Thank you to all the students and parents/ carers who completed the Ofsted Surveys this week. Your feedback is very important to us and Mr Govan will write to you regarding the inspection, when we are allowed to share more information.

This week our Hub opened in the Skills Centre. It was great to see so many students visiting. The Tuesday session on careers was particularly busy and students reported that it was great to focus on Further Education options and take away relevant information. The Hub will continue to open every lunchtime.

In Monday 19 September the school will be closed to remember HM Queen Elizabeth II on the day of her state funeral. A reminder that you can send a message of condolence online here:

Next week is Week 2.


Events w/b 19 September

Monday 19 September – School closed for a Bank Holiday to remember HM Queen Elizabeth II.

Thursday 22 September – Open evening for Year 5/ 6 and prospective parents/ carers. A reminder that the school will close at 1pm. Students who are helping in departments or involved in conducting tours should be back in school between 5-5:30pm. Full school uniform is required for all those helping – We really do appreciate their support.

Friday 23 September – Proud Friday under the Year 9 canopy at lunchtime.

Friday 23 September – Year 10 School Council in D8.

Future dates:

w/b 26 September – Year 11 Review Assessment Week.

Tuesday 4 October – Open Mornings begin on a Tuesday and Thursday for prospective Year 5/ 6 children and their parents/ carers.

Thursday 13 October – Year 11 Raising Achievement Evening for all Year 11 students and parents/ carers.


Letters/ Emails sent this week

All year groups – School closure.

Our letters are available here:

The Headteacher’s Blog is available here:


Theme of the Week – Keeping Safe

This week our Theme of the Week is ‘Keeping Safe’. We will be focusing on a range of different issues during the tutor programme, including:

  • Year 8: Rail Safety
  • Year 9: Knife Crime
  • Year 10: Child-on-Child Abuse.

Our Year 7 students will continue with their ‘Be Awesome, Go Big’ curriculum.

In assemblies we will be discussing safeguarding and how to report any concerns. A reminder that all our student wellbeing resources are available on our website here:


Words of the Week

Each week we will share words and definitions with students to develop their tier 2 and 3 vocabulary.

The keywords for this week are outlined below:

  • Sanctuary – a place that provides safety. A holy or religious place.
  • Preventative – to stop something before it can happen or before it becomes a problem.

Students will also discuss these during the literacy tutor session during the week.



Extra-curricular clubs started last week. We would encourage students to attend and try something new.


Parents/ Carers Communication and Meetings

A positive working relationship between home and school is very important to us. By working together, we will be able to support your child more effectively to achieve the best possibly outcomes, both academically and pastorally.

As we have mentioned before, your child’s tutor is always the first point of contact if you have any questions or concerns – They can be contacted via the parent/ carer Class Charts App or on email. If you are not sure who your child’s tutor is, please send an email to contacts below, depending on their year group:

Year 7 –

Year 8 –

Year 9 –

Year 10 –

Year 11 –

If you have a question or concern, which relates to a particular subject, Heads of Department can be contacted on the Class Charts App or emailed using the information below.


Parents/ carers evenings are a great opportunity to meet with your child’s teachers face-to-face and discuss their progress. Further details about booking appointments will be distributed nearer to each event, but we would ask you to put the dates in your diary, so that you are available:

Year 7 – Thursday 06 October and Thursday 12 January 2023

Year 8 – Thursday 02 March – Parents’ Evening, Thursday 09 March – Preference Evening

Year 9 – Thursday 23 March

Year 10 – Thursday 20 April

Year 11 – Thursday 05 January and Thursday 30 March.


Year 10/11 Science Students

As a school, we firmly believe that students need to complete independent revision at home in addition to the work set in lessons. This will ensure they achieve the very best outcomes in their GCSE exams. It is therefore important that students have suitable revision materials to support them with their studies.

We are giving parents/ carers the opportunity to purchase the Science GCSE (Grades 9-1) complete collection of revision guides and workbooks from school at the very competitive price of £16.50. This will provide revision and exam practice in one book each for Biology, Chemistry and Physics. Full details are available on Scopay.

Please note that any revision guides or resources for the old-style Science GCSE (Grades A*-G prior to 2018) will no longer support their learning. This is owing to the significant increase in challenge, revised content within the new syllabus, and change to the style of exam questions that will be asked. If you purchased these from us last year, you do not need to repurchase as the same books cover the whole of GCSE course.

If you have any questions, please email Mrs Smith (Head of Science)


Year 10 Drama Students

On Friday 30 September we have organised an exciting educational opportunity for Year 10 GCSE Drama students. Internationally renowned professional theatre company, ‘Splendid Theatre’ will be in school to provide an experience that aims to inspire the students’ planning, creative process and performance of their GCSE Component 2: Devised Performance (worth 30% of their overall grade).

The workshop will run across the full school day (periods 1 – 5) in the Drama studio.  Lunches and break times will remain as normal.

If you have any concerns or reason(s) as to why your son/ daughter cannot partake in this workshop, please can you let us know as soon as possible – email Mrs Bowman (Head of Drama)  If we do not hear from you, we will note this as consent for your son/ daughter to take part.


Proud Friday

Well done to the following students, who shared amazing work with us this Friday and gained a certificate/ email home:

Year 7:

Bethan Williams

Year 8:

Mason Morris

Year 9:

Luca Venturini

Finley Thompson

Year 10:

Megan Heath

Finley Smith

Year 11:

Blake Martin

Teegan Wray



The following students achieved the most reward points this week:

Bethan W 7-1

Bobby W 8-1

Eve H 9-3

Holly O 10-2

Mitchell P 11-3



If you have any concerns about your child’s wellbeing or would like to report a safeguarding issue, please email