It has been a wonderful week in school. The Year 7s have settled into the school very well and have been enjoying their lessons. The Senior Leadership Team has been visiting lots of classrooms and we are very impressed that students are working hard and have a positive attitude to learning.

Today we welcomed Paul Holmes MP to the school. He toured the site with Miss Cambridge and Mrs Craggs (Chair of Governors) and met with the Student Leadership Team. During the visit he visited our new Inclusion Department. We also welcomed Mr Walton (Vice Chair of Hamble Primary School) and all discussed our concerns about the proposed Urban Quarry.

We look forward to seeing parents/ carers and students in Years 8-11 at our Curriculum Evenings next week. If you are unable to make it, we will email the curriculum booklet but we would strongly advise you to attend if you are able to do so.

Next week is Week 1.


Events w/b 11 September

Monday 11 September – Catch Up Vaccinations

Future dates:

Thursday 21 September – Open Evening for Year 5 and 6 children and their parents/ carers 5pm-8pm. Please note that we will be asking students to help in departments. All Transition Prefects and Year 11 Prefects are required to attend to support with tours. Letters will be distributed in due course.

The school will close at 1pm so that we can prepare and students should then return at 5pm if they are involved in Open Evening.

3, 5, 10, 12, 17, 19 October – Open Mornings for Year 5 and 6 children and their parents/ carers. A booking link will be distributed in due course.


Theme of the Week – New Beginnings

This week Miss Cambridge will be delivering the assemblies. She will provide an update on school improvements over the summer, talk about expectations and all the exciting activities coming up this year.

In the Personal Development sessions of tutor time, students will engage in the following topics:

Year 7 – Be Awesome Programme

Year 8 – What is your aim for the year?

Year 9 – What is your aim for the year?

Year 10 – How are you going to achieve your aspirations?

Year 11 – Subject intervention.



A reminder that blazers are required from Monday 11 September as the weather is forecast to be much cooler next week. Students can of course take them off in lessons, at lunch when they are sat down or engaged in activities.

We would ask that you sign the Home-School Agreement in your child’s planner by Friday 22 September. Your son/ daughter’s tutor will sign this on behalf of the school.


Year 7 – Transition Work

Before the summer holidays we wrote to our new Year 7 parents/ carers about our Transition activities (see below). Well done and thank you to the students who have completed this – We will be awarding positive points and handing out your prizes in the next few weeks. If you have completed this but not had time to submit your information, please use the QR code below by Friday 15 September.

Transition Competition


Extra- Curricular Information

We are delighted that our lunchtime and after school clubs and activities will begin on Monday 11 September.

Please note that Mr Spencer’s Christian Union and Debating Club will begin w/b Monday 18 September.


Curriculum Evenings

Last year feedback from parents/ carers was that you would like to know more about the curriculum and what your children are studying. Next week Mrs Valleley (Deputy Headteacher) and Mr L Wood (Assistant Headteacher) will be hosting curriculum evenings for Years 8-11. Please do sign up using the links below, if you have not already done so.

Year 7 will have a one-to-one ‘Meet the Tutor’ evening on Thursday 5 October. Information about this will be issued in due course.


Safeguarding and the Police

We are pleased to have Hampshire Police working in partnership with our school and the local community.

On Monday we had our first Police ‘walk around’ with PC Collins. These walk arounds will take place throughout the school year and involve PC Collins coming on site to talk to students at break/ lunchtime. We also use assemblies, tutor time, PSHCRE lessons and PSHCRE days to learn about safety and wellbeing.

If you have any concerns about incidents that take place out of school, please report to 101 or in an emergency use 999. Any concerns in school can be reported on the school website homepage under the ‘report a concern’ tab or via



Well done to the following students who gained the most positive points in their year group this week:

Year 7 – Seb R 7-2

Year 8 – Ethan L 8-1

Year 9 – Chloe T 9-2

Year 10 – Austin W 10-8

Year 11 – Georgia B 11-5

Who will be the first to Bronze this year?


Celebration Friday!

Next week we will start Proud Friday – Students need to bring a piece of work they are proud of to the area outside of the Skills Centre to receive a certificate and positive points.

We will also be sending out 100-point postcards and our Staff Recognition cards. If you would like to nominate a member of staff for a ‘thank you’, please click here