At The Hamble School we are committed to providing a high quality provision both inside and outside of the classroom ( Last week our students experienced some fantastic opportunities on trips and visits. Year 7 travelled to Marwell Zoo to focus on the Geography topic of ecosystems and animal adaptations and Year 10 visited Brighton for their Photography course. Next week we have more trips to Southampton General Hospital with LifeLab and Year 10 college days at Barton Peveril and Itchen College planned.

The Year 6 to 7 Transition Programme is now in ‘full swing’. It was great to see so many children and their parents/ carers online for the Consultation Evenings. On Monday and Tuesday Year 6 students will join us in school for their Induction Days. They will spend time with their tutor/ tutor group and try some different lessons.

Our Extra-Curricular Programme is really strong and provides a variety of opportunities for students outside of the classroom. We would urge everyone to try something new – A list of all the clubs is available here: and Mr Spencer’s new Debating Club launched a few weeks ago is really popular.

Finally, this week our staff have been engaging in CPD (Continued Professional Development). Earlier in the week the PE staff worked with another local school to increase their expertise in Dance. On Friday all our staff came today for INSED to focus on topics such as de-escalation, self-regulation, teaching and learning techniques to ensure ‘inclusive classrooms’ and SEND training. It was a busy and productive day.

Next week is Week 2.


Events w/b 3 July

w/b 3 July – Year 10 Exams continue. The timetable is available here: Revision support is available here:

3 and 4 July – Year 6 Induction Days

5 July – NEU Strike Day – The school is closed to all students expect Year 7 (and those who are vulnerable or have an EHCP and have pre-booked a place).

5 July – Year 10 trip to Barton Peveril College

6 July – All students need to attend school as normal. Year 10 Itchen College trip

6 July – Lower School LifeLab STEM visit

6 July – Year 7 PSHCRE events

6 July – Year 11 Prom

7 July – NEU Strike Day – The school is closed to all students expect Year 7 (and those who are vulnerable or have an EHCP and have pre-booked a place)

7 July – All Year 10 students taking part in the Duke of Edinburgh Award need to be in school for 8:30am.

Future dates:

21 July – Last day of term. School will close for students at 1pm.

4 September – The school year 2023-24 starts at 08:30am on 4 September for all students.


Letters/ Emails sent last week

Whole School – Strike action on Wednesday 5 July and Friday 7 July, Train Tickets.

Year 7 – Mr Tweedle and Mr Wallace Tutor Group Changes

Year 10 – Tutor Group Changes from September 2023

Selected Students – Academic Transition

Our letters are available here:

Theme of the Week: Mental Health Awareness Fortnight

You may be aware that The Hamble School has welcomed a team from the NHS Mental Health Services, who are now based in the school. This is an exciting development as it means that we have additional expertise on site. Next week staff from the hub will be delivering assemblies on Mental Health.

This week the Pastoral Team will be focussing on how we can all improve our Mental Health and well-being. The Mental Health charity, Mind, suggest six key strategies:

  • Relax and reduce stress
  • Find ways to learn and be creative
  • Spend time in nature
  • Connect with others
  • Look after your physical health
  • Try to get enough sleep.

The Heads of Year will be delivering an assembly on the importance of sleep and we will focus on the positive benefits of physical activity and exercise through our Sports Day preparation.

If you have any concerns about your child’s wellbeing or would like to report a safeguarding issue, please email or use the ‘Report a Concern’ button on the school website. There are also many helpful resources on our


Year 7 PSHCRE Day – Thursday 6 July 2023

All Year 7 students should attend school in their Hamble School PE kit on Thursday 6 July, as they will be off timetable all day taking part in their PSHCRE ‘Healthy Me’ day.  There will be sessions on healthy eating, sports and exercise, wellbeing and healthy finances.  We are looking forward to an exciting and informative day.  Please note that any student wearing non-school uniform PE kit will be unable to take part in the day.  If you have any questions about the day, please email Ms Bridges, the PSHCRE Coordinator via


Year 10 Update

On Wednesday 5 July any students going to Barton Peveril for the Taster Day will still be able to attend despite the Strike Day. If your son/ daughter is not going to Barton, they will need to complete online learning at home, as the school will be closed to all year groups apart from Year 7.

On Thursday 6 July those students who were signed up to attend Itchen College will go on this day (rather than the original Wednesday). All other Year 10 students will be in school.

On Friday 7 July all Year 10 students will need to compete online work at home as the school is closed to Year 10.

Any students taking place in the Duke of Edinburgh Award will need to be in school with all their equipment by 8:30am. This is still going ahead despite the strikes and students will leave on Friday as planned.

The MFL exams have been postponed to the following week and this was communicated last week in an updated timetable. If you have any questions, please email Mrs Barkshire (Head of Year) via



Parent/ Carer Survey

At the beginning of June we sent home a parent/ carer survey to get your views about the school and what we can work together to improve. We are urging you to take 10 minutes to complete it online so that we have a representative sample of the whole parent/ carer community. We will close the survey again at 8pm on Monday 3 July 2023.

Students have also completed a similar survey and we would like to bring the results to you at our next Parent Forum on 19 July. You can sign up to this here: We will host a session at 10am and another at 6pm as usual.

A reminder that we are also opening up school to current parents/ carers on 12 and 13 July. Join us for a tour and meet members of the Senior Leadership Team at 9:15am. Sign up here to book a place:


SENIASS – Parent Views

Hampshire and Isle of Wight are in the process of procuring a new Special Educational Needs Independent Advice and Support Service (SENDIAS Service) to provide information, advice and a support service to children, their parents/ carers and young people with Special Educational Needs and
Disabilities (SEND) in a more cost effective and efficient way across both areas.

They want to hear the views of parents/ carers, as well as young people’s own opinions, so that future services provide what is most important to customers.

Please help them by completing and sharing this survey at the soonest possible convenience, for completion by 9 July 2023: SENDIASS – Your Views

The primary purpose of the service will be to ensure that parents of children with SEND are empowered to play an active and informed role in their child’s education and that young people with SEND aged 16-25 have the appropriate information, advice and support to raise aspirations and enable them to make decisions on issues relating to preparing for adulthood.

By completing and sharing this survey you can help Hampshire understand what is important when someone is using or looking to use a Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND) information, advice and support service. This will inform what services might look like in in the future.


Hampshire Holiday Activities and Food Information

he Holiday Activities and Food (HAF) Programme is a government sponsored scheme offering enriching activities and healthy meals to children from reception to year 11 during the Summer holidays. To find out more about the support that is being offered, click here:


Well done to Caleb – Year 10 and Nathaniel – Year 7

Last weekend Caleb and Nathaniel took part in their first National Taekwondo competition, held in Portsmouth. Caleb received a silver medal for sparring. Nathanial received a bronze medal for Poomsae (patterns).

There were 11 different clubs from around the country that took part, meaning lots of competition for medals. Both represented their club, Waterside Taekwondo club, with great pride and skill.

We are proud of you.



We will be writing to parents/ carers over the next week about our Rewards Events which all take place during the last week of term. We have an exciting film afternoon and external trips planned.


Staff Recognition

To say ‘thank you’ to a member of staff, please complete our Staff Recognition form here: