Last Friday we were visited by our Secondary Inspector/ Advisor from Hampshire Inspection and Advisory Service (HIAS). He spent a whole day in school talking to staff and students, visiting lessons and looking at our action plans for the future. This was the first monitoring day since our Ofsted inspection. We were delighted with the very positive feedback.

We were particularly pleased with comments made during Student Voice. The students in the focus groups felt that the new rewards and behaviour system was working really well and commented that ‘behaviour is better in lessons’ and ‘the school is feeling more positive with rewards being more important than sanctions’. They also stated that ‘the school is doing lots to help us learn better’ and ‘Class Charts helps us keep track of our rewards and homework’.

We know that there is still lots to do but by working together with students and parents/ carers we are really confident that we can continue to make excellent progress and ensure the very best outcomes for our young people.

Our next Parent Forum is on Tuesday 28 March – There will be two times available so that as many people as possible can make it (10am-11:00am and 6:00pm-7:00pm). We will be sharing with parents/ carers what we have been doing over the last month or so in school and the next steps for the summer term. To sign up, please click here:

Next week is Week 2.


Events w/b 20 March

20 March – INSED Day (the school is closed to students)

21 March – Year 8 Preferences Q&A online, 6pm-6:30pm. Please sign up here:

22 March – Whole School Music Concert, 6:30pm. Tickets available for £3 on Scopay.

23 March – Year 8 PSHCRE session with Shannon Reddin.

23 March – Year 7 and 8 School Council Meeting.

23 March – Meet the SENDCo Team, 5:30pm-6:30pm. Sign up here:

24 March – Year 11 Mock Results Assembly, 08:30am-9am. Results released to parents/ carers via email.

24 March – Year 9 and 10 School Council Meeting.

25 March – Year 11 Masterclass for selected Maths students (see letter emailed home).

26 March – Year 11 Masterclass for selected Science students (see letter emailed home).

Year 11 Intervention in on Tuesday and Thursday.


Future Dates

w/b 27 March – Year 9 Review Assessment Week.

28 March – Parent Forum (10am and 6pm).

30 March – Year 11 Parents/ Carers’ Evening (see letter emailed).

31 March – Last day for students before the Easter holiday (school will closed at 1pm).


INSED Days for next academic year

We have now agreed the INSED Days for the next academic year (2023-2024).

  • Friday 01 September 2023. All students will return on Monday 04 September 2023
  • Friday 20 October 2023
  • Monday 27 November 2023
  • Friday 15 March 2024
  • Monday 01 July 2024.



Letters/ Emails sent last week

Year 8 – Preferences Q&A sign up

Year 10 – BTEC to GCSE Art

Year 11 – Masterclass for Maths and Science (selected students), Parents/ Carers’ Evening, Art Workshop (selected students)

Whole School – Meet the SENDCos (SEND students)

Our letters are available here:


Theme of the Week:

This week the assemblies have been organised by the Heads of Year. They will be focusing on keeping yourself safe in the community and how to spot if someone is coercing you into making unsafe choices. There is also an important anti-bullying update from the Anti-Bullying Ambassadors.

In the Personal Development sessions of tutor time, students will be discussing:

  • Year 7 & 8: How to keep myself safe
  • Year 9 & 10: How can I keep away from risky behaviour
  • Year 11: Will continue with revision and focus on preparing for their GCSE exams.



Year 8:

On Wednesday 23 March Year 8 will have a talk hosted by the school’s Relationships and Sexual Health Advisor – Shannon Reddin.  Shannon will be discussing internet safety with students and talking about the issues around sharing personal details and images (including nudes) online.  This is a statutory part of the Relationships and Sexual Education curriculum, delivered in an age appropriate way.  Please contact Ms Bridges via for more information.


Year 11 Update:

This week Mrs Bone and Mrs Valleley ran assemblies with Year 11 about how to stay motivated, the importance of hard work and what students can do to look after themselves in the final few weeks before the exams start. We went through some key dates and think that it is important to share these with Year 11 parents/ carers too:

Prom Launch – The Prom will be held on Thursday 06 July 2023 at the Ageas Bowl. The cost is likely to be around £45 (including venue hire, two course meal, soft drink and entertainment). To get an invite to Prom, students need 500 rewards points since the start of September (many of them have this already), 95% attendance (or improved attendance over the next few weeks) and consistently good behaviour. These incentives are put in place to ensure students are working hard and attending lessons in the last few weeks.

