Weekly Message – 28 June 2024

Weekly Message – 28 June 2024

It has been an exciting and memorable week. We have started our Academic Transition with the local feeder schools and our teachers have really enjoyed visiting the Year 6 students to deliver lessons. So far, we have been to Netley Abbey Junior School and Hamble...
Weekly Message – 21 June 2024

Weekly Message – 21 June 2024

Well done to the Year 10 students who have been completing their end of year exams this week – The invigilators have reported that the students have been working hard and concentrating in their exams. Thank you to the Parents/ Carers who attended Parent Forum on...
Weekly Message – 14 June 2024

Weekly Message – 14 June 2024

Last week we enjoyed the amazing Whole School Production. It was a fantastic Team Hamble effort. Well done to all the students who performed, supported backstage and worked as part of the technical crew. We are very proud of you all. Thank you to Mrs Bowman, Miss...
Weekly Message – 7 June 2024

Weekly Message – 7 June 2024

Welcome back to summer term 2! The sun is shining and we had a great week in school last week. There were trips and visits, production rehearsals and intervention sessions to support students with their exams. It was good to see so many parents/ carers attending the...
Weekly Message – 17 May 2024

Weekly Message – 17 May 2024

The highlight of the week has undoubtedly been the decision by Hampshire County Council to reject the proposed quarry next to the school. We are delighted with this news and would like thank the whole community for all their support and positive messages. Year 11 have...
Weekly Message – 10 May 2024

Weekly Message – 10 May 2024

Well done to the Year 11 students who started their written exams this week. The students were very well behaved and we know they all tried their best. Thank you to our staff who gave up their weekends to run the Duke of Edinburgh training walk for Year 10 and the...