This week we have had a lot of events taking place in school for Year 10 and 11. Year 11 started their afterschool interventions and attendance was really high. We run four additional lessons (2 on Tuesday and 2 on a Thursday afterschool) for our Year 11 students, to support them in their final GCSE year and ensure they achieve the very best outcomes. Well done to everyone who came along and engaged – You receive Reward Points for each session attended.

Year 10 Media Studies and Drama students took part in workshops this week. The Media Studies students attended a virtual seminar where they had the opportunity to listen to Pietro Ponti and Emily Shordon talk about Industrial Lightening and Magic – Feedback was really positive and students found it useful to find out where Media Studies can take them in future. On Friday our Year 10 Drama students enjoyed a workshop with internationally renowned professional theatre company, ‘Splendid Theatre’, which provided important input for their GCSE Component 2. This was again a really useful experience. Thank you to staff for arranging these events.

Next week is Week 2.


Events w/b 03 October

w/b 03 October – Year 10 Review Assessments begin

w/b 03 October – Year 7 PR1 data will be emailed home

Tuesday 04 and Thursday 06 October – Year 5/6 Open Evening

Thursday 06 October – Year 7 Meet the Tutor Evening

Thursday 06 October – Year 11 PSHRE Day and Mr Beezy parent/ carer talk

Friday 07 October – Year 8 School Council Meeting.


Future dates:

Thursday 20 October – Year 11 Study Skills session.


Letters/ Emails sent this week

Year 7 – Meet the Tutor Evening, CAT Testing

Years 11 – Raising Achievement Programme.

Our letters are available here:

The Headteacher’s Blog is available here:


Theme of the Week: Space and Sustainability

The week commencing 04 October is World Space Week. World Space Week is an international celebration of science and technology, and their contribution to the betterment of the human condition. The United Nations General Assembly declared in 1999 that World Space Week will be held each year from October 4-10. These dates commemorate two events:

  • October 4, 1957: Launch of the first human-made Earth satellite, Sputnik 1, thus opening the way for space exploration
  • October 10, 1967: The signing of the Treaty on Principles Governing the Activites of States in the Exploration and Peaceful Uses of Outer Space, including the Moon and Other Celestial Bodies.

This year the theme is Sustainability – This is inspired by how sustainability in space relates to how humanity uses space, most pressingly, the orbital area surrounding Earth-itself a finite resource. At The Hamble School students will find out more about this topic in assemblies.

The Words of the Week linked to their theme, which will be discussed as part of our Tutor Literacy Programme are:

  • Celestial – in relation to the sky or outer space.
  • Ethical – something that is moral or right.

Please do discuss and use these words with your children at home.


Class Charts

Tutors have been calling parents/ carers if you have not logged onto Class Charts this academic year. We are really keen for everyone to check this daily. We use Class Charts to record the following for your child:

  • Attendance and punctuality
  • Rewards
  • Behaviour issues and sanctions
  • Homework
  • Timetable and teachers.

Notification of detentions – If your child has received an after school detention, you will be notified via Class Charts. If there is a serious incident staff will email or call home, but Class Charts is our main form of communication for sanctions. Please speak to your child about detentions so that they are aware of the date and you can make alternative arrangements for transport home, picking up siblings or after school activities.



Year 11 – Raising Achievement Programme

We know that this year is crucial for your child as we are now entering the final months before the real GCSE exams begin. At The Hamble School we have a comprehensive package to support students in this final year. This includes an afterschool intervention programme, study skills sessions through tutor time and two Parents’ Evenings to talk about your child’s individual progress.

In addition to the activities outlined above, we want to support parents/ carers and our students by providing you with information about what to expect this year and a series of opportunities to develop strategies which will help families during this period. These additional events are listed below:

Date/ time Event Details Who is this for
Thursday 6 October – All day PSHRE Day – Emotional and Physical Wellbeing Students will be off timetable for this day and will engage in a series of workshops and information sessions. Students
Thursday 6 October – 3:30pm-4:30pm Becoming the most successful version of yourself with Mr Beezy An interactive session designed to give parents/ carers the tools to support their child. Parents/ carers
Thursday 20 October – 6pm-7pm Study Skills Session A workshop designed to support students and parents/ carers with revision strategies. Students and parents/ carers
Thursday 26 January – 6pm-7pm Aiming High A session designed to support students with their GCSE exams and next steps. Students and parents/ carers


Year 11 PSHRE Day – Thursday 6 October

On Thursday 6 October Year 11 students will be off timetable taking part in a PSHRE day focused on Emotional and Physical Wellbeing. The aim of the day is to equip students with strategies for coping with workload and exam stress.  During the day, students will participate in the following sessions:

  • Keynote speech and workshop by Mr Beezy, an international motivational speaker
  • Southern Universities network workshop on study skills and writing revision timetables
  • Solent Mind workshop on coping with exam stress
  • Physical activity workshops.