Mock GCSE Results Assembly – On Friday 24 March we will be handing out the Mock Exam Results to students in assembly. We hope all our students are happy with them and feel that they are on track to get their targets in the summer. However, we will staff available to support anyone who is disappointed with their mock grades. The mock exam results and estimated grades will also be emailed home to parents/ carers on Friday 24 March.

Online Target Setting and Reflection – Over the next two weeks students will be using tutor time to reflect on their mock results and set SMART targets for their real exams. We will also be sending home an online questionnaire for parents/ carers to complete so that we can work together to ensure students are revising effectively when not in school.

We hope that you received our letter on Friday about Parents/ Carers’ Evening on Thursday 30 March – This is a really important events and teachers will be providing students with final hints/ tips at this evening.

Intervention – Attendance at intervention is really important for exam success. Our Tuesday and Thursday sessions will run this week. There is intervention for selected students on Saturday 25 March and Sunday 26 March. We will also be sending out the Easter intervention schedule at the end of the week. Revision over Easter is vital and students should be writing a timetable for this period so that they maximise their revision.

We also have the Study Space in the Progress Zone opening on Tuesday. This will be available every lunchtime and for an hour after school on a Monday, so that Year 11 have somewhere to go to do some quiet revision.

Resources – During the last week of term we will give students a pack of further revision resources and checklists so they know what to revise for every subject over Easter. We would also recommend the following website to help them write a revision timetable:

To access this website you will need to create a free account. Then you follow some simple instructions (see below) to create your revision timetable:

  • Type in what subjects you are doing and the exam board
  • Then it needs to know when you’re in school, what other commitments you have (e.g. swimming from 8pm until 10pm every Wednesday), how early/ late you’re prepared to revise etc.
  • Type in exam dates and durations, and how much revision you want to do for each one.
  • It will then create a revision schedule based around those details.
  • If you choose to you can then go into each revision session and add notes as to what you want to revise. The website will also suggest resources linked to the exam board and subject.
  • You can print off the revision plan, edit as needed etc.

We have attached a list of exam dates and boards to the email sent with the Weekly Message.

Support for parents/ carers – In assembly this week we watched some YouTube clips from motivational speaker Mr Beezy, who visited us earlier in the year. He has produced some videos for parents/ carers and we have included them below for you to watch:

We also have a number of wellbeing resources available on our website:

We want to support families through this important exam period as much as possible. If you would like to contact us directly, please email Mrs Bone (Head of Year) or Mrs Valleley (Year 11 SLT Line Manager)



Red Nose Day: Friday 17 March

Thank you to all the students and staff who took part in the Red Nose Day Bake Off. We raised a lot of money for Comic Relief – Totals will be released next week. There were lots of awards for fantastic bakes; Miss Cambridge and Mr Andrews found it very hard to make a decision. However, our overall Star Bakers for each House were:

Lords – Melody P Yr 10

Wimbledon – Bianca R Yr 8, Eliza G Yr 8 and Ella-Rose B Yr 8

Wembley – Caitlin M Yr 11, Evie M Yr 8

Twickenham – Oliver B Yr 7

Congratulations to you all!


Proud Friday:

Congratulations to the following students who visited ‘Proud Friday’ this week. Their work was fantastic and all were awarded positive points:

Zak S – Yr 11

Max C – Yr 11

Teegan W – Yr 11

Arthur H – Yr 7

Alana P – Yr 7

Freya W – Yr 7

Sienna S – Yr 8

Jackson G – Yr 11

Finley S – Yr 11

Grace R – Yr 11

Jamie S – Yr 11

Ollie B – Year 10

Kayden P – Yr 11

Sam W – Yr 10

Liam F – Yr 10

Ben M – Yr 10

Nam T – Yr 10

Tom B – Yr 10

Katie P – Yr 10

Stephanie D – Yr 10

Connie H – Yr 11

Ruby S – Yr 9

Charlie M – Yr 9

Ellie T – Yr 10


This fortnight we are focussing on ‘positive contributions’ during lessons. You will get additional awards for this behaviour.

If you have any concerns about your child’s wellbeing or would like to report a safeguarding issue, please email

To say ‘thank you’ to a member of staff, please complete our Staff Recognition form here: