Weekly Message – 29 September 2023

Weekly Message – 29 September 2023

We are four weeks into the school year and we have spent time reviewing how our Year 7s and new staff have settled into life at The Hamble School. We welcomed teachers from Bursledon Junior School and Hamble Primary on Wednesday and Thursday – They toured lessons and...
Weekly Message – 22 September 2023

Weekly Message – 22 September 2023

The highlight of this week has been Open Evening. It was fantastic to showcase the school. Thank you to Maisie, Thomas, Natasha, Oscar, Patrick and Beth was your fabulous speeches – We appreciate the time you took to write such thoughtful words and your delivery was...
Weekly Message – 15 September 2023

Weekly Message – 15 September 2023

This week Mrs Valleley (Deputy Headteacher) and Mr L Wood (Assistant Headteacher) have hosted Curriculum Evenings for Year 8-11. These sessions have provided parents/ carers with more information about parents/ carers can support their children and key milestones...
Weekly Message – 8 September 2023

Weekly Message – 8 September 2023

It has been a wonderful week in school. The Year 7s have settled into the school very well and have been enjoying their lessons. The Senior Leadership Team has been visiting lots of classrooms and we are very impressed that students are working hard and have a...
Weekly Message – 1 September 2023

Weekly Message – 1 September 2023

We hope that everyone has enjoyed the summer and is looking forward to coming back to school on Monday. The staff have been in school today preparing and we are excited to welcome everyone next week. Our first Weekly Message of the year has been sent before the start...
Weekly Message – 14 July 2023

Weekly Message – 14 July 2023

This week has all been about ‘celebration’. Congratulations to everyone who took part in Sports Day, won an award at Prize Giving and completed their Duke of Edinburgh Bronze Award at the weekend. Other highlights have been the parent/ carer school tours,...