Back to School 2022

Back to School 2022

We hope you have enjoyed the summer. Over the last 6 weeks our support staff have been busy with a number of improvement projects across the site and we are all ready to welcome your son/ /daughter back to school on Friday 2 September. Our first communication of the...
Weekly Message – 22 July 2022

Weekly Message – 22 July 2022

This week marked the end of the academic year. The students have had a wonderful time on trips/ visits and celebrating achievements. Some of our students visited the Hamble Hopper in Southampton and the Year 7s and 8s enjoyed a fabulous trip to the Mayflower to watch...
Weekly Message – 15 July 2022

Weekly Message – 15 July 2022

The absolute highlights last week had to be Sports Day on Tuesday and the Prize-Giving awards evening at the Hilton Ageas on Thursday. It was brilliant to see so many students representing their Houses in a range of different sports during the Sports Day events – We...
Weekly Message – 08 July 2022

Weekly Message – 08 July 2022

Last week we enjoyed lots of celebrations in school. On Monday it was the Prom at the Chilworth Manor Hotel. Everyone had a fabulous time and it was brilliant to be able to celebrate the last five years with Year 11. Thank you to Mrs Emmett-Callaghan for organising...
Weekly Message – 01 July 2022

Weekly Message – 01 July 2022

What a week we have had this week; so many events have taken place – Year 11 Leavers Assembly, Year 7 Geography fieldtrip to Marwell, Year 7 PSHCRE morning, Year 10 Careers Fayre, Year 7 and 8 Rainbow Picnic, a visit from K9 as part of our drugs education programme...
Weekly Message – 24 June 2022

Weekly Message – 24 June 2022

This week we have been talking about ‘care’ in assemblies. Our school values include ‘We Care’ and in practice this means that we treat others and the environment with kindness and respect, showing consideration, tolerance and good manners. We have been particularly...