This week we have had so much going on in school, particularly for Year 11. In tutor time students were given revision resources and worked on a revision timetable for their mock exams. On Tuesday and Thursday we welcomed two guest speakers – Shannon Reddin and James. On Thursday evening the Teaching and Learning Team hosted a revision workshop. We asked parents/ carers to complete an evaluation at the end of the evening and were so pleased that 100% of parents/ carers found the workshops useful. We are planning another evening for Year 11 in April and a revision workshop for Year 10 just before their end of year exams. We also had Year 11 Music and Food Exams taking place – Our students worked so hard and we are really proud of their achievements.

Year 9 worked really hard during their Assessment Week last week and ‘well done’ to the Year 9/10 students who took part in the Rotary Young Chef Competition. On Friday the school came together in a virtual assembly to commemorate Holocaust Memorial Day.

Next week you will be aware that the school is closed to students on Wednesday 01 February 2023 due to industrial action by the NEU. This is a national dispute between unions and the government, not due to any issues in this school. We will be setting remote learning on Class Charts for students and details were sent out in a letter last Thursday.

Next week is Week 2.


Events w/b 30 January

Year 11 Food Preparation and Nutrition practical exams continue – Detailed has been emailed home.

Year 8 Review Assessment Week.

31 January – Year 11 BTEC Engineering Exam.

01 February – School closed to students.

02 February – Parent Forum 6pm-7pm. Please sign up here:

Year 11 Intervention will be taking place on both Tuesday and Thursday this week – It is important students attend their allocated sessions.


Future Dates

w/b 13 February – Half Term.

20 February – Year 11 Mock Exams begin.

20 March – INSED Day.


Letters/ Emails sent last week

Whole School – Planning Application for Proposed Gravel Extraction on Hamble Airfield, Parent/ Carer Partnership, NEU Industrial Action/

Year 11 – Exam timetable and revision booklet

Our letters are available here:

The Headteacher’s Blog is available here:


Theme of the Week: Online Safety

Next week Mr Eason (Head of Computer Studies and Business Studies) will be delivering assemblies on the topic of ‘Online Safety’. Personal Development sessions in tutor are focused on the following questions:

  • Year 7: How can we make sure we game safely?
  • Year 8: How can we conduct ourselves appropriately?
  • Year 9: How can we keep ourselves safe online? What is our digital footprint?
  • Year 10: How can we keep ourselves safe online? What is our digital footprint?
  • Year 11: Intervention and revision.

The keywords used during these sessions will be ‘vulnerable’ and ‘reliability’.

Information to support parents/ carers with Online Safety is available here:


Time to Talk Day – Thursday 02 February

It’s ‘Time to Talk Day’ on Thursday 02 February 2023. This is a chance for us all to be more open about mental health – to talk, to listen and to change lives. At The Hamble School we have a large team of trained Mental Health First Aiders who are always ready to listen and talk to students.


Punctuality to school

Punctuality is very important. Students must get into good habits and be on time to tutor/ lessons every day. This is a fundamental skill which enables students to plan ahead, follow an efficient routine, and be prepared for deadlines.

A punctual student is better equipped to deal with day-to-day tasks compared to a student who leaves tasks to the last moment.

What you can do to support:

  • Have a regular routine for the start of each day.
  • Help your child get their clothes and equipment ready before they go to bed.
  • Set a reasonable bed time to make sure they get enough sleep.
  • Ensure they leave the house with plenty of time to get to school.
  • Review their attendance/ punctuality on Class Charts.



Thank you to SETA who joined us in The Hub this week and PETA and Itchen College who came along to the Year 11 Raising Achievement Evening. Remember if you would like any careers advise we have a comprehensive page on our website: or you can email



If you are a parent/ carer and would like to join our SEND Working Party, please complete the form here:



This week we have taken further steps to make our toilets a more pleasant environment for students and ensure they are being used appropriately. A member of the Senior Leadership Team is now on duty at the toilets during break/ lunch – We are operating a queuing system which limits the number of students entering/ exiting to the cubicles available. Student feedback has been really positive and our Student Leadership Team reported that ‘we feel safe in the toilets and can enter knowing that we the toilets will be calm and a lot nicer’.

Next week we will be going a step further and allocating toilets to year groups. At lunch/ break – Durban and Sydney will be available to Years 7-9. Athens and the Skills Centre will be allocated to Years 10-11. This is in response to student feedback.


Planning Application for Proposed Gravel Extraction on Hamble Airfield

Last week we shared with you the letters students, Governors and the Headteachers have written objecting to the planning application for a proposed gravel extraction site on Hamble Airfield. If you wish to raise concerns or make a comment yourself, you must email or write to: Hampshire County Council – Strategic Planning, Economy, Transport & Environment Department, Elizabeth II Court West, The Castle, Winchester, SO23 8UD Quote Ref: HCC/2021/0787. The consultation ends on 31 January.



Free Courses – First Aid

Hampshire Library Service are offering some free Pediatric First Aid courses both face-to-face and online. To view all their courses, please click here:


Proud Friday

Well done to the following students who showed us some fabulous work at ‘Proud Friday’ this week:

Year 8 – Mason M

Year 9 – Luca V

Year 11 – Teegan W, Isabelle S, Eloise P, Josie G, Grace R.

All of these students received a certificate and email home.



The following students achieved the most reward points last week

Theodore C 7-9

Kris K 8-7

Poppy A 9-3

Melody P 10-1

Mitchell P 11-3

If you have any concerns about your child’s wellbeing or would like to report a safeguarding issue, please email