The highlight of this week has been Open Evening. It was fantastic to showcase the school. Thank you to Maisie, Thomas, Natasha, Oscar, Patrick and Beth was your fabulous speeches – We appreciate the time you took to write such thoughtful words and your delivery was brilliant. We will be awarding these students with Headteacher Commendations next week.

Thank you to all the Prefects, tour guides and student helpers who assisted in departments. The feedback from families visiting the school was amazing. We have shared a few comments below:

‘Very welcoming tour guides and a great range of activities to engage students’.

‘Lovely to hear from students. Lots of relevant information’.

‘Great displays which showcase wonderful work’.

‘The student tour guides were excellent’

‘The guides were absolutely amazing. An absolute credit to the school. Really welcoming and knowledgeable’.

‘Our tour guides Ella-Rose and Olivia were fantastic’.

‘Chris was an excellent tour guide’.

We are so proud of your all – You are truly exceptional ambassadors for the school.

Thank you to staff for all you hard work preparing for the evening and providing such interactive opportunities for the primary school children. We also wanted to give a special mention to Mrs Wrench (our Graphic Designer) who works tirelessly behind the scenes to produce all the posters, displays and literature.

If you are keen for your child to join us in September 2024, a reminder that we are running Open Mornings in October for prospective children and their parents/ carers – You can sign up to these here:


Next week is WEEK 1.


Events w/b 25 September

Year 11 Review Assessment Week – Year 11 students will have exams/ exam questions in every subject. They must be revising at home and revision materials will be put on Class Charts to support with this.

Tuesday 26, Wednesday 27 and Thursday 28 – Primary school teachers from Hamble Primary, Bursledon Junior School and Netley Abbey Junior School to see Year 7 students in lessons and meet them at lunchtime.


Future dates

Thursday 5 October – Year 7 Meet the Tutor

w/b 9 October – Year 7 CAT Testing

Tuesday 17 October – Year 11 Raising Achievement Evening for students and parents/ carers

Friday 20 October – INSED Day (the school will be closed to students)


Letters sent this week

All letters can be found here:

Year 7 – DT Contribution

Year 11 – History Revision Guides


Theme of the Week – British Values: Democracy

This week Mrs Turner (Associate Assistant Headteacher) will be running the assemblies focussed on Student Leadership and the opportunities available for students – They can become…

  • Head Students
  • Prefects
  • House Captains
  • Transition Prefects
  • Junior Prefects
  • Student Councillors
  • Cyber Ambassadors
  • Eco Ambassadors
  • Anti-Bullying Ambassadors.

Mrs Turner will outline how students can get involved in Student Voice and make suggestions to improve the school.

In the Personal Development sessions of tutor this week, students will be discussing the following topics:

  • Year 7 – Be Awesome Programme
  • Year 8 – How does democracy work? Local democracy
  • Year 9 – How does democracy work? National democracy
  • Year 10 – How does democracy work? National democracy
  • Year 11 – Student Skills Programme.


Parent Forum

Mrs Valleley will be hosting the first Parent Forum meeting of the academic year. We will discuss the priorities for the year and set the topics for Parent Forums each month.

We do not discuss individual students/ staff at meetings, however, we would ask that if you have any concerns or suggestions you come along and work with the school.

There will be two opportunities to sign up – Tuesday 3 October at 12:30pm in the Conference Room or 6:30pm in the Skills Centre.

Please complete the form here if you wish to attend.


Reminders from the Maths Department

All Year 7 need to log into the PiXL times-table app by Monday 25 September.

All other classes in Year 8-10 who have maths homework on MathsWatch – It is due on Monday 25 September.

The Year 11 homework booklet must be completed and marked using the uploaded mark scheme by your individual due date next week.


Borrowed Uniform

We are happy to lend students uniform if there is an issue at home which means they are not able to bring it in or they have forgotten an item as a ‘one off’. However, we ask that the uniform is returned so that others can borrow it. If an item is not returned after a week, we will invoice the parent/ carer for the cost of the uniform as we will assume that it has been lost.

If there are any concerns with the financial cost of buying uniform and you would like some support with this, please do email your child’s Progress Leader via


Well done, Misha!

On 9 September Misha in Year 8 travel to Manchester with his Solent Red Storm Under 14s team mates to take part in BritBowl. This is the annual Flag American Football National Finals involving teams from Scotland, Wales and England.

In a difficult first game that saw Misha’s team take an early lead, they sadly couldn’t get to grips with a very talented Sheffield Giants team that boasts a number of Great Britain players and lost. In the second game against the Nuneaton Jaguars (who are always difficult opponents), Misha displayed an outstanding performance and the game ended with a convincing Red Storm win setting them up for the 5th / 6th place game.

The last game of the day was against the Hertfordshire Cheetahs for a crunch clash to see who would finish on top of this bracket. Again a gritty performance from Misha and his teammates meant they came away with a 25-23 victory that went down to the last second.

Solent Red Storm Under 14s are now ranked as the 5th best team in the United Kingdom which is a huge achievement and gives them an excellent place to build from next season. Misha – We are very proud of you.

We are always keen to find out about your achievements outside of school – Email to share your stories.



Well done to the following students who gained the most positive points in their year group this week:

Year 7 – Aimee P 7-1

Year 8 – Ethan L 8-1

Year 9 – Jon B 9-2

Year 10 – May H 10-3

Year 11 – Georgia B 11-5


Celebration Friday!

Congratulations to the following students who attended Proud Friday:

Year 7 – Henri R, Bobby M, Charlie McG, Duncan E

Year 8 – Emre S, James J, William H

Year 9 – Mason M

Year 10 – Charlie M, Ruby S, Marty Mc, Owen J, Sophie F

Year 11 – Tom B, Libbie D, Marley D, Kadijah K, Isla M, Poppy F, Georgia B, Oliver H, Dominic C, Thomas D

We sent out 1,115 postcards this week for students who have achieved 100+ reward points.

128 students have achieved the Bronze Award – Congratulations to you all.

If you would like to nominate a member of staff for a ‘thank you’, please click here:



If you or you child would like support with wellbeing, please check out the links of our website: You can report a safeguarding concern here: