Student Wellbeing

Student Wellbeing Resources

~ Hampshire County Council ~

Parents of students with SEND

Hampshire County Council are launching a SEND Youth Forum, a participation platform to be co-designed with young people aged 14 to 25. This exciting initiative aims to empower and engage young people with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) by providing them with a space to voice their opinions, share experiences, and drive positive change in Hampshire.

What is the SEND Youth Forum?
The SEND Youth Forum is a collaborative space where young people can connect, learn, and advocate for their rights. The forum will focus on issues that matter to them and will feedback into workstreams across Hampshire to impact service delivery and strategic decisions.

The benefits of joining are:

  • Inclusivity – The forum welcomes participants from diverse backgrounds, abilities, and experiences. It is not a requirement to have a formal diagnosis or EHC (Education, Health and Care) Plan to be able to join the forum – the voice all of all young people with SEND matters.
  • Virtual and Face to Face – The forum will operate online and in person, allowing all young people to participate. Decisions on the format and location of meetings will be co-produced with young people to enable them to engage in discussions, attend events, and contribute to meaningful projects.
  • Peer Support – An opportunity for young people to connect with fellow young advocates who understand the challenges faced by those with SEND. An opportunity to share stories, offer encouragement, and build a supportive network.
  • Raising Awareness – By encouraging young people to participate, this will empower them to take an active role in shaping their own futures. Insights from the forum will also support educational practices, curriculum development, support services and provide young people with a sense of ownership in contributing to key decision making.

How Can Young People Get Involved?

Students are to  their interest online at:

Or by scanning the QR Code below:

SEND Youth Forum QR Code

An initial online meeting will then take place with all interested participants to discuss plans further.

~ FREE Events ~

P.A.C.E. Free Health & Wellbeing Event –  Friday 19 July 2024
For more information and the itinerary – Download (PDF)

2024 P.A.C.E. Events (FREE)
For all event dates and the itinerary – Download (PDF)

Book your P.A.C.E. workshop space at:

~ Future in Mind Free Courses ~

Future In Mind have some fantastic parent support workshops coming up over the coming weeks.

Currently no courses available.

For more information and to book please visit:

~ FREE Online Courses ~

Our school is in a pre-paid area for the emotional health resources hub, (‘The Solihull Approach’). This means parents/carers can access a range of free online support to better understand children’s emotional health, brain development and wellbeing.

There are courses available from bump to 19+ years, and include:

– Understanding your child (0-19 years)
– Understanding your child with additional needs (0-19 years)
– Understanding your child’s feelings
– Understanding your child’s mental health and wellbeing
– Understanding your relationships
– Understanding the impact of the pandemic on your child/teenager

All the information needed to sign up for these free courses can be found at:
~ Parent Coffee Morning ~

Supporting Your Child’s Emotional Wellbeing – Resources

A-Z of Coping Strategies leaflet (NHS) – Download (PDF)

Self-Soothe box leaflet (NHS) – Download (PDF)

Through our Tutor programme and PSHCRE curriculum we aim to  equip students with the knowledge, understanding, skills and strategies required to live healthy, safe, productive, capable, responsible and balanced lives. The PSHCRE education programme and Tutor programme make a significant contribution to students’ spiritual, moral, social and cultural (SMSC) development, their behaviour and safety and the school’s statutory responsibility to promote students’ wellbeing. A critical component of it is providing opportunities for young people to reflect on and clarify their own values and attitudes and explore the complex and sometimes conflicting range of values and attitudes they encounter now and in the future. Ultimately, it supports students in being able to identify and manage risk, make informed choices and understand what influences their decisions.

We also believe that our partnership with parents/carers is vital in achieving this. We encourage parents/carers to talk, in the first instance to their child’s Tutor and Head of Year, who can signpost parents/carers to the most appropriate in-school or external source of support. School staff will encourage parents/carers and students to access the range of specialist services that are available in our local area.

Nationally there are a number of organisations offering support and guidance. We have found that the following offer the most comprehensive range of resources to support parents/carers of young people who may be experiencing difficulties.

Child & Adult Mental Health Services

At times, we may refer students to CAMHS. CAMHS aims to help young people up to the age of 18 who are finding it hard to manage their emotional, psychological and mental health. Referrals to enable an  appointment at Hampshire Specialist CAMHS can be made by the young person directly, parents or carers, teachers, a health professional (such as a school nurse or GP) or a social worker. Help from CAMHS can be found at You can also call Hampshire CAMHS on 0300 304 0050 (Monday – Friday, 9am-2pm) or email We would recommend talking to CAMHS before making a referral so that they can offer advice and guidance and to decide whether CAMHS is the right service to meet the young person’s needs. CAMHS may also be able to offer recommendations about other services, organisations and things that may be helpful.

Please follow the links below for more information on support available for specific mental health and wellbeing needs:

Anxiety –

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) –

Autistic Spectrum Disorder –

Depression and low mood –

Drug & Alcohol Rehab in Southampton –

Eating difficulties –

Trauma –

Mental health support for students and parents/carers

Hampshire CAMHS support –

Help! I am in crisis – CAMHS –

NHS 111 – mental health triage team –

Shout – if need to talk to someone anonymously –

Young Minds –

Emotional Wellbeing

There are many organisations that have fully resourced web pages to provide information and guidance on emotional health and well-being. Please find links below to the sites of some of the organisations that we use here in school to access guidance:

The Mix –

How to cope with anxiety –

Mental Health –

On my mind –

Supporting teenagers –

Solent Mind –

Anxiety booklet for parents –


BBC Bitesize – Wellbeing:

NHS – Every Mind Matters:

Alcohol & Drugs

Sometimes, young people may need support from services if they are struggling with alcohol and drug usage. The following support agencies are helpful:

The Mix –

NHS Go –

Talk to Frank –

Drug Wise –

Know the score –

Sexual Health

Students will often need advice and guidance about making choices in how to be safe in sexual relationships. The following organisations provide some excellent support:

Fumble –

Lets Talk About It –


Health for Teens –

Sexuality & Gender Identity

Young people may wish to seek guidance on issues relating to gender and sexuality. The following agencies are available to support young people and provide access to online resources:

Breakout Youth –

Mermaids –

Y services –

Online Safety

E-Safety is a national issue and we all must aim to ensure that the Internet is used in a safe manner. In addition to this, being aware of privacy settings, filters and safe usage of social networking sites will enable young people to feel protected online. The following websites provide support and guidance for staying safe online:



Safer Internet –

Get Wise –



We appreciate that the death of a relative or someone else important can be devastating for a young person.

We have included links below to organisations that provide advice and guidance for parents and young people:

Child Bereavement UK –

Winston’s Wish –

Help2MakeSense –

Hope Support Services –

Rainbow Trust –

Suicide Bereavement UK –

Hope Again (Youth Cruse Bereavement) –

Simon Says –

Rowan’s Hospice Bereavement –

Fareham Counselling Centre – Fareham Counselling Centre


Our school Careers webpage provides comprehensive support for students making post 14, 16 and 18 choices.

For more information – click here

Counselling Services

We sometimes refer our students to in school and local counselling service providers. Parents and students may also self-refer to these agencies.

Here you will find links to the organisations that could support:

Samaritans –

The Moving On Project –

Upturn (student) –

No Limits –

Hampshire Youth Access –

Relate –

Young Minds –

Step by Step –

Off the Record South –

Community Support

Food Banks

For Netley, Hamble and Bursledon families:

Hound Basic Food Bank –

For Southampton families

Southampton City Mission –