The cast of ‘We Will Rock You’ are continuing to work so hard preparing for the school production on 07 and 08 December 2022. Their dedication and commitment is amazing and we are so proud of all the students who are taking part. Tickets are selling fast – to secure a seat, please book using Scopay or call the school reception if you would like assistance.

Last week the Senior Leadership Team (SLT) visited lessons across the whole school to award Leadership Team recognition points to students who are consistently working hard and displaying good behaviour. It was pleasing to hear from teachers that so many students are aiming high and achieving brilliant outcomes. Look out for Praise Postcards sent home!

Next week is Week 1.


Events w/b 28 November

Monday 28 November – INSED Day (the school is closed to students)

Thursday 01 December – Year 12 Certificate Evening

A reminder that Year 11 after school intervention takes place every Tuesday and Thursday until 4:30pm.


Open Events:

Sholing FC Education Open Evening – Tuesday 6th December 2022, 6pm to 7pm  To confirm attendance, please complete the following link:

Sholing FC Education offer a NCFE Level 3 diploma in Sport (equivalent to 3 A-Levels)


Future dates:

w/b 05 December – Year 11 Mock Exam results to be sent home

Wednesday 07 December & Thursday 08 December – We Will Rock You: School Production. Tickets are now available on Scopay and selling fast

Tuesday 13 December & Wednesday 14 December – School Christmas Lunches (details of how to sign up for this have been sent a letter)

Friday 16 December – Last day of school (students finish at 1pm). Students are welcome to wear Christmas jumpers with non-school uniform.

The school calendar has been updated on the website here:


Letters/ Emails sent last week

Whole School – Headteacher Update, Scholars Educational Season Ticket, Christmas Lunches

Christmas Lunch 2022

Our letters are available here:

The Headteacher’s Blog is available here:


Theme of the Week: The Environment

This week’s assemblies are organised and delivered by our Eco Ambassadors. The group is chaired by our Head Students Martha M and Dan L. A number of students from all year groups are part of the committee and they have been working on a variety of issues using the national Eco Schools framework.

During this assembly the Eco Ambassadors will talk to students about reducing the amount of litter around the school site and the introduction of recycling in offices. They will be inviting students to submit entries for a poster competition to design a new Eco Code for the school.

As a school we very lucky to have a large site and plenty of green space – The Ambassadors will also be encouraging students to take part in the RSPB Big Garden Bird Watch in January. Further information is available here:

During Personal Development students will learn about and discuss a variety of environment issues, including litter (Year 7), transport (Year 8), energy usage (Year 9) and consumer choice (Year 10).


Learning this week

Our Year 11 Art students have just completed their mock exams. Their work was amazing:



This week the Science department will be discussing the importance of not eating or drinking in the Science block and laboratories. This includes chewing gum and drinking water. Students will also be reminded that they will not be permitted to leave the Science lab to eat or drink during lesson time (unless they have an exit card for a medical reason to do so). This is in line with the CLEAPSS health and safety guidance that we follow as a school to ensure all our students and staff are safe whilst working in the laboratories. We would appreciate it if you could discuss this at home with your child.


Proud Friday

Well done to the following students who showed us some fabulous work at ‘Proud Friday’ this week:


Year 7 – Emre S, Charlie E, Elliot B, Harley P, Archie C-W, Oliver C

Year 8 – Mason M, Luke H, Ashton H

Year 9 – Isabelle C, Noemie J, Ruby S

Year 10 – Tilly B, Thomas D

Year 11 – Tilly G, Teegan W, Finley S

All of these students received a certificate and email home.



The following students achieved the most reward points during the last week of term:

Bella J 7-4

Freya A 8-3

Reese C 9-3

Daisie P 10-2

Stacey R 11-8

If you have any concerns about your child’s wellbeing or would like to report a safeguarding issue, please email