We had the awesome ‘Mr Beezy’ in school last Thursday to speak to Year 11. He gave a fantastic keynote speech, then ran a further four workshops for students and a parent/ carer session after school. The students have been really inspired by his message, which is summed up in his mantra: ‘No Grind, No Glory’. The students now know exactly what this means, and I encourage you to use this mantra too if you have a son/ daughter in Year 11 – the more they hear it, the more they will hopefully get the message that they have to work hard for their success.

If you didn’t get a chance to see him you can get an idea of his message and method here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WBuYUecnnZo

Next week is Week 1.


Events w/b 10 October

w/b 10 October – Year 8 Review Assessments begin

w/b 10 October – Year 11 PR1 data will be emailed home

w/b 10 October – Year 7 CAT Testing

Tuesday 11 and Thursday 13 October – Year 5/6 Open Morning

Friday 14 October – Year 7 School Council Meeting.


Future dates:

Monday 17 October – Rotary Shoe Box appeal deadline for Year 7, 8 and 9

Thursday 20 October – Year 11 Study Skills session

Friday 21 October – INSED Day (school closed to students).


Student Hub – Skills Centre:

At lunchtime this week we will be joined by representatives from local colleges. Please come along at lunchtime for find out more. This is open to all year groups:

Monday 10 October – Phil Allen from Sparsholt

Tuesday 11 October – Austin Carter from Barton Peveril.


Letters/ Emails sent this week

Years 10 – D of E Launch

Our letters are available here: https://www.thehambleschool.co.uk/letters-to-parents/

The Headteacher’s Blog is available here and has been updated this week: https://hambleheadteacher.wordpress.com/


Theme of the Week: Behaviour and expectations

This week we will be talking to students in our assemblies about ‘high expectations’ and always striving for the best in terms of work ethic and behaviour. At The Hamble School we expect students to:

  • attend school regularly and on time
  • work to the best of my ability in all lessons
  • behave with care, courtesy, consideration and respect for others at all times.
  • wear the correct school uniform and bring the equipment that is needed each day
  • take care of our school site and keep the school free from litter, damage and graffiti
  • follow our school rules of ‘Be ready, Be respectful, Be safe’
  • accept and complete any sanctions that have been set.

Mr Govan has also written about behaviour in his blog this week – https://hambleheadteacher.wordpress.com/2022/10/09/the-greater-danger-for-most-of-us-lies-not-in-setting-our-aim-too-high-and-falling-short-butin-settingouraimtoolow-and-achieving-our-mark-michelangelo/

We would ask that you talk to your child about this at home and support us to ensure the school is always a purposeful learning environment.



Being on time to school/ lessons every day helps students develop the habit of being punctual, illustrates to their commitment to learning and helps reduce classroom interruptions and distractions for all students.

Every minute counts – lost minutes mean lost learning!

When your child misses just… that equals… which is…
10 minutes a day 50 minutes of learning each week Nearly 1.5 weeks per year.
20 minutes a day 1 hour and 40 minutes of learning each week Nearly 2.5 weeks per year.
30 minutes a day Half a day of learning each week 4 weeks per year.
1 hour a day A whole day of learning each week 8 weeks per year or a whole half term.

You can check if your child has been on time to lessons, by looking at their registration on Class Charts. If your son/ daughter arrives after the register has been taken, without a valid reason they will receive a sanction in the form of a detention.


World Mental Health Day – 10 October

The World Health Organisation (WHO) recognises World Mental Health Day on 10 October every year. This year’s theme is ‘Make mental health and wellbeing for all a global priority’.

For 70 years, WHO and the World Federation for Mental Health has been working to make sure that mental health is treated on par with physical health. Mental health problems exist in every aspect of our lives, so they want to do as much as possible to help prevent mental ill-health. World Mental Health Day is a chance to talk about mental health issues in general but also learn about techniques that may help us look after it.

The Mental Health Foundation have some great resources available to support people. https://www.mentalhealth.org.uk/sites/default/files/2022-07/mhf-our-best-ever-mental-health-tips-backed-by-research_0.pdf

If any student needs support in school, they can speak to an ELSA at the drop-in break time/ lunch times (in The Habour), ask their tutor to put them in touch with a Mental Health First Aider, visit the wellbeing hub on the website https://www.thehambleschool.co.uk/student-wellbeing-support/  or email staysafe@thehambleschool.co.uk


Casio Calculators are available from the Office again. Please purchase them on Scopay.

Sports Results

It has been a successful week for all the school’s football teams. It started off with the Year 8 Boys team winning 1-0 against St George’s last Friday. Keelan F scored from the half-way line.

The Year 7 Boys followed suit with a 6-2 win against St Marks school. The Year 9 Boys team managed to secure a comfortable win against Oasis Lordshill, with goals from Elliott S, Tyler S and Josh B.

Both the Girls football teams continued their unbeaten starts to the season. The Junior Girls (Year 7/8) beat Mayfield Oasis 5-0 (goals from Matilda D, Leoni B, Phoebe N and Neve T – 2) and the Senior Girls beat Woodlands 5-3 (goals from Scarlett W, Evie L – 2 and Isla M).

There are no games next week for Year 7 and 9 Boys teams, but the girls are looking to continue their excellent start with a couple of fixtures.



The following students achieved the most reward points this week:

Liliana F 11-3

Emily A 10-1

Brent J 9-8

Ruby C 8-2

Ethan L 7-1

If you have any concerns about your child’s wellbeing or would like to report a safeguarding issue, please email staysafe@thehambleschool.co.uk