Apologies for no Weekly Message last week, but normal service has been resumed today! It is a ‘bumper edition’, so please grab a tea/ coffee and enjoy!

It has been an ‘action packed’ week…

Arts Week last week included 13 workshops, a backstage tour of the Mayflower Theatre, a trip to see the Rambert school showcase, a whole school collaboration for a permanent art piece, cross-curricular experiences bringing the arts into different subjects, not to mention numerous external agencies who came in to work with our young people. There were so many staff involved and it really was a  event but a massive ‘thank you’ to Mrs Bowman – Head of Creative Arts for co-ordinating such an amazing week.

Year 11 finished their exams and celebrated with an award-winning Leavers Assembly. There were student awards, staff awards, the battle of the ‘Hamble Drum King’ between Scotty and Mr Andrews and a special surprise from Sonny and TeamHamble. A big ‘thank you’ to Mrs ‘warrior’ Bone, Mrs Chalk, Mr and Mrs Griffiths.

Our new Year 7s joined us in school on Tuesday evening for their Induction Evening. They met key people who will support them in their transition to secondary school – Mrs Clarkson (our new Head of Year 7), their tutors, the Student Leadership Team and Transition Prefects. 100% of parents/ carers found the event useful overall.

Next week is Week 1.


Events w/b 26 June

w/b 26 June – Year 10 Exams continue. The timetable is available here: https://www.thehambleschool.co.uk/examination-information/ Revision support is available here: https://www.thehambleschool.co.uk/revision/

28 June – Year 7 Marwell Zoo Trip

28 & 29 June – Year 6 Online Consultation Evening

29 June – Year 10 Photography Trip

30 June – INSED Day (the school is closed to students).

Future dates:

5 July and 7 July – NEU Industrial Action (Strike Days) – Details will be sent out next week about partial closure, but please arrange childcare.


Letters/ Emails sent last week

Whole School – You Said, We Did – Uniform, Uniform Policy and Shoe Guidance from September 2023

Year 7 – Mr Tweedle and Mr Wallace Tutor Group Changes

Year 10 – Tutor Group Changes from September 2023

Our letters are available here: https://www.thehambleschool.co.uk/letters-to-parents/


Spanish Exchange Students

This week we welcome three exchange students from Spain. They will be attending lessons at school and the host students will return to Spain for a week later in the summer term.

We hope you all have a wonderful time.


Theme of the Week: Reading Week

This is our last reading week for this year. The week will involve all tutor groups in Years 7-9 (Year 10 will not be taking part because of exams). In the Personal Development sessions of tutor time, tutors will deliver three sessions on the theme of Refugees. This follows last week’s assemblies for Refugee Week.

Students will be reading extracts from a short called ‘Windrush Child’ by Ben Zephaniah. They will be given the opportunity to develop their confidence in reading by reading aloud in class and focus on developing knowledge and understanding about refugees.

Key questions students will focus on include:

  • What is a refugee? A person who flees a foreign country or power to escape danger or persecution.
  • What is compassion? Showing sympathy or concern for the suffering of others.
  • What is the Windrush Generation? Watch this short clip here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Si3IRAPJkkU


Cyber Safety

Mr Andrews (Assistant Headteacher) will be delivering assemblies this week with the Cyber Ambassadors focussed on Cyber Safety. Internet Matters provide a number of resources for parents/ carers to help you navigate the risks and rewards that social media can bring. You can find out more information here

If you would like further help, please email staysafe@thehambleschool.co.uk


PSHCRE Dates for your Diary

Ms Bridges (PSHCRE Co-ordindator) has arranged a number of outside speakers to come into school, over the next few weeks to education our students about important issues.

Thursday 6 July – Year 7 ‘Healthy Me’ PSHCRE Day

Wednesday 12 July – Year 7 PSHCRE Puberty Talk by Shannon Reddin, the school’s Relationships and Sexual Health Consultant

Thursday 13 July – Year 7, 9 and 10 Network Rail Safety Presentation

Wednesday 19 July – Year 8 Hampshire Fire and Rescue Service Presentation.

If you have any questions, please contact Ms Bridge via general@thehambleschool.co.uk

Year 10 Duke of Edinburgh Award

Any remaining D of E groups that need to complete their maps, please can you go to S2 and see Mr Bradshaw on Monday lunchtime.


Parent/ Carer Survey

‘When schools and parents listen to each other and work together, they have a really positive impact on attainment and student well-being. This is why it is so important that schools work in partnership with parents, from a child’s first days at school right through to when they leave’ (John Hattie).

At the beginning of June we sent home a parent/ carer survey to get your views about the school and what we can work together to improve. The deadline for completion was 20 June, however, only 6% of parents/ carers have filled it in. We are urging you to take 10 minutes to complete it online https://www.surveymonkey.co.uk/r/THSParentVoice23 so that we have a representative sample of the whole parent/ carer community. We will close the survey again at 8pm on Monday 3 July 2023.

Students have also completed a similar survey and we would like to bring the results to you at our next Parent Forum on 19 July. A reminder that we are also opening up school to current parents/ carers on 12 and 13 July. Join us for a tour and meet members of the Senior Leadership Team at 9:15am. Sign up here to book a place:  https://forms.office.com/e/hdKgYYVALN


Uniform and Skoolkit

Further to our email yesterday. Having had a good look at the long-range weather forecast, blazers will now be optional until the end of the summer term. Students must wear a shirt and tie. Please ensure that if your child wants to wear an additional layer, they bring their blazer. Jumpers are not to be worn instead of the blazers. So students can wear – Shirt and tie or blazer, shirt and tie.

As you are already aware we are introducing branded Hamble Senior Day Shorts from September 2023. These are now available to view and purchase on the Skoolkit website https://www.skoolkit.co.uk/school-uniform/41

As reminder that Skoolkit have a 10% discount week between 8-14 July 2023. If any families require financial support purchasing any of our branded uniform, please email Mrs Pennington-Chick (Senior Deputy Headteacher) via general@thehambleschool.co.uk


Hampshire Holiday Activities and Food Information

The Holiday Activities and Food (HAF) Programme is a government sponsored scheme offering enriching activities and healthy meals to children from reception to year 11 during the Summer holidays. To find out more about the support that is being offered, click here: https://www.hants.gov.uk/socialcareandhealth/childrenandfamilies/connectforcommunities/holidayactivities/haf-information


Hampshire Teen Project

Personal Best is delivering the Hampshire Teen Project in partnership with Hampshire County Council (Connect4Communities) during the Summer holidays for students aged 11-16 who are in receipt of free school meals at their current school. For information and to sign up, visit https://form.jotform.com/231522991329358


Parenting Courses

Hampshire County Council has partnered with the Solihull Approach to provide free, evidence-based online courses with practical tips and advice to boost parent’s and carer’s confidence, help them navigate family life, and strengthen their relationships. . These courses are being funded by Hampshire and Isle of Wight Public Health for professionals and families to access.

Families receive unlimited access to the courses and can go back to them as their needs change. The interactive courses cover topics like:

  • Understanding your child with additional needs (0-19 years)
  • Understanding your child’s mental health and wellbeing
  • Understanding the impact of the pandemic on your child/teenager
  • Understanding your brain (for teenagers only)
  • Understanding your feelings (for teenagers only)

More information can be found here: https://www.hants.gov.uk/socialcareandhealth/publichealth/solihullapproach

To register for parent courses the following steps will need to be completed:

  1. Visit https://inourplace.co.uk/
  2. Select ‘start now: Buy courses or apply code’
  3. Enter the access code: FAMILY
  4. Enter your information and select the relevant course


Swimming Achievements

We have received some fantastic news from Hamble Aquatics Swim Team about five of our students. We are so proud of you and congratulations from everyone at TeamHamble.

The students recently participated in the Winchester Mad May Sprint event and achieve a number of personal bests. Well done to these very enthusiastic and active members of the Swim Team:

Bella H – Yr 7 Personal best in five events

Rory M – Yr 7 Personal best in five events

Joe T – Yr 7 – Personal best in four events

Matilda D – Yr 7 Personal best in four events

Beth T – Yr 9 Personal best in two events

Lyla H – Yr 9 Personal best in five events


Well done to Eloise

Last month Eloise – Yr 11 competed at the World Championships Cheerleading competition in the USA with her team Emeralds.  Eloise and her team came 4th in their group which earned them a place in the finals on day 2 and then placed 23rd out of 67. We are really proud of Eloise and her team.

We love to hear about your achievements outside of school – Email communication@thehambleschool.co.uk



Congratulations to Eva P in Year 7 who is the first ever winner of the Diamond Award. Eva received a certificate, voucher and a badge to wear on her school blazer.

Remember there is one week left to achieve Platinum (1,250 points) and an invite to the end of year rewards trip. After Friday any points gained will still count towards the film event, vouchers and end of year celebration.


Community Concerns

Please can we request that if you are dropping off or collecting your son/ daughter from school in a car you considerate to our neighbours and the gym users at Everyone Active. Please particularly ensure that residents in Broad Way can get to/ from their houses with ease.


If you have any concerns about your child’s wellbeing or would like to report a safeguarding issue, please email staysafe@thehambleschool.co.uk or use the ‘Report a Concern’ button on the school website.


Staff Recognition

To say ‘thank you’ to a member of staff, please complete our Staff Recognition form here: https://www.thehambleschool.co.uk/staff-recognition/

This week we had over 55 recognitions sent in from parents/ carers and students. Our staff absolutely love them.