This week we celebrated the appointment of our new Head Students and Deputy Head Students:

  • Daniel Lawn, Orla Parker, Holly Williams and Martha Morrow (Head Students)
  • Max Hunter, Caitlin Morgan and Hannah Bowers (Deputy Head Students)

Before the summer holidays we ran a rigorous selection process and were extremely impressed with the quality of applications/ interviews. Well done to everyone who applied and we look forward to working with the Student Leadership Team this year.

On Thursday evening we were all saddened to hear that HM Queen Elizabeth II had passed away. Students were given the opportunity to reflect in tutor time and our school flag was lowered to half-mast. Our thoughts are with the Royal Family at this difficult time. You can send a message of condolence online here:

If your son/daughter needs any support following this sad event, please email or use the resources below:

The Good Grief Trust

Winston’s Wish –

Child Bereavement UK –

Next week is Week 1.


Events w/b 12 September

Monday 12 September – The Hub opens at lunchtime in the Skills Centre. Please see further details below.

Monday 12 September – Extra Curricular activities begin. Tutors will go through the options available.

Wednesday 14 September – Dance Live Auditions. Sports Hall, 3pm-4:30pm.

Friday 16 September – Proud Friday under the Year 9 canopy at lunchtime.

Friday 16 September – Year 11 School Council in D8.


Future dates:

Monday 19 September – School Closed. In line with Department of Education guidance, the school will be closed on this date to mark Queen Elizabeth II funeral

Thursday 22 September – Open Evening for all Year 5 and 6 students and their parents/ carers. Please note that the school will close at 1pm on this day to allow staff to prepare for the event. If students wish to purchase food in the canteen they must do so at break time. Any student who has offered to help at the evening will need to be back in school by 5:15pm.


Letters/ Emails sent this week

Year 7 – Lockers, Class Charts Codes.

Our letters are available here:

The Headteacher’s Blog is available here and has been updated this week:


Theme of the Week: British Values

This week the ‘Theme of the Week’ is British Values. The government set out their definition of British values in the 2011 Prevent Strategy and this was reinforced in September 2014. The five part definitions of British Values are:

  • Democracy
  • The Rule of Law
  • Individual Liberty
  • Mutual Respect
  • Tolerance of those of different faiths and beliefs


Mr N Wood will lead the assemblies this week and discuss democracy. At The Hamble School students have the opportunity to part of the school community through student voice (for example questionnaires, surveys and focus groups) and student leadership roles (for example House Captains, prefects and different types of ambassadors).


The Hub

We are excited to open The Hub on Monday 12 September. This is a new space in the Skills Centre that all students can access at lunchtime. The timetable for The Hub is detailed below.


Dance Live

On Wednesday 14 September in the Sports Hall, 3pm-4:30pm students have the last chance to audition for Team Hamble’s Dance Live performance group. If you are interested and would like to know more, please speak to (or message on Class Charts) Mrs Capers or Mrs Clarkson.


Assessment Calendar

At The Hamble School we use three types of feedback throughout the year:

Immediate – At the point of teaching. This could be verbal feedback or live marking during a task.

Summary – Following a series of tasks. This could be a whole class feedback sheet and/ or a self marked/ peer marked task using mark schemes/ model answers.

Review (For PR Point) – This will be a review of your learning. This could be an in-class assessment, practical task or extended piece of writing.

The Review Assessments are planned into the whole-school calendar and provide an opportunity for students to demonstrate their learning over a period of time.  After these assessments progress data will be sent home to parents/ carers so that you have a clear idea of what your child is able to do in each subject and what they need to do to achieve a higher grade.

The calendar below outlines the Review Assessment weeks for each year group. Students are expected to revise at home before all of these tests – Their teacher will provide revision materials on Class Charts.

Date Year Group
w/b 26 September 11
w/b 03 October 10
w/b 10 October 8
w/b 17 October 9
w/b 7 November 11 – Mock Exams
w/b 14 November 11 – Mock Exams
w/b 21 November 10
w/b 05 December 7
w/b 16 January 9
w/b 20 February 11 – Mock Exams
w/b 27 February 11- Mock Exams
w/b 6 March 10
w/b 27 March 9
w/b 24 April 7 – Exams
w/b 02 May 8 – Exams
w/b 08 May 9 – Exams
w/b 03 July 10 – Exams
w/b 10 July 10 – Exams


Proud Friday

Well done to the following students, who shared amazing work with us this Friday and gained a certificate/ email home:

Year 7

  • Ralph H
  • Bella J
  • Luca R

Year 8

  • Mason M
  • Alisha May A
  • Ashton H

Year 9

  • Madie W
  • Noemie J

Year 10

  • Poppy F
  • Eva L
  • Lexie E
  • Maisie W-S
  • Ashton M
  • Caleb T
  • Isla M
  • Abbie M
  • Natalie M
  • Alfie M
  • Thomas D
  • Natasha O

Year 11

  • Tilly G



The following students achieved the most reward points this week:

  • Mitchell P 11-3
  • Maisie W-S 10-2
  • Eleanor M 9-2
  • Kristian G-R 8-3
  • Ruby W 7-8

If you have any concerns about your child’s wellbeing or would like to report a safeguarding issue, please email