their peers. The delivery of the curriculum may be scaffolded to meet their needs; and additional adult help may be provided within the classroom for students with high SEND need (such as students with an EHCP). Guidance is also provided through interventions and advice and dialogue with subject teachers. The Inclusion Department has excellent links with outside agencies, which they use to support their work and advise on ways forward, both as a whole school and for individual students.

Within the Inclusion Department, specific academic support interventions are delivered 1:1 and in small, focused groups (e.g. ‘Reading for Pleasure’ and ELSA) The Department liaises with trained physiotherapists and delivers specific sessions for students with disabilities. Lunchtime club is offered to individual students on the SEND register and prioritised based on individual needs. Social skills, social thinking and making / maintaining friendships are the focus of these sessions. Students are made welcome and encouraged to support one another and respect the needs of those around them.

Students access support from the Inclusion Team, for many different reasons and may be referred by Emotional Support Team and / or Pastoral Team. There is a break-time and lunch-time ELSA (emotional literacy support) drop-in available to referred students.

Homework Club is hosted by the Inclusion Department within Step provision and is offered to all students including those with SEND. This runs after school daily between 2.35-3.55pm on Mondays and between 2.55-3.55pm Tuesday, Thursday and Friday. Homework Club is staffed by two Learning Support Assistants each day; these staff members can assist students with their homework.

Some students may qualify for additional support for public examinations at Key Stage 4. In these cases, ‘Access Arrangements’ for individual students will be applied for following testing.

Please find below an anonymised example of an SPP…

click the image for a larger view…


Anonymised example of an SPP

Book a meeting with the SENDCO’s

If you would like to book a meeting with the SENDCO’s they are available to meet every Wednesday after school, please email detailing your availability and what you would like to discuss and the inclusion admin team will book the meeting. Meetings can occur over the phone, over TEAMS or face to face.

Who are the SENDCO’s and what can they help with?

We have two SENDCO’s at The Hamble School, Mr Dudgeon (Senior SENDCO) and Mrs Capers (SENDCO), below is a table of some of the issues they can support with:

What a SENDCO can help with What a SENDCO cannot help with
✔ Organising screening for a suspected SEND need × Removing behaviour points from Class Charts
✔ Planning provision for students with a diagnosis of SEND need × Removing detentions from Class Charts
✔ Making referrals to CAMH’s to support with a range of needs × Make a referral for a dyslexia assessment
✔ Support the family to make an MHST referral × Make a referral for a ‘sensory diet’
✔ Support with making an application of an EHCNA × Chasing CAMHS for an update
✔ Explain the HQIT startegies employed in the school to support a range of needs
✔ Discuss and input access arrangements for students with SEND needs
✔ Provide advice on external support charities
✔ Issue medical or exit stickers following medical evidence


Further information