
Careers Overview

All students at The Hamble School will receive careers education, information, advice and guidance (CEIAG) which supports them in making informed decisions about their future. We aim to inspire all our students to make the best transition into the right choice for their next steps, whether that is employment, further or higher education, and to support students in the development of the skills needed to manage a fulfilling career in a changing world.

Careers Education Information Advice and Guidance (CEIAG) at The Hamble School is centred upon Careers guidance and access for education and training providers guidance (January 2023) and the Gatsby Benchmarks.

We monitor and assess the impact of the programme by using the compass plus and student voice survey at the start and end of each academic year. This will be reviewed next in September 2024.

The Hamble School is committed to working towards fully achieving the eight Gatsby Benchmarks:

  1. A stable careers programme.
  2. Learning from career and labour market information.
  3. Addressing the needs of each student.
  4. Linking curriculum learning to careers.
  5. Encounters with employers and employees.
  6. Experiences of workplaces.
  7. Encounters with further and higher education.
  8. Personal guidance.

Careers guidance is provided through many platforms at school and some examples of these are below:

  • PSHRE lessons in Autumn Half Term 2 for all year groups focus on the theme of ‘Ambition’. Lessons include –

• Life long learner skills
• Growth mindset
• Stereotypes and prejudice
• What happens after School
• What are our career options?
• Values
• Types of accounts
• Budgeting
• Managing credit
• Choices and pathways
• Careers advice and guidance
• Getting a job
• Employment rights
• Employability and skills
• Digital communication – social media

  • A planned individual Careers advice programme in partnership with EBP (Careers Advisers) which provide students with at least 1 individual Careers advice and guidance interview at Key Stage 4.
  • All students will receive at least 2 meaningful encounters with businesses throughout the year in an assembly.
  • Planned College assemblies in Autumn Term 1 for Year 11. A 7 week block where 7 local Colleges attend school and deliver assemblies about their offer and services.
  • PSHRE Days – some of the session students take part in have a careers focus whereby students gain the opportunity for encounters with Colleges, Apprenticeship providers and people from the world of work.
  • Careers Fayre – Opportunity for Parents/Carers and students to meet Colleges, Apprenticeship providers and local business.
  • Trips and Visits – these have included Life Lab visits, Learn with us programme, Cooper Vision and the EBP Get Inspired Event. New trips and events to help with the immersive experience of industry are always being added to our calendar.
  • Virtual Speaker events – these have included a Tour of Amazon for Computer Studies students, the NHS 350+ and the BBC Bitesize roadshow and opportunities are always added when they arise.
  • Parent updates via letter, social media and website about upcoming college events and career opportunities.
  • Work experience for Year 11 in Autumn Term 1 gives students the opportunity to learn from employers about the work place and employability skills.

Careers provision is monitored, evaluated and reviewed through systems including analysis of statistics such as take-up of career interviews, numbers of past students Not in Education Employment or Training (NEET) and where possible the progress of those 17 and 18 year-old students who have recently left in line with indented destination information.

Comprehensive careers guidance for students can be found in the Careers section of the student pages – here
Please also read the Provider Access Policy – Download (PDF)