As students will be participating in physical activity workshops, students will need to be in full PE kit. Details of our PE kit requirements are listed below:

  • Navy blue or black shorts (plain with a small logo but no detailing)
  • Navy polo shirt with house colour banding
  • Trainers
  • Navy blue or black tracksuit bottoms or leggings (plain with a small logo but no detailing)
  • Navy jumper (plain, no logos, detailing or zips)

Students will also need to remember basic writing equipment – Pen, pencil, ruler, rubber.

Thursday 6 October – Becoming the most successful version of yourself with Mr Beezy (parent/ carer session)

We are very pleased to announce that we have managed to secure Mr Beezy – an international motivational speaker to run our first parent/ carer session of the year. This talk will focus on how parents can support their children with their education, it will look at the role of the school and the parents and how they merge together, it will give parents practical tools they can implement straight away to support their children. Parents are encouraged to interact and ask questions, so their specific concerns/ needs can be addressed. If you wish to book a ticket for this free event, please do so using the link below: You will need to select ‘Become the most successful version of yourself with Mr Beezy’. If you are unable to book online, or have any issues, please contact the school office on 023 8045 2105.



Year 10 and 11 Science Homework

As you may know Year 10 and 11 Science homework is set centrally through a program called Tassomai. This is a fantastic app which encourages revision throughout the year and learns students to identify their areas of strength and improvement. Tassomai is designed to improve long term recall of facts and help students to recognise vocabulary and ideas over time. They can track their progress through the app. It works best when students engage regularly for short periods of time. We have therefore asked students to complete a daily goal on four different days of the week as homework for Science.

We are also excited to announce that we are now able to launch a parent/ carer dashboard so that you can also see the progress your child making and support with monitoring their homework each week. This information will be sent in a weekly email and you can set up your own parent/ carer account on the Tassomai app.

Students that engage regularly with Tassomai have seen excellent improvements in results and your support is greatly appreciated. More information will be sent to your email account shortly, but if you would like any further information in the meantime please get in contact with Mrs Smith (Head of Science)


The Importance of Reading

While reading is obviously important to be able to understand the words on the page, it is also the foundation of your ability to learn and ultimately, your ability to function properly in an ever-changing society. Do you remember as a child when you learned to read? Most of us probably don’t, but now you can’t imagine life without being able to. You couldn’t understand anything on Facebook, you wouldn’t be able to text or even bake a few of your favourite cookies. Something as simple as reading the clothing label on your favourite shirt for washing instructions would be impossible without the ability to read…

So, it is easy to see why it is important. But, furthermore, it is incredibly important for our children. As they grow, they will need to possess strong reading skills to make it through school and into their career. At The Hamble School we ask our staff to share with students what they are currently reading as a poster on their classroom/ office door – We thought it would also be interesting to share one each week with you too.

Our Learning Resource Centre Manager – Mrs Kirby also shares Recommended Reads on our website


Year 7 and 8 Rotary Shoe Box Appeal

This year we are once again supporting the Rotary Shoe Box Appeal. Year 7 and 8 have been given further information in tutor time, however, we thought that parents/ carers would be keen to find out about the appeal.

The Shoe Box Appeal is an annual scheme which provides Christmas presents for disadvantaged children in Albania, Montenegro, Moldova and Romania. Students can ask their tutors for a leaflet or just bring items into school (details below). We would like each tutor group to complete around 4 boxes. If your child would like to complete a whole box on their own, they can speak to their tutor and we will provide a box (this year the Rotary Club are providing these so that they are all the same size etc).

If you have any further questions, please email Mr Andrews (Assistant Headteacher)

The deadline for items is Monday 17 October.


Thank You

Thank you to our Year 10 and 11 Prefects and other students in Years 7-9 who helped with Open Evening and are due to support us with Open Mornings. The evaluations from this event were fantastic and many of the comments were about our wonderful students:

‘I would like to share how amazing our experience at your Opening Evening last night with a student from Year 10 named Erin. She was an absolute pleasure to walk us around the school and give us every bit of knowledge she had, nothing was ever a bother, she was very polite, caring, and very interactive… Knowing this is how you educate your pupils, we would be extremely proud to send our son to your school, your values are second to none. Huge praise to your school and Erin’.

‘One of your students spent around 30 mins talking to our daughter. We were so happy to witness how fantastic the children are at Hamble as we have heard amazing things about the school.’

‘Our guide was brilliant last night. He was a real credit to the school and a fantastic role model for all younger children. You should be very proud of all your students who were helping. They were very confident and informative’.




The Friends of the Hamble School Fireworks


Job Opportunities

We have a small number of teaching and support staff opportunities currently available. If you or your family/ friends are interested, please do share our vacancies pages:


Proud Friday

Well done to the following students, who shared amazing work with us this Friday and gained a certificate/ email home:

Year 7

Bethan W

Year 8

Mason M

Francesca A

Gracie K

Ashton H

Luke H

Annabelle H

Year 9

Sophie F

Chloe P

Year 10

Lexi D

Izzy B

Stephanie D

Year 11

Blake M

Isabelle S

Lucia M

Ruby A



The following students achieved the most reward points this week:

Martha M 11-3

Peyton W 10-2

Brent J 9-8

Oliver F 8-2

Holly A 7-5

If you have any concerns about your child’s wellbeing or would like to report a safeguarding issue, please email