This week it was wonderful to see so many Year 7 parents/ carers at the Parents’ Evening. One of our key values focusses on ‘working together’. We believe that students achieve more both academically and socially when teachers and parents/ carers work in partnership. If you have any questions or concerns we would like to know about them; please email

We love hearing about personal achievements outside of school. Well done to Thomas J in Year 10 who competed at the Hampshire Cross County Championships for Winchester and District AC U15 last Saturday. Thomas came 8th and won a team gold – Congratulations! If you have any personal achievements you would like to share with us, please email

We welcomed a number of candidates to the school this week for Headteacher interviews. Thank you to the Year 10 students who supported this process and were part of the student interview panel – They asked some very challenging questions and provided insightful feedback. You will be aware that after a rigourous two days of interviewing, which involved the Local Authority, Governors, staff and students, Miss Cambridge was appointed as permanent Headteacher from Easter. We would like congratulate her on her new role; she will write to parents/ carers in due course to explain her plans to drive the school forward.

Next week is Week 2.


Events w/b 13 January

Year 9 Review Assessment Week.

17 January – Year 9 PSHCRE Day.

17 January – Friends of The Hamble School AGM, 6:30pm in the Progress Zone (Skills Centre). All parents/ carers are very welcome to attend.

18 January – Year 7 and 11 Year Group photos.

Year 11 Intervention will be taking place on both Tuesday and Thursday this week – It is important students attend their allocated sessions.


Future Dates

24 January – Year 9 Teenage Booster Vaccinations (for those who have signed up).

26 January – Year 11 Raising Achievement (Aiming High) Evening for students and parents/ carers (a letter will be sent home this week).

27 January – Holocaust Remembrance Day.

20 March – INSED Day.


Letters/ Emails sent last week

All Years – Headteacher Appointment, Planning Application for Proposed Gravel Extraction on Hamble Airfield.

Year 7 – Progress Reports

Our letters are available here:

The Headteacher’s Blog is available here:


The Student Hub

We have Pamela Broad from Totton College visiting The Student Hub on Tuesday 17 January.

We also have Michelle Rolfe from Southampton Engineering Training Association (SETA) re-visiting us on Tuesday 24 January.


Theme of the Week: Discrimination

Mr Spencer (Head of RE) will be delivering the assemblies this week which will be focused on world religions.

In tutor time the theme will be ‘the impacts of discrimination’; each year group will focus on a different aspect of this:

  • Year 7: How does discrimination happen and how can we stop it?
  • Year 8: What is the impact of discrimination?
  • Year 9: What are the different forms of discrimination?
  • Year 10: How can we ensure that discrimination does not happen?
  • Year 11: Subject based intervention

In addition, Year 7 will also be completing Target Setting using their latest Progress Reports. Please do look at page 30 in their planner at the end of the week.



Photography Competition

This year the theme of the Photography Competition is ‘movement’. This is a really exciting opportunity for students and winning photographs will be displayed in The New Forest Heritage Centre. Staff and parent/ carer entries are also welcome. There are a number of prizes including vouchers and a camera.


Cost of Living Support

Check you are paying the right amount of tax – Make sure you are on the right tax code. If you aren’t you might be due a refund. Use the Money Saving Expert’s free tax code calculator to find out.

Claim any benefits you are entitled to – Use one of the benefit calculators to determine whether there are any benefits you could be claiming.

You may be able to get benefits paid early if you need cash urgently – this is known as ‘a short-term benefit advance’. You will need to contact the Department for Work & Pensions (DWP) office at St Cross House, 18 Bernard Street, Southampton, SO14 3PJ, that’s dealing with your claim.

The school is not associated with the organisations above but please let us know if you are in financial difficulty. We know that many families are going through tough time this winter and we do everything we can to help you and your child.


Driving near to the school site and parking

We would encourage students to walk, cycle or get public transport to school due to the health and environmental benefits. If this is not possible we would urge parents/ carers to arrange ‘car sharing’ between families to limit the number of cars around the site before/ after school.

If you do need to travel by car please be considerate to our neighbours and members of the public. This week there was a serious ‘near miss’ with a small child and their parent outside of the school. Please be aware that Hamble Early Years operate a nursery next to the Satchell Lane entrance. There is a zebra crossing right in front of the school gates to allow these children and their parents to enter Hamble Early Years safely. It is important that cars do not speed and allow them to cross safely.

Everyone Active kindly allow parents/ carers to park in their car park at pick up/ drop off times. Please do park considerately and do not use the disabled bays, unless you have a blue badge. Unfortunately, if the car park is not used appropriately access will be withdrawn.

also ask that you are considerate to our neighbours and park appropriately on the streets surrounding the school. It is important that members of the public have access to their homes and there is space for delivery and emergency vehicles to get to houses when required.

Thank you for your support with this. We appreciate that drop off/ pick ups can be stressful as many are rushing to/ from work but we need be considerate of the community.


Roadworks on Satchell Lane

Please see below the letter we have received in advance of works being carried out on Satchell Lane. We have shared this for your information.

Year 9 PSHCRE Day

Year 9 will have a full day off timetable on Tuesday 17 January for their PSHCRE Day, which is focused on Healthy Relationships.  We are pleased to be welcoming visitors from ‘Explore Relationships’, ‘Theatre For Life’ and PSHCRE consultant Stacey Miller to the school to run sessions. Stacey Miller will also focus on mental health and how it affects relationships.  Students will receive more information on their timetable for the day during tutor time, but they must bring a pen, their planner and wear full school uniform. If you have any questions, please email Mrs Wilmott or Ms Bridges



Are you looking for flexible work? Could you support our Exams Department?

We would like to appoint some more Exam Invigilators to join our Examination Team.

The Exams Department is an integral part of school life. Our aim is to ensure that all students are treated fairly within the examination environment and that the rules and regulations of the JCQ and Awarding Bodies are upheld. This is an exciting opportunity to assist with the Pre Public (Mock) Examinations and GCSE examinations at the school.

Invigilating is a vital role in supporting the Exams Officer to run busy exam periods in the school calendar. We are seeking individuals who can promote a supportive and calm atmosphere so that our students are able to fulfil or exceed their potential during the examination period. In addition to Exam Invigilator duties, you may also act as a reader or a scribe for students who require access arrangements to support them in their examinations. Therefore, applicants must be confident in their literacy skills.

We would like successful candidates to work during the Pre Public exams (November and February / March each year) and the GCSE Summer Series external examinations (May to June each year). Availability during these time periods is essential.

This position is suitable for individuals from all career backgrounds. If you are looking for a flexible position that requires working only a couple of weeks a year then this is the role for you.

For more information, please email our HR Manager, Karen Chilcott or visit our website:


Uniform and Equipment

If your child loses their school planner, you can purchase a replacement on Scopay for £1.50. A reminder that school ties are also available on Scopay for £3.50 each.


Proud Friday

Well done to the following students who showed us some fabulous work at ‘Proud Friday’ this week:

Year 8 – Mason M

Year 9 – Isabelle C

Year 11 – Liliana F

All of these students received a certificate and email home.



The following students achieved the most reward points last week

Eva P 7-9

Kris K 8-7

Phoebe D 9-4

Peyton W 10-2

Sonny P 11-4


If you have any concerns about your child’s wellbeing or would like to report a safeguarding issue, please email