We are very keen to gain student, staff and parent/ carers feedback about the changes which have been put in place over the last 8 months. This week Year 11 students have completed a Student Voice Survey and we have issued a Staff Survey. After half term we will be sending out a questionnaire to parents/ carers.

In the mean time we would like to remind you about the different methods you can use to communicate with the school.

  • For any safeguarding or wellbeing concerns please email staysafe@thehambleschool.co.uk or use the ‘Report a Concern’ button on the website – https://www.thehambleschool.co.uk/report-concerns/
  • For all other questions, issues or concerns please email general@thehambleschool.co.uk and we will direct to the appropriate teacher. We ask you to use this email rather than contacting staff directly so that we can support their workload. We would request that you do not telephone the school unless it is an emergency as teachers will be in lessons during the school day and therefore unable to speak to parents/ carers. Please also ensure that you have an appointment if you visit the school in person.
  • If you would like to arrange to see Miss Cambridge (Headteacher) or a member of the Senior Leadership Team, please email headteacher@thehambleschool.co.uk
  • We would also encourage you to sign up to Parent Forum and the Coffee Mornings to find out more about the school and specific topics.

We know that there are some parent/ carers Facebook groups connected with the school. Whilst these are helpful for reminders and sharing information such as dates, we would ask that you raise any concerns directly with the school and follow the rules of the group. We have been made aware that some parents/ carers are naming staff on the chats and not speaking to the school directly.

We have our final week of Year 5/6 Open Mornings next week – If you have a child in these year groups or know someone who does, please do sign up: https://forms.office.com/e/Px1zqDmteb

Next week is WEEK 2.


Events w/b 16 October

All week – Year 9 Review Assessment Week. Students are expected to revise using the resources provided by teachers on Class Charts.

All week – Year 7 CATs tests (please see previous email).

Tuesday 17 October – 8C1 LifeLab Trip (see previous letter), Open Morning for prospective Year 7 students, Year 9 and 10 Art Workshop, Year 11 Barton Peveril assembly, Raising Achievement Evening – for Year 11 students and parents/ carers at 6pm in the Main Hall.

Wednesday 18 October – Year 11 lunchtime Careers drop in at The Hub (Progress Zone), 8C2 LifeLab Trip (see previous letter), BFG (Bereavement Friendship Group) half termly meet up.

Thursday 19 October –Open Morning for prospective Year 7 students, 8C3 LifeLab Trip (see previous letter).

Friday 20 October – INSED Day – The school is closed to students.

Future dates

Monday 23 – Friday 27 October – Half term Holiday

Thursday 7 November – Cause for Concern Year 11 Parents’ Evening (selected students).


Letters sent this week

All letters can be found here: https://www.thehambleschool.co.uk/letters-to-parents/

All – World Mental Health Day, Parent Governor Vacancy.

Year 11 – Raising Achievement Evening

Year 12 – Presentation Evening

The canteen menus can be found here: https://www.thehambleschool.co.uk/food-and-drink/

Please check your child’s Attendance regularly on Class Charts


Theme of the Week – Rewards

This week we will be celebrating successes over this half term. Certificates and prizes for excellent attitude to learning and progress will be presented in our reward assemblies.

Year 7s who completed the Transition Challenge will be given their prizes.

In the Year 11 assembly we will be launching the year group song, tagline and Prom.



We are continuing our campaign against the Quarry. The Student Leadership Team are committed to coordinating the response from children at the school. They would like your child’s help with some information. If your son/ daughter has not complete the survey, please encourage them to do so: https://forms.office.com/e/Ktx8HKH6aB


Parent/ Carer Support – Parent Coffee Morning

This year we will be launching our parent/carers Coffee Morning. These will occur once a half term.

There will be a different focus for each Coffee Morning. Some example sessions will be:

  • Supporting your child with learning
  • Supporting your child with anxiety
  • Healthy Eating
  • Managing Sleep
  • Managing Behaviour


Coffee mornings are a great way for Parent/Carers to connect with each other, share experiences, learn new skills/tools and relax. We will provide free tea, coffee and biscuits. On some mornings free resources, leaflets or activities will be distributed. These sessions will be run by our Child and Family Support worker, Mrs Toner. We will often invite visiting guest speakers to support such as The Saints Foundation and Solent Mind. We will also have a parent library where you can loan support books on a range of subjects.

The first coffee morning is Tuesday 7 November, 9.30am – 10.30am. The first session will be themed ‘Supporting your child’s emotional wellbeing’

Click here to sign up: https://forms.office.com/e/Jqjb7ZD3ta


Year 11 Update

Raising Achievement Evening is on Tuesday 17 October at 6pm. Please attend with your son/ daughter. We will focus on revision and study skills, exam techniques and how to achieve your best in the exams. All families who attend will also receive a revision pack and paper copies of the mock exams timetable on the night. Sign up here: https://forms.office.com/e/WrKawMuLYm


Community Partnership – Embracing Age


We are delighted to inform you that we have developed a community partnership with Embracing Age. This will involve a variety of projects, for example card making, an Art/ Photography competition and visits to local Care Homes nearer Christmas. We are very excited about this community work and know it will have a positive impact. More details will be communicated soon!


Collaborative Concert – Thursday 7 November

On Thursday 7 November musicians from The Hamble School will join together with Hamble Primary School, Netley Abbey Junior School and Bursledon Junior School for a Collaborative Concert at 5pm in the school hall. Our concert will be at 7pm on the same night. Tickets are priced at £3.50 and will be available to buy this week.

Careers – Student Hub

Over the next few weeks we will have a range of education and apprenticeship providers in our Student Hub to answer questions and talk to students. Please come along at lunchtime. The Student Hub is located in the Progress Zone. All year groups are welcome.

College/Apprenticeship Provider Representative Student Hub Date
Barton Peveril College Lara Elston & Anisha Begum Wednesday 18th October 2023
Itchen College Mike Jones Wednesday 1st November 2023
Peter Symonds College Liane Shaw Wednesday 8th November 2023
PETA Apprenticeships Emma Quance Wednesday 15th November 2023
Sparsholt College Phil Allen Tuesday 21st November 2023
Fareham College Danielle Logan Wednesday 29th November 2023


#BeeWell Project

As communicated a few weeks ago, Year 8 and 10 will be participating in the national #BeeWell project.  #BeeWell is a programme that aims to understand the issues that matter to young people through an annual wellbeing survey delivered to secondary schools. The results are anonymised and combined so that schools, voluntary agencies, local government and health can act on what young people are saying and make positive change. All schools in Hampshire, the Isle of Wight, Portsmouth and Southampton have been invited to participate. 200 young people have been involved in developing the questions and co-creating the survey by telling us what factors influence their wellbeing and what makes them thrive. The School will receive a confidential, bespoke feedback report to provide insight into the wellbeing of students. All individual surveys are anonymous, however collectively will be able to inform improvements. Neighbourhood level data will also be publicly available to help local organisations and businesses target resources to where they are most needed.  Students will participate in the survey in one of their PSHCRE lessons over the next 3 weeks. A video about the project can be viewed here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RJlzgqMzybk



The following students have achieved the most reward points this week:

Year 7 – Edward A 7-5

Year 8 – Bella J 8-4

Year 9 – Peyton H 9-5

Year 10 – Lennix M 10-2

Year 11 – Matvii P 11-4


Celebration Friday!

The following students were awarded certificates and points for showing us their fantastic work at Proud Friday:

Year 7

Melody L


Year 8

James J

Isla C

Maisy M

Lexie L

Lillie McE


Year 9

Gracie K

Eliza G

Rhiannon B


Year 10

Sam W

Noemie J

Erin G

Millie S

Ceryn D

Isabelle C

Ruby S

Year 11

Liam F

Poppy F

Kadijah M-K

This week 95 students gained their Bronze Award and 44 achieved Silver. Well done to all.

If you would like to nominate a member of staff for a ‘thank you’, please click here: https://www.thehambleschool.co.uk/staff-recognition/



If you or you child would like support with wellbeing, please check out the links of our website: https://www.thehambleschool.co.uk/student-wellbeing-support/ You can report a safeguarding concern here: https://www.thehambleschool.co.uk/report-concerns/