This week has all been about ‘celebration’. Congratulations to everyone who took part in Sports Day, won an award at Prize Giving and completed their Duke of Edinburgh Bronze Award at the weekend. Other highlights have been the parent/ carer school tours, our Sports Leaders assisting with county competitions and feeder school Sports Days and the Student Leadership Team presentation.

We would also like to ‘thank’ Network Rail as they visited this week to run informative assemblies about how to stay safe on trains and around stations/ train lines.

Monday 17 July is the start of our final week of the academic year. We still have a lot going – Academic transition continues, we have rewards events, Parent Forum and celebration assemblies on the last day of term.

Miss Cambridge will write to you before the final day, but we hope everyone has a wonderful summer and we look forward to seeing students back in school on Monday 4 September at 08:30am – Students will return on Week 2.

Next week is Week 2.


Events w/b 17 July

17-20 July – Rewards trips and film mornings/ afternoons

18 July – Art Exhibition 6pm-8pm

18 July – Maths Supergroup Transition Evening 6pm-7pm

19 JulyYear 8 Fire and Rescue Assembly Year 8 will attend a presentation by Hampshire Fire and Rescue Service. (This is a re-scheduled event from the Year 8 PSHCRE day).  Please contact Ms Bridges for more information:

19 July – Parent Forum 10am & 6pm – Sign up here

21 July – Last day of term. School will close for students at 1pm.


Future dates:

4 September – The school year 2023-24 starts at 08:30am on 4 September for all students.



Letters/ Emails sent last week

Year 7 – Battlefields Trip

Year 8 – Berlin Trip

Selected Students – Rewards Events

Our letters are available here:


Theme of the Week: Target Setting

This week students will be reflecting on what they have achieved this academic year and set targets for next year. We will encourage them to be proud of their achievements and always try their best.

Assemblies will all take place on Friday and Heads of Year will present end of year prizes to tutor group and individuals.


Year 6 Competition

Last week we launched a Year 6 competition to help students joining us prepare for September. If you have a child starting in Year 7 in September, please encourage them to check out the competition on the website under this week’s Weekly Message.


We know that at this time of year parents/ carers start replacing uniform and ensuring that students are ready for September. Please ensure you read the uniform policy and especially the shoe guidance before you purchase anything:


Proud Friday

Well done to all the students who attended Proud Friday to show us your excellent work. Miss Cambridge will be visiting feeder primary schools this week, so that children in Year 6 can show us the work they are proud of in their books/ folders.


Staff Recognition

To say ‘thank you’ to a member of staff, please complete our Staff Recognition form here:


Safeguarding/ Wellbeing Concerns

If you have any concerns about your child or another child/ family in the community, please email or use the ‘Report it’ button on the website.