The highlight of last week was the fabulous Music Concert on Wednesday night – Well done to everyone who took part. There were so many talented students involved and we are really proud of you for getting up on stage to perform.

On Friday our Year 11 students had their Mock Results Day. With 23 working go, Mrs Valleley (SLT Line Manager for Year 11) gave students a very important message – ‘If you are pleased with your results, keep doing the revision you are doing. If you are disappointed there is still time to work hard and improve results’. Some of our students got to work straight away with extra revision by attending the Maths and Science Masterclasses this weekend. It takes real dedication to get up on a Saturday/ Sunday morning to go to school, so well done to you and remember that hard work does pay off.

In the assembly we also told Year 11 that Easter is a really important time for revision – Whether students are revising at home or attending revision in school, they must have a revision timetable and be following it by this point. Further information about Easter revision sessions will be released early this week. Can we also remind you to sign up to Year 11 Parents’ Evening on Thursday 30 March, if you have not already done so. It is perhaps the most important Parents’ Evening of your child’s schooling to date. Please click here:

A reminder that our Parent Forum is on Tuesday 28 March – There are two times available so that as many people as possible can make it (10am-11:00am and 6:00pm-7:00pm). We will be sharing with parents/ carers what we have been doing over the last month or so in school and the next steps for the summer term. To sign up, please click here:

Next week is Week 1.


Events w/b 20 March

w/b 27 March – Year 9 Review Assessment Week.

28 March – Parent Forum (10am and 6pm).

30 March – Year 11 Parents/ Carers’ Evening (see letter emailed).

31 March – Last day for students before the Easter holiday (school will close at 1pm).

Year 11 Intervention in on Tuesday only. There will be not intervention on Thursday due to Year 11 Parents’/ Carers’ evening.


Letters/ Emails sent last week

Whole School – Drugs Education

Year 10 – Parents’/ Carers’ Evening

Year 11 – Data Collection

Our letters are available here:


Theme of the Week: Rewards and Recognition

This week the theme is celebrating success. We are so proud of our students and it has been great to see them being awarded lots of awards and certificates this half term. On Friday we will have our first ‘new look’ Rewards Assemblies. There will be prizes and certificates in each year group for:

  • The highest reward points this half term
  • 100% Attendance
  • The most improved Attendance
  • Subject awards for attitude to learning and attainment
  • Tutor group prizes
  • And much more!

We are very excited about these events and look forward to sharing some of the prize winners with you next week.

The Student Council asked if this terms points can be added to next term, to give students more chance of moving up through the new levels – We have done this some that Spring and Summer term points count towards prizes (see below).

Whole School Recognition Levels


Sholing FC Football and Education Scholarship

Open Evening: Wednesday 19 April from 6pm to 8pm, Sholing Football Club will be holding an open evening and open training session at the stadium. Further opportunity to understand the scholarship programme and what the club can offer in terms of football pathways and education.

If you are interested in attending then please email

U16 Grassroots Tournament: Wednesday 5 April, Sholing Football Club are running a Grassroots tournament for U16 teams. These teams can be club teams, school teams or groups of mates making a team. This is taking place at Oasis Mayfield School from 9.30am to 1pm. Again, if you are interested in attending then please email


If you are interested in receiving any more information about the Sholing FC Football & Education Scholarship then please email us using the address above.


Proud Friday

Congratulations to the following students who visited ‘Proud Friday’ this week. Their work was fantastic and all were awarded positive points:

Olivia W – Yr 10

Lexi L – Yr 10

Isla M – Yr 10

Peyton W – Yr 10

Connie H – Yr 11

Sophie B – Yr 8

Emma W – Yr 8

Cassidy M – Yr 11

Grace R – Yr 11

Isabelle S – Yr 11

Lauren M – Yr 11

Teegan W – Yr 11

Max C – Yr 11

Mason M – Yr 8

Bradley F – Yr 11

Sophie W – Yr 10

Archie H – Yr 9

Ashton M – Yr 10

Tom B – Yr 10

Maxwell J – Yr 9

Naseena N – Yr 10

Mollie A – Yr 11

Emilia G – Yr 11

If you have any concerns about your child’s wellbeing or would like to report a safeguarding issue, please email

To say ‘thank you’ to a member of staff, please complete our Staff Recognition form here: