We hope all of our families have had a lovely week and managed to enjoy the sunshine. We are back to school tomorrow (Monday 05 June 2023) for the final half term of the 2022-23 academic year. There are lots of exciting events coming up, but next week we are focused on the Year 11 GCSE exams.

If you have a child in Years 7-10, please talk to them about the importance of these exams and ensure they are reminded that they must be silent in and around the Skills Centre, so that our Year 11s can concentrate and complete exams without any interruptions.

We would also like to remind parents/ carers and your children about the uniform expectations. These are available here: https://www.thehambleschool.co.uk/uniform/ The majority of our students look smart and come to school fully equipped, but it is important that everyone in the school follows these requirements. During the first week, our tutors will be completing uniform and equipment checks – Any issues will be reported on Class Charts.

During the summer months we ask the students bring their blazers to school (it can be chilly early in the morning on the way to school and around the site), but they will of course be able to take them off in classrooms.

Next week is Week 2.

Events w/b 5 May

Year 11 Exams

05 June – Year 11 GCSE English Language (AM), French (PM)

06 June – Year 11 GCSE Spanish (AM)

07 June – Year 11 GCSE Maths (AM), History (PM)

08 June – No exams

26 May – Year 11 GCSE Geography (AM), Science – Biology (PM)


Sunday 11 June – English and Maths Revision


Other dates:

05 June – Meet the SENDCos (for Year 6 parents/ carers)

06 June – Year 6 Information Evening for non-feeder school children

07 June – Year 9 and 10 Careers Fayre

08 June – Parent Forum (10am or 6pm) Please sign up here: https://forms.office.com/e/NSrVpJNexw

Transition Journey Plan 2023


Letters/ Emails sent last week

Whole School – Newsletter, Parent forum Reminder, Reading for Pleasure.

Year 11 – Intervention

Our letters are available here: https://www.thehambleschool.co.uk/letters-to-parents/


Theme of the Week: Environment Issues and Sustainability

This week the Eco-Ambassadors will be delivering the assemblies with Mr Knight. The team are interested in how we can make the school more environmentally friendly. They are currently looking at recycling, saving energy and increasing biodiversity and wildlife.

In the Personal Development sessions during tutor time, we will be looking at the following questions:

Year 7 – How can we look after the local environment?

Year 8 – How can we improve the environment?

Year 9 – How can we make a difference to the environment?

Year 10 – How can we get involved in the wider community to help look after the environment?

Students will also be developing their understanding of the following key words to enhance their literacy knowledge: Aquatic, Atmosphere.


All New Debating Club!

After some persuasion from our students, Mr Spencer has agreed to run another club next half term for students in Years 9 and 10. He will be launching a Debate Club. This will take place on a Thursday from 3pm-3:45pm in D6. It will start on Thursday 8th June 2023.



Mrs Valleley is currently our Community Liaison member of the Senior Leadership Team. Over the last few weeks she has received a small number of emails from members of the public raising concerns about issues in the community:

Parking – If you drop your children off to school, we do ask that you park considerately and avoid using the area around Broad Way as this causes issues for residents leaving/ coming into their properties.

Anti-Social Behaviour – There is currently a concern in many communities in and around Southampton that a small minority of teenagers are engaging in anti-social behaviour. I would strongly urge parents/ carers to ensure that they know exactly where their children are at all times when they are out and about on their own. We would advise parents/ carers to not allow them out unless they have clear purpose to be in Hamble. Hanging around in the community puts children at risk. It is also vital that teenagers have a method of communication if they are not with a responsible adult. We have good working relationship with our PCSOs and anything reported to us from members of the community will be passed onto the Police.

Train Safety – Please talk to your children about train safety. Unfortunately, we had a call before half term to say that a student was encouraging another student to go onto the track at Netley Station. Please remind them that if you step on the track or the land next to the track it is trespassing, which is dangerous and illegal. You also face 25,000 volts of electricity, 400 tonnes of train and the electrified third rail. More information to share with your children is available here: https://www.youvstrain.co.uk/the-facts/ Our staff supervise Hamble Station at the end of the school day, but students using the trains need to be responsible and act in a safe manner.

If you have any concerns about your child’s wellbeing or would like to report a safeguarding issue, please email staysafe@thehambleschool.co.uk or use the ‘Report a Concern’ button on the school website.

To say ‘thank you’ to a member of staff, please complete our Staff Recognition form here: https://www.thehambleschool.co.uk/staff-recognition